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Everything posted by DarthParametric

  1. This is the sort of thing you want, right? You missed a reference to the texture in the MDL, you only replaced 3 of the 4 references, so there is still a bit of red in your version. Your UTI is a bit odd. You are using a K1 resref/tag instead in a TSL item, although it still works OK, it just doesn't follow the existing convention. Other than those nitpicks, I can add it to my inventory via KSE and it shows up fine. Just out of curiosity, replace your MDL/MDX with this version and see if you still have the texture issue you mentioned above: http://dpimages.wheb.org/files/kotor/tsl/%5BTSL%5D_Blue_Verpine_Band.7z
  2. Actual "talking heads" conversation dialogue is stored in DLG files. The TLK contains string references for all sorts of things, some of which are used for ambient dialogue.
  3. I'm sure someone could equally ask you how you manage to code a program in some given allotment of time deemed by them to be fast. I'm no speed modeller. KOTOR models are basic and low poly, and I've been around the block enough times to know what works for me and what doesn't when I want to tackle modelling a particular subject. And in this case I have a template to build directly over the top of, which makes things a lot easier than just working off some reference images. Edit: Guns, landing gear, and other minor details done: Seeing as it is meant to be a Mandalorian bird, I was tempted to festoon it with turrets and missile/torpedo launchers, but I suppose that wouldn't really fit in with the idea of a low key shuttle..... Edit 2: And a quick in-game test: Seems like the one in the Mando camp on Dxun is part of the level rather than a placeable like the one in Iziz, so that would be more of a pain to replace.
  4. Actually no, I don't think it will be. That's actually a major problem with using Steam Workshop with Xcom 2. If a mod author pulls their mod from the Workshop, then the mod is automatically uninstalled/deleted on your end by Steam, and then any saves made using that mod are broken as the game refuses to load them without the missing "DLC". If this happens with the Workshop version of TSLRCM as well (the auto-deleting part), you are going to break a lot of people's games.
  5. Got it mostly done except some final details like weapons and landing gear: That's keeping at the same scale as the original. You could probably drop it down to something like 75% or so and still fit a single row of 4 people comfortably, if you were worried about space in the hangar. I guess that would also fit closer to Mandalore's statement that it's a "small shuttle".
  6. I can take a crack at it. It's not overly complex. Requiring new landing/take-off BIKs seems far more onerous. It's tight, but the I-Wing does just squeeze into the Onderon hangar: You might be better off renaming your version and pointing it to the original version as the super model, rather than compiling with animations. Then have TSLPatcher change the model reference in appearance.2da.
  7. As long as you get a valid TLK out of it at the end, doesn't really matter what you use.
  8. Read this thread - http://deadlystream.com/forum/topic/3435-tlk-merging - in particular, using Xoreos-Tools to decompile the TLK into XML, as I detail in post #12. As DrMcCoy posted at the end of the thread, another tool is now also included to recompile an XML back into a TLK. That links to an older version of the tools though, the latest are available here - https://xoreos.org/downloads/index.html - at the time of writing this post being 0.0.4 “Chodo”. Make sure to grab the tools link from the righthand side, not the base engine link on the left.
  9. The mod requires TSLPatcher to install. You can't just dump it in the Override.
  10. It depends on whether the script has a unique name. If it doesn't, you'll need to use a MOD to avoid it being loaded in the wrong place.
  11. You may want to check out this thread - http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=143536 In particular, the part regarding setting a global boolean in order to only spawn an NPC once would appear to be what you are chasing. Regarding limiting it to a specific module, you'll presumably have to hijack that module's onenter script, which means injecting it into a MOD file, not just dumping it in the Override.
  12. Oh yeah, whoops. I remember trying to replace the texture on that an it kept flaking out, disappearing when turning the camera. Yeah the design is kind of stupid, it looks like you wouldn't even fit one person in there, much less three. I wonder if you could use the swoop bike as the basis for a new shuttle design. I like the twin mandible things. Scaled up with a central cockpit it would be kind of similar to an Eta-2 Actis. Edit: How about this, looks kind of cool - http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Lethisk-class_armed_freighter - although looking at the model and comparing it to a human male body it seems like it is still only a single-seater: I'm not sure if the model is even in TSL anyway, so you could make a new one based on it with a larger cockpit perhaps. Edit 2: Actually, looking at it again in more detail, it seems like you could actually comfortably fit 4-8 people in there, maybe just reworking the canopy to allow a bit more headroom:
  13. I always thought the shuttle was a bit too heavy on the Lambda influence, much in the same way the Ravager is far too derivative of ISDs. You could look at comics or TOR for possible inspirations for alternative designs I guess.
