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Everything posted by DarthParametric

  1. The mesh isn't skinned, the headfixer isn't going to do anything. They need to actually weight the mesh to the KOTOR skeleton.
  2. Maybe you need a workbench upgrade workbench. So you can upgrade the workbench to work on sabers. ]
  3. I was thinking it could be cool to put a display rack at the back, with various hilts. Wouldn't make a lot of canonical sense, seeing as you spend so much of both games running around without a saber (especially in TSL looking for parts), but eh.
  4. I whipped up something that Kexikus (or anyone else) is free to use for this sort of thing (although I still need to make a few tweaks to it, plus texture it). I was kind of going for a Mass Effect 2/3-style workbench, albeit with some crystals and lightsaber bits strewn around.
  5. Yeah, added a new row to baseitems.2da: copied the row for the blaster rifle, gave it custom label/itemclass/defaultmodel values, changed powereditem from 0 to 1, added powerupsnd/powerdownsnd/poweredsnd values. Nothing else there springs out as being related to the issue, seems to me almost certain to be a problem with the model. Haven't tried combat afterwards as yet, but even if it begins working again afterwards that doesn't solve the problem. I'm not going to release it if it doesn't work properly, I'd rather just release a static version.
  6. What about doing the same scripting idea except using a custom "lightsaber crafting bench" instead of T3 to do what you want, i.e. fuse dummy hilt and crystal objects into a working saber hilt? I assume it would still require a dialogue interface though, so I'm not sure what that gains you (other than not having to chase T3 all over the bloody ship in TSL).
  7. And additionally (as if that wasn't bad enough) the site/domain is on a malware/adware blacklist.
  8. I gather they want to be able to install the male and female heads separately, as two distinct mods. Not that there is any actual need to.
  9. Nope, seems like the issue is it gets frozen on whatever position is keyed at frame 0. Originally it was keyed extended, but keying it retracted at 0 now makes it permanently retracted.
  10. Possibly, not that it makes it much better. I don't really want to release it in that state.
  11. Hit a snag. I was preparing to release it and went to get some screenshots when I discovered a bug/issue. In a save I loaded where it was already equipped, the blade was permanently stuck in the extended position, and wouldn't retract when idle. I couldn't fix it by flourishing, swapping weapons, or even unequipping and re-equipping. I loaded an older save before it had been equipped, and the animations played fine in that, so something must happen when saving after being equipped.
  12. Not sure, the pivot should be fine. I ran a Reset XForm on it after splitting it off and centering the pivot. Could just be typical MDLOps screwiness. I'll have to play around with it.
  13. Ah, yeah that works. I wonder what the issue there is? Must be some hidden value in the AuroraBase or something. Got a slight issue where the little knob thing is offset for some reason, so it is floating out in space. I can probably just merge it back into the blade mesh seeing as the only reason I split it off was for the little "locking" animation, but you are never going to see details that small in-game. Otherwise it seems to work pretty well: Now I just need to make some sounds for it. I'm just using the saber sounds at the moment to test it was working. It didn't export any scaling keys for the arc planes btw. Although that's what saber blade planes use, so it should be possible. Doesn't seem like it is visible inside the blaster body when sheathed though, so I guess it's not a big deal.
  14. JO/JA game models are frankly a pain in the ass to work with because they are split into a zillion pieces for dismemberment. Anyway I went ahead and merged/cleaned up a model, positioned and scaled it properly to fit the KOTOR rig. All the UV islands were detached/split to prevent MDLOps issues with shared verts. Dealing with the fingers was far too finicky, so I just lopped off the hands and used the vanilla KOTOR hand meshes. I had to do a bit of adjustment of the collar to fit a KOTOR head/neck, as they are a lot bigger than in JO/JA it would seem. The shoulders could be problematic, they aren't as broad as the KOTOR model. No way around that without some heavy mesh adjustment, but it will likely mean deformation issues. Certainly a quick skin wrap didn't look so hot. Skinning is not my thing, so if anyone wants to take a crack at it send me a PM and I'll send you the scene file. Note this is not open season, randoms wanting free crap need not apply. This is only for experienced modders actually willing to skin it and release it publicly as a mod.
  15. So I took a crack at it. The animations themselves are pretty straightforward. Here's a slowed down version of the power up and power down: The weird thing though is that it's not exporting any position/rotation/scale data. I noticed that other models also seem to have keys for the AuroraBase, so I added some and it exported key values for it fine, but nothing else. For example: I've never messed around with custom animation export. The animations are all set in the AuroraBase and look to be fine. I did try the Bake Animation function in NWMax, but it complained about a scene not being allowed more than one AuroraBase (which there isn't, so I don't what it is talking about) and created a key every frame that resulted in a 0 byte export. Any suggestions?
  16. I think it has been tried and failed, but if you want to have a crack the easiest way is use Convert2DA to convert the 2DA to tab delimited TXT, open that in Excel or other spreadsheet app, edit as appropriate, save back out as tab delimited text, use Convert2DA to convert back to 2DA. http://www.starwarsknights.com/mtools/Convert2da.rar (SWKnights is back, hurrah!)
  17. I might not be able to release it at all. I'm getting crashes when equipping it in both TSL and K1. The weird thing is in TSL it works fine in one old save, but in another new save it causes a crash when equipped. In K1 I can see it in the workbench, but equipping it causes a crash. I have no idea what the cause is at this point. Edit: OK, I think I solved it, looks like it was enabling shadows on the base trimesh that was causing it. I created a low poly shadow mesh and that seems to have fixed it based on a few quick tests. I gather it was not generating shadows in the workbench interface, hence no crash there, although I have no idea why it worked fine in one TSL save and not another.
  18. I don't think the line is the issue. The lack of spaces just means it would be an invalid entry and thus ignored by the game, which would effectively be the same as setting the proper line to 0, i.e. enabling vertex buffer effects. You can enable vertex buffer effects on the CD version without the issue happening. That would point to a shader issue Aspyr have introduced. Possibly it is related to their added option to disable the effects for Force Speed.
  19. Hrm, so it would appear. Thanks for the info. I don't recall that ever being required in the CD version. I wonder what they changed?
  20. I know a professional female VA that has done some game work. I can get some quotes if people are serious about paying someone. Alternatively, a barter arrangement may be possible, if you have suitable skills.
  21. Yes, there was never much done on the JE MDL format, unfortunately. Oooh, handy, thanks. Now do K1/K2. They sure are popular. But I guess his Closed Fist Romance mod is arguably the greatest JE mod of all time.
  22. Odd. I haven't seen that issue with other models I have tested in the Steam version of TSL, like blasters or HK. I wonder what it is that only saber hilts would be affected. If it was a shader issue you'd think it would affect pretty much all models. Cheers, but as I said I already had a high poly model to base it off, so all the hard work of matching references and so forth was done years ago. Texture-wise it's pretty basic, just shiny metal with a few black bits and some coloured knobs, with some bakes from high poly meshes to make AO, etc. maps for the ribbed sections.
  23. This is on the Steam version, I wonder if that is significant. Might have to reinstall the CD version and see if it happens on that as well.