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Everything posted by Reztea

  1. My first warning point! I feel so accomplished.

    1. djh269


      I was crying with laughter when I saw how early it was also hahahaha.

    2. jc2


      It was rather humorous, but we all make mistakes. Now you know what's up with the forum rules. FYI if you really want to bump your thread just make a status update asking people to check it out and leave a link to it.

    3. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      C'mon guys. Let's not be mean. The point is made.

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  2. Bump. Admin: Re-read the rules - particularly sections 6 and 8 - and discover why your Deadly Stream reputation has gone down. Bumping a thread - in less than an hour and a half?
  3. Script worked perfectly! Thank you. I did a quick run down KT, I tried de-compiling A_Atrend2.ncs with DeNCS, was unsuccessful. This is getting so stressful now, this one last script would be so helpful. Let's say it's a convo between Kreia and Mira. I would want Mira to hit Kreia with force lightning. I would need a script for this, one last help and I will be out of your hair! Thanks.
  4. Alright, I'll look through the scripts, Bead-V Here's my script for clearing all effects of an NPC (failed miserably) and I'm still in need of a script where a NPC could use a force power (Preferably Drain life or Force Lighting) on another NPC, that script plays a big role in the entire mod.
  5. Hope the title is self explanatory, I need a script where an NPC (or PC) uses a force power on another NPC. Only reason the title is plural is because I may need more if my ideas decided to flourish. EDIT: Above statement is now true. I'm in need of a script that clears all effects of an NPC with their tag (I tried to make this script myself, not working.)
  6. I know right? That's actually my fault for not viewing that correctly! and I'm working on lightsabers right now, too! Also, I didn't select the Proficiency all option, it just came with it. I will also add more armor options to her set! Thanks for the advice! -Reztea
  7. 1. Yes, all lines. Fully voiced. 100% 2. She can be turned Dark sided. as for the portrait, That would be content I would have to add. For now it is a normal portrait. (I'm planning out scenes and scripts for Tra- I mean Atris, to use her cut content outfit.)
  8. 1. I will set a TSLPatcher, thanks for the advice.The reason modules are modified is because a module is ADDED, and the only module that's modified is the Bridge on the Ravager. (852NIH) 2. Don't judge what you didn't try! , and literally no dialogue is overwritten for any mods or ingame dialog since another module was added, everything will go as planned. All important dialog is put through the ERFEditor. 3. You're correct about the conditionals! Somehow that actually slipped my mind! I'll see about that. 4. I need to find the ResRef for the exile's saber, just a normal one for now. 5. An NPC with just a tiny bit more power will spawn just before the battle, can't be killed there either, she will leave after the battle. Reused lines from different scenes in the game, all voiced, all lip-synced.
  9. Yeah, no dice. Looks like I'm making yet another module, at least it won't be much of a struggle.
  10. Kreia will start the conversation, and the script fires at the end. What I was going to try to do is make ANOTHER copy of the 201Tel module, because it has a starting conversation, and I'll fade the convo to black, and fire the scripts there, since it works perfectly there... Let me try your script first, then I'll let you know.
  11. You're correct, my apologies, however I've tested my script on other modules and it seems to work perfectly, I think it's something with the module in particular. void main() { SwitchPlayerCharacter(-1); }
  12. Guys, have I officially hit rock bottom with this project? So AFTER the PC goes to the entrance of the Trayus' Academy and being welcomed by the Sith Assassins I was able to switch my player character to Atris before we transit to attempt to face Traya *SPOILER*, after the battle, a dialog sequence will commence, but my script to revert BACK to my PC ultimately crashes the game... Can I please get some help?? After this, I think my mod will be ready to be released.
  13. Yup! I did seperate files. Always coming through for me Bead!
  14. I want the PC to move to a certain spot in my module.. My PC is switched to Kreia for a side quest. Can anyone provide me with a script that will make my pc move? Thanks.
  15. Atris mod is going great! :)

    1. jc2


      Hey Reztea, how's it coming with the Atris mod?