  14. Yeah I just looked it up on the wiki. Dunno why I thought it was a Robotech kind of thing. Alzheimer's maybe. I know I was considering sticking the TSL version on top of a giant robot body at one point, using it as the head, maybe that was it.
  15. Yeah it's a pain in the ass, but that was only about 45 frames, so I just did it in PS. Only took about 15 mins like I said. Took far longer to re-encode it and upload it to Youtube. If you want to composite new stuff over the top, that should be easy enough to manage with Max and AE. I haven't used AE since like version 7 or something, aeons ago, but match moving is it's whole bit pretty much, isn't it? And I'm sure that Max has plugins for it, even if it doesn't do it natively. I always pictured it as some sort of cool Robotech sort of thing? Maybe I should go back and listen to Canderous's description again.
  16. It's just a matter of how much effort you want to devote to it. I never even noticed the multi-coloured limbs until I read it in this thread (or that door walking guy on Telos), so even a sloppy paint out would probably be more than sufficient for most people. Here's a super quick and dirty frame-by-frame clone stamp pass (including accidentally painting out the statue shadow in the first few frames): If you spent more than 15 minutes to do it properly I doubt anyone would tell, especially if you composite a new crowd over the top. But it's your mod of course, just offering my 2¢. Speaking of which, while on the subject of the Basilisk, I'd probably rather see effort devoted to replacing it with something that actually fits the description Canderous gives in K1, rather than whatever that thing in TSL is supposed to be, but that would be way more effort, requiring a complete replacement of that video. But again that's just
  17. You could desaturate the appropriate areas frame by frame, but that would be painful. Alternatively you could try compositing some new people over the top, it is super sparse with just 2 peons there. Or just try removing them altogether.
  18. Btw someone should probably test that the fixed version actually works..... Also, you should either remove the TGA or specify that you only use either the TGA or the DDS, not both. Or just delete the DDS if you are worried about compatibility. I just included it as a matter of course, seeing as I export any textures I do as DDS these days (besides icons that need to be seen in KSE).
  19. Hard to download it to fix it if you take down the download.... PM me a copy and I'll take a look.
  20. Luxa is just a repurposed player head from K1: Looks like Obsidian forgot to re-texture a few sub-meshes, so they still use the original PFHA01 texture. I'm actually surprised that sort of thing slipped through testing, as VRAM would have been at an absolute premium on the original Xbox, what with its paltry 64MB pool of shared memory.
  21. You created new unique row IDs for the added lines? You'd be better off just creating a TSLPatcher version. For something as simple as a couple of 2DA edits it would only take a minute or two, you just use the tool to difference Redhawke's 2DAs vs the vanilla ones.
  22. Are you sure they saved correctly? KOTOR Tool's 2DA editor is kind of flaky.
  23. I wouldn't be using anything that alters dialogue (especially for party members) or modules, you are likely to break TSLRCM.
  24. It's a 2 frame animation with a simple reduction in glow diameter, running at 60fps. Gives it flickering quality, like a dodgy fluorescent bulb. Not the sort of thing you want if you have epilepsy probably.
  25. I guess it's up to Malkior whether to even go the route of messing with the body mesh. I'm not even sure if it will work - after all it would require dealing with MDLOps, tool of Sstan - but I'm willing to offer whatever help I can. Edit: So as not to keep hijacking the thread with new posts, I'll just edit this in here. Somewhat to my surprise, MDLOps seemingly compiled the model without a hitch: You'll just need to swap the textures with whatever your custom named ones are and re-export (or edit the ASCII). It is set to use the original model as the super, and it uses two different textures, so you'll need to edit appearance.2da and for the 5 rows for Rodians change the race and model to N_RodianJacket (or whatever you decide to use if you rename it) and blank out the texture column. If you want multiple texture variants you'll need to compile new models using them, as overriding it via the 2DA will apply a single texture to all the sub-meshes, which won't turn out well. I can give you a hand setting up TSLPatcher to make the appropriate appearance.2da edits if you need. Oh, and one thing I noticed afterwards that I missed before exporting the model, the lowest of the "hairs" on the back of the head clips through the collar, so you may just want to select those polys and delete them. Btw this means you could do female Rodians relatively easily, if you wanted (assuming MDLOps continued to co-operate), although they would require a tad more tweaking. It seems like the medium female body is already about the right size, so the jacket actually required scaling up: And of course, the obligatory: You'd probably also want a new, higher pitched voice set to go along with them. Edit 2: And a couple more, why not (although I don't think the forum script embeds more than 2 vids per post). Both these were scaled down. 96% seemed spot on. First is the swoop ganger body: And this one should make VarsityPuppet happy, more vest action via the smuggler NPC: