Eauxps I. Fourgott

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Everything posted by Eauxps I. Fourgott

  1. My best pair is the Sennheiser HD 201. Had to get the spot near the jack replaced/fixed earlier this year, but other than that, they've been great. Only 30 bucks too.
  2. For me, at any rate, Anakin was certainly pretty annoying. Not nearly as cool as Darth Vader was in the original trilogy. Probably some bias setting in here, but I did like the battle with the Ewoks. They're also not quite as ridiculous to me as the Gungans, though.
  3. The Citadel station squad spawns after you first leave the Telos academy and get access to the other planets, and doesn't appear during the siege of Citadel Station (After the Enclave confrontation, it's too late to trigger the factory -- it requires a regular Ebon Hawk visit's cutscene).
  4. I only remember ever seeing the one squad on Korriban, and I've played through that quite a few times... I guess it's theoretically possible that there should be a second, but a mod conflict prevents them from showing up. I don't think that's likely though.
  5. Everybody's speculating on Luke's absence from the trailers for the new trilogy, but my question is: What about Leia and the droids?

    1. Rinku


      I thought we've ween seen a glimpse of Leia a few times. I feel like the droids act as some form of messenger between wherever Luke is located and the rest.

    2. Eauxps I. Fourgott

      Eauxps I. Fourgott

      At any rate, I don't think we've seen Leia any significant amount. My point was kind of that Luke's not the only absentee...

  6. I'll probably be using Mission a lot more in my next game now that I've discovered the power of the Scoundrel (this game I focused mainly on combat, including in my party). She's one of my favorite party members anyway.
  7. I should have said the feel of the trailers... Good to have some surprises, though.
  8. There's that too, although you can't use her everywhere and sometimes you might want a better fighter... I think this is the part where everybody just has their own individual playing style. No harm in that, right?
  9. Would be interesting, though I confess that to me it doesn't really fit in all that well with the trailers. We'll just see, I guess.
  10. Where? I'd like to see that. Doc Evil - You may be right, I don't know. I personally am not getting overly into the hype for the new movies, especially because I'm not sure that they'll even be any good. I guess I'm just more of an interested bystander. I guess it's also just a little bit hard to believe that this was planned from the start, since they left it out of the prequels and waited (at least) fifteen years to actually reveal it... if it does show up, I'd find it easier to believe that they stuck it in more recently. Also because it's (at least some) different people making it. I dunno. I don't have an official opinion/side about this, I'll just see where it ends up. I will say, though, that that would be a pretty good plot twist.
  11. Yeah, I find that one of the most useful for me, so I often like to keep some points in it. There's also Mission...
  12. Huh, I'm pretty sure that I still use that strategy for attributes, at least when I'm not going for a specific build. I've never managed to hit the Rancor with an attack, but I've killed it by using most of the mines from the Undercity and sewers before.
  13. Not trying to rain on your parade, or hate, or anything like that, but what evidence is there that anything involving any of these characters is going to be in the new trilogy? I myself had the impression that it would be mostly new, with the classic characters from the original trilogy.
  14. Well, I don't watch much TV, but there's two shows I do watch a lot, of the competition variety: Name: The Amazing Race Genre: Reality Competition Basic Premise: Teams (usually 11 teams of two) race each other around the world, following clues to go to all sorts of locations along the way. In the various locations, they also have to perform various tasks -- an element of the show that is much more pronounced now than it was in the early years. The race is divided into several legs, with most ending with one team being eliminated, but the first team to finish the final leg wins one million dollars. Recommended Viewing Method: I never watch more than two or three episodes in one sitting myself. There are 26 complete seasons with 11-13 episodes each, with the 27th now wrapping up. I personally consider the earlier seasons to be much better than the latest ones especially. Name: Survivor Genre: Reality Competition (again) Basic Premise: 16 to 20 people are left in a remote location, usually an island or somewhere near the water. They are tasked to survive for 39 days using the various resources that are given to them -- although this aspect of the show has faded considerably over the years. Every couple of days, though, they have to vote somebody out of the game, and so considerable strategy takes place in this respect. At the end of the game, a jury made of voted-out players decides the winner from the final two or three. Recommended Watching Method: I can never take more than two episodes of this in a row, but I also do considerable strategic analysis, so that helps bog down my brain. Each season has around 14 episodes, and 30 seasons have been finished, with the 31st in progress.
  15. How about we just agree to disagree and be happy with that?
  16. I dunno. I guess that it's three things, all of which are kind of subjective: 1. C-3P0 seems like he was written by an adult... and to me, Jar Jar seems more like he was made by a kid, in his general manner of speaking and weirdness. 2. C-3P0 actually fits in with the universe, while Jar Jar never quite seemed to for me (similar to Padme, although that also is subjective). Might have something to do with the fact that Jar Jar is computer-animated. 3. C-3P0 is funny while Jar Jar is simply annoying. We can't all agree on everything, right?
  17. Perhaps I spoke a bit quickly/bluntly. I'm actually pretty neutral about the prequels, for the most part, with a fair bit of the "enjoy it for what it is" philosophy that I also have towards the Hobbit trilogy. Jar Jar, though, sticks in my mind as both annoying and ludicrous. It would be rather amusing if he was indeed a Sith Lord, but I still think that I would never be able to take him seriously enough to make it a good thing for him to be in the new movies. Plus it would seem weird anyway...
  18. I don't care if Jar Jar is actually a Sith Lord, he should not return...
  19. Glow rod might not be there in 0.9, but it is in 1.0. It doesn't do anything though, which is my biggest issue with the mod as it is: a lot of the restored content really doesn't add anything significant to the experience. I understand if that sort of thing is beyond the modders' means, though.
  20. Never knew about the guide before, but I'm going to try its settings now. I don't know about the integrated card or where on the computer I'd look that up, but if I had to guess, I'd say yes. I am using a laptop, although the game worked fine before on an older laptop with less stuff like RAM. I don't know what Flawless widescreen is, so I don't think I use it. UPDATE: Well, I just played for just over a solid hour with no problems, so I think the problem might be fixed. Thanks, Malkior! UPDATE #2: Okay, now the computer crashed on me less than 10 minutes into another session, so it's not fixed after all. Might have something to do with the fact that it was unplugged and on power saver mode. Any other ideas would be great!
  21. I'm experiencing a bug where, after a not very long amount of time playing TSL, my computer gets messed up. TSL is unresponsive, I can't make any windows appear in front of it or force-quit it, and I can't shut down or log out -- only way out is force-shutting down my computer. I had other issues similar to this with TSL before, and a reinstall fixed it, but after another reinstall (yay mod installation issues), this bug popped back up and a reinstall didn't fix it. I was running as admin. I enabled compatability mode for Windows XP on it a little bit ago (I use Windows 8), but for one reason or another, haven't actually had it running for long enough since then to know whether the problem persists or not. I want to go to bed now though, so I figured I'd go ahead and put this up now and actually test it in the morning or whenever. Anybody have any ideas on this?
  22. ...I'm confused. I was referring to the save before Manaan sea floor that I don't have yet, but had volunteered to give you. Are you still waiting for that?
  23. I felt that all the other planets were small compared to Taris as well. Taris just has a lot more stuff in it, I guess. I had the same feeling of the game being really gigantic... I miss that feeling now.
  24. Will it ever be completely finished??? Only prob. with this is that it looks like I'll have to do another mod cleanout. At least this time I have the backed-up version.