    2. Reztea


      How does COMPLETED and UPDATED sound? ;)

    3. jc2


      Mmm, that may sound.. Awesome! XD

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  16. I'm finalizing my mod for my recruitment mod for Atris (I know I've needed countless help, but this MOST LIKELY will be the last topic) Here's my plan. Since 904kreia.dlg is so BUGGED OUT, I am making an entire copy of 907MAL. What I plan to do is just edit "kreiaend.dlg". (The fresh version of the movie, "Kreia's fall") and switch the control to Atris, and have her attempt to weaken Traya, or even defeat Traya...(Trying to have her at least have ONE *solo* part in the events of Malachor V)... How would I go about this? Since "kreiaend.dlg" is this first dialog to start, I want to change that dialog without screwing the ORIGINAL 907Mal sequence, I am planning to change the dialog to "TrayAtrisB.dlg", but what can I do to change the script to fire my dialog file instead of kreiaend? The name of my module is 960MAL, by the way! ALL HELP WILL BE CREDITED AND HIGHLY APPRECIATED!
  17. Thanks guys for the help! I got it! I use ERFEdit.exe, much better. Thanks for the help.
  18. I assure you it's not, there are parts where the dialog ends where it isn't supposed to, I hope someone can supply me with the correct dialog.
  19. So, I'm checking out dialog necessary for this mod I am creating, but um... Take a look at 852Nih.DLG, the entire dialogue is incomplete... I left an attachment, freshly extracted out of KoTOR Tool, would anyone have the finished dialogue? It's realy hectic that I can't add content because of the lackiness of the game devs. Any help is appreciated! Thank you #NoobModderWithBigMods852nih.dlg
  20. Script worked perfectly! I can finally continue this mod with Atris! Many thanks
  21. Wow, that's a really handful tool. One more thing (Last thing aswell) May I see an example script if I wanted to switch to Mira, how would it look? As kind of a foundation script.
  22. Thanks for the quick reply! So if I wanted to switch to the original PC, the script would look like this? // 11: Switches the main character to a specified NPC // -1 specifies to switch back to the original PC int SwitchPlayerCharacter(int n-1); Sorry, it's been so long since I've even TOUCHED KotOR.
  23. Has anyone found this out yet? I'm currently restarting my Atris project, however, I need to learn how to change my PC into one of the party members, like how the PC turns into Mira when she is about to face Hanharr? Or when your PC changes to Atton to face Sion? Get my drift? Any help is appreciated! Thanks.
  24. The Recruitment Of Master Atris View File **IF YOU DOWNLOADED THE 3.0 VERSION OF THIS MOD, REMOVE BOTH " P_DarthTraya001.utc "AND "N_DarthTraya001.utc " FROM YOUR OVERRIDE FOLDER, THEN DOWNLOAD THIS MOD** The Recruitment of Master Atris by Reztea on Deadlystream! Majorly assisted by Bead-V on! ****TSLRCM MUST BE INSTALLED BEFORE THIS MOD IS**** It's here! In this mod you can officially recruit Jedi Master Atris! In this mod she will join you after battle in the Polar Academy. Your choices post-battle will decide her alignment and roles after she's been recruited. How To Install: 1. Find the file "The Recruitment Of Master Atris 3.0" tslpatcher. 2. Double click it. xD Source: I left a source folder for references in case any modders want take a crack at modding the game their selves. Special Thanks: SPECIAL THANKS TO THE DEVELOPERS FROM DEADLYSTREAM.COM FOR THE OPTIONAL PORTRAITS USED IN THIS MOD: Quanon: The Atris Renders. Sith Holocron: Background design, and holocron texture. SPECIAL THANKS TO THESE AMAZING PEOPLE WHO PUT UP WITH ALL MY QUESTIONS ON DEADLYSTREAM.COM! Bead-V (Especially you, honestly!) Sith Holocron JCarter426 Kexikus DarthTyren Fair Strides Enjoy the mod! Submitter Reztea Submitted 07/19/2015 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible