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Everything posted by TK-664

  1. TK-664


    From the album: Kotor Part Two: Republic Boogaloo

    © TK-664

  2. TK-664


    From the album: Kotor Part Two: Republic Boogaloo

    © TK-664

  3. TK-664

    Sith reskin

    @Effix@Sdub My good sirs, I'm 100% sure this is a parody account...
  4. On paper, no. By playing the game however, the first blaster carbine you can get is on Dantooine as loot. The middling carbines aren't purchaseable and manage to best or compete against their rifle counterparts of the same tier, and the higher end ones are more powerful than the best blaster rifles. Besides it's just a 3m range difference in a game where combat distance can be closed in so easily it may as well be irrelevant.
  5. TK-664

    Misc. Nitpicks

    Oh yeah, I was supposed to remove that from the list entirely. Same thing with g_i_drdsecspk003, the band is below but commented out on the instructions
  6. TK-664

    Misc. Nitpicks

    No no, thanks for bringing this to my attention. And yes that's the rule, I should pin this exception somewhere.
  7. TK-664

    Misc. Nitpicks

    I had this happen before but it was always some typo with the name or bracket. Nothing of the sort here though, double checked. @ConansHair Both are incorrect, as in, they're not needed at all. It's not like they're doing any harm anyway, I ended up replacing that uti altogether and that's something I didn't want to do on the model compatible option so the name doesn't update there. Your install log shows that despite those errors the files are being successfully modified.
  8. The mod uses tslpatcher, what's your OS?
  9. TK-664

    Misc. Nitpicks

    Weird, I reread the ini again and the only thing in common with the instructions throwing errors are the commented out lines after them. The files are getting updated despite the error so it's harmless.
  10. TK-664

    Weapons & Armor, Uncut

    It's not hidden by any means, it can be purchased at the "premium" shop
    Keeping this one for sure. Also, keen eye for noticing the similarity with the hangar on Manaan
  11. TK-664

    Weapons & Armor, Uncut

    Came a little late but I had a look and sure enough I was referencing something that didn't exist. Updated it now.
  12. TK-664

    TK-664's Korriban

    It may be compatible, i set it to No as a preventive measure
  13. TK-664

    TK-664's Korriban

    I AM the source! DAFOE.psd
  14. View File TK-664's Korriban Cue the Korriban monastery in KotOR. The charming place where Malak's foul-mouthed underlings train, aspiring to one day achieve Bandon levels of douchery. Despite all their shortcomings, I did always like the militarized aspect of the Sith they had in place. This mod alters relevant characters all over the planet, following a sort of dress code, almost. Students wear standard uniforms while away from the academy (though most still do wear them inside as well), with higher ranked Sith having more distinct uniforms themselves. Anyone expecting to break a sweat, or hopefuls seeking to gain prestige like Yourself are dressed in battle-ready robes. There's some further details - Czerka officers wear the company drab; the bay mechanic switched to more comfortable working clothes; female Twi'lek residents dress modestly now (as supposed? Very likely a mistake, as they had actual clothing equipped but their appearance was the identical albeit static alien one); crazy hermit Jorak Uln has a tattered old uniform; A redeemed Yuthura will now ditch the Sith outfit in favor of simple clothing... I upgraded all lite Sith appearances to albino, including Hijata (whose dialogue I chose not to restore). Citizen lite models were not upgraded, better turn to another mod for that such as K1 Lite Upgrader by @AFP. Other than this, I took the liberty of minimizing the dreaded "clone effect" since it's especially egregious on Korriban, having up to 5 instances of the same head in the same module and at times a few feet from each other. Also, it turns out in respect to Korriban that plenty of files are a proper mess. Included are fixes for various inconsistencies, appearance type oversights, misgendered npcs (thus restoring some gender specific dialogue; thanks to @ebmar about the Tariga finding - Tariga Gender on Tamlen DLG Fix), wrong soundsets, and blank inventories/feats/spells. Install & Compatibility Run the TSLPatcher. Ignore any warnings about skipping .mod files. Patching this on top of K1CP might result in odd incidents such as duplicate drops and merged appearances from both mods. In case I needed to say it, other mods overhauling characters on Korriban aren't 100% compatible, most notably JC's Korriban: Back in Black for K1. This mod only works with the English version of KotOR. Credits KOTOR Tool..................................................................................Fred Tetra TSLPatcher...................................................................stoffe & Fair Strides ERFEdit.........................................................................stoffe & Fair Strides DLGEditor............................................................................................TK102 K-GFF...................................................................................................TK102 DeNCS................................................................................JdNoa & Dashus NWNSSCOMP.........................................................Torlack, stoffe & TK102 Submitter TK-664 Submitted 01/14/2022 Category Mods K1R Compatible No  
  15. View File Ragged Refugees The drowtrodden residents of the Refugee Sector always appeared a bit too clean to me, dressed in the same outfit as your player character no less. Now they'll look the part with my implementation of an unused clothing variant (slightly edited) and a second one ported from the first game. Also applies to refugees by the landing pad. Credits: Fred Tetra for KotOR Tool. stoffe for TSLPatcher and ERFEdit, with updates by Fair Strides. Submitter TK-664 Submitted 01/07/2022 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  16. TK-664

    TK-664's Korriban

    Version 1.1


    Cue the Korriban monastery in KotOR. The charming place where Malak's foul-mouthed underlings train, aspiring to one day achieve Bandon levels of douchery. Despite all their shortcomings, I did always like the militarized aspect of the Sith they had in place. This mod alters relevant characters all over the planet, following a sort of dress code, almost. Students wear standard uniforms while away from the academy (though most still do wear them inside as well), with higher ranked Sith having more distinct uniforms themselves. Anyone expecting to break a sweat, or hopefuls seeking to gain prestige like Yourself are dressed in battle-ready robes. There's some further details - Czerka officers wear the company drab; the bay mechanic switched to more comfortable working clothes; female Twi'lek residents dress modestly now (as supposed? Very likely a mistake, as they had actual clothing equipped but their appearance was the identical albeit static alien one); crazy hermit Jorak Uln has a tattered old uniform; A redeemed Yuthura will now ditch the Sith outfit in favor of simple clothing... I upgraded all lite Sith appearances to albino, including Hijata (whose dialogue I chose not to restore). Citizen lite models were not upgraded, better turn to another mod for that such as K1 Lite Upgrader by @AFP. Other than this, I took the liberty of minimizing the dreaded "clone effect" since it's especially egregious on Korriban, having up to 5 instances of the same head in the same module and at times a few feet from each other. Also, it turns out in respect to Korriban that plenty of files are a proper mess. Included are fixes for various inconsistencies, appearance type oversights, misgendered npcs (thus restoring some gender specific dialogue; thanks to @ebmar about the Tariga finding - Tariga Gender on Tamlen DLG Fix), wrong soundsets, and blank inventories/feats/spells. Install & Compatibility Run the TSLPatcher. Ignore any warnings about skipping .mod files. Patching this on top of K1CP might result in odd incidents such as duplicate drops and merged appearances from both mods. In case I needed to say it, other mods overhauling characters on Korriban aren't 100% compatible, most notably JC's Korriban: Back in Black for K1. This mod only works with the English version of KotOR. Credits KOTOR Tool..................................................................................Fred Tetra TSLPatcher...................................................................stoffe & Fair Strides ERFEdit.........................................................................stoffe & Fair Strides DLGEditor............................................................................................TK102 K-GFF...................................................................................................TK102 DeNCS................................................................................JdNoa & Dashus NWNSSCOMP.........................................................Torlack, stoffe & TK102
  17. Thought that might be the case. I'm not a proficient scripter by any means, so I can't help you there without dedicating some time myself into getting comfortable with scripting for kotor 1. You should know there are certain features hardcoded by row ID in baseitems.2da but I don't know the full extent of it.