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Everything posted by Reztea

  1. Here I am... thinking I was done with Modding forever, silly me!

  2. Hey guys! It's Reztea here, once again with a small, hopefully turned big mod, I'm currently making a mod as to where you have the opportunity to take down the Sith Quarantine on Taris, onto doing that, you will have a choice to make and that choice will affect whether Taris is destroyed or not (We'll see). This mod will include a new recruit (replacing Juhani of course). A new storyline for the recruit (Again, I don't know about that, possibly in another version.) Let me know what you guys think! A couple things! Please list any mods that you need ensured compatibility with, and answer the polls! Thank you! EDIT: Can a moderator please transfer this over to the work in progress section? I'm sorry to be a burden
  3. I can definitely get behind this! If we have enough modders, consider me in!
  4. Thinking doing some added content for KoTOR I where you can take down the Sith Quarantine on Taris and still be able to travel back there. Hm.....

    1. Whyp


      That would require a LOT of tweaking with the story, dialogue, characters, cutscenes... EVERYTHING... It isn't worth the change.

    2. Reztea


      No longer allowing Taris to be able to travel back to, just a fun little expansion to Taris now.

    3. Whyp


      It's still a good idea though.

  5. 1. I'll fix that. 2. The script definitely removes Atris, if she doesn't run, she fades... quick question, which Atris did you recruit? Light or Dark? 3. I didn't edit anything involving that confrontation... that's strange, I'll check the data. 4. That's weird.. I don't think I encountered that problem. What version did you use? 3.0?
  6. idk If I should make a separate thread or not... but here's a video of the light side Atris recruitment.
  7. Looking back at old 2005-2010 posts about Atris' cut content and people wishing it was restored makes me a tad bit emotional... Knowing they've likely moved on and won't see it. *ignore me, it's about to be 1 am and I'm in my feelings*

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      You could always promote your mod on the KOTOR Subreddit and get some newer folks.

    2. jc2


      Yeah, I can see how that might bother you. But mabye some of them will come back in the years to come?

  8. I wanted transitions. They're optional, anyway. Also, Atris' in game portrait wouldn't fit her restored Traya outfit.
  9. Atris does have her restored outfit. You just need to play through because I really don't want to reveal the plot only 2 hours after release. Strangely, I don't think I've ever heard of SLM. PM me more about it, I'm interested.
  10. The Recruitment Of Master Atris 3.0 has officially been released! Enjoy the mod!!

  11. Atris recruitment mod 3.0 is about to be released... After this I'm not even TOUCHING KoTOR until Apeiron is released... goodness!

    1. N-DReW25


      Well better dig Kotor a grave because you have a better chance of porting being legalised than apeiron

    2. Reztea


      Okay, then here's a correction to satisfy both of you.



      Atris recruitment mod 3.0 is about to be released... After this I'm not even TOUCHING KotOR until Apeiron is released or taken down by Disney... goodness!

    3. jc2


      ahahahha! The Apeiron hate train is real! But I'm glad you've almost completed the third update of your atris recruit mod.

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  12. You saved an entire project, LOL! One final script and the entire project is COMPLETE. How would I go about delaying a conversation from happening in a script? I tried using the DelayCommand but I'm getting parameter mismatches. ( I can never make a script myself , here's my script. A total mess! anyway, any help is appreciated, I'm gonna work on the TSLPatcher now and hopefully I'll have an answer by the time I come back (Because I take long to do everything )
  13. Anyway, this Atris mod is going great. A lot more options to choose from now. Should I give some mini spoilers?
  14. Took a look at them. Tried these methods several times and it wouldn't work.. strange. If I can't get it to work then I'll find my way around the dialog. I tried decompressing them and saving them as either .WAV or .MP3. Isn't working. I'm so terrible XD. I'll see what else I can do... Sorry for troubling you.
  15. OKAY! I PROMISE! This will be the LAST thing I need help on *let's hope*. I have custom audio files used as a voice in dialogue, I put them in my StreamVoice folder, they're .mp3 files. They won't play at all for some weird reason. Could anyone help? I have the audio files here if anyone wants check what's up with them... They won't play for the dialogue at all, I ticked the sound exists for all of them. I have no idea what to do. Any help is appreciated. 907ARTEND03.mp3 907ATR01.mp3 907ATREND02.mp3 ArtMod1.mp3
  16. THAT was the problem! There was a globalcat.2da file in my movies folder O_O, I don't know how that got there! Permission to beat me up is all the way granted! thank you!
  17. The setting scripts fire just before the dialog that says "Atris has joined your party" dialog. I got a message! It says "Recruit_Atris_E setting script fired! Current Value: FALSE" I guess I need that to be true. It's one thing on top of another
  18. Tried it, didn't work... I'm curious though.... Can I use a_global_set, and c_global_set, and use the string parameter??? Let me try that and I'll be back. Edit: That didn't work either. I'm about to scrap this entire project.
  19. Oh sorry, Well the game chooses the dialog with no conditional, I don't know why! I put both my booleans in the Globalcat file. Row 999 = Recruit_Atris_E Row 1000 = Recruit_Atris_G. I made sure I used the correct set scripts, and conditions! I'm super confused. I'll attempt using entries, Let's hope it works. EDIT: No dice, seems like me and Booleans just aren't friends.
  20. Didn't work unfortunately. Here's the exact problem, I put the conditional script "SeeRecruitE" on this node. I put the conditional script "SeeRecruitG" for good Atris on this node. And I made a copy of the same node for Good Atris' conditional.. in case you don't have Atris at all.. This whole Boolean situation is so tiring, I feel like ripping my head off.
  21. Oh wow, I haven't needed help in a whole month, yay me. Okay, so I have currently have two booleans " Recruit_Atris_E " (Recruited Evil Atris) " Recruit_Atris_G " (Recruited Good Atris) Here's the script I used to inject the Booleans: Here's where the issue lies, I am currently in a dialog where the party confronts Kreia. I made a separate version of the dialog that should only come available after recruiting Evil Atris. The conditional script I am using to check if the Boolean returned true so the dialog will be used is: The conditional script also is not placed on a dialogue option from the PC, but from an NPC entry. Any suggestions? Thanks.
  22. Expect no more Topics because YOU, my friend, SAVED MY LIFE. Thank you SO MUCH!!