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Everything posted by TheDarkChocolateJedi

  1. Congrats julian, very nice texturing work even if it is in the beginning stages.
  2. Welcome to deadly stream! This is a great site with a lot of great people and a lot of great fun! And when I am old enough to go to college I believe I want to get a degree in game design as well What gaming company do you plan on trying to work for, when you're finished I mean.
  3. My mac auto corrected me... This is why I hate apple... All the auto correct. I know how his name is spelled except it auto corrected me.
  4. Well he was just disguised as a stormtrooper (i believe so considering the movies plot and that mans role in the movie) Personally i myself cannot wait JJ abrahams made the most recent Star Trek movies which are AMAZING and they deserve far more attention but I digress. The one thing we need in these next 3 Star Wars movies i.e. Episode 7 8 and 9 there HAS TO BE some sort of restoration of the jedi order like in the jedi knight games.
  5. Well how much does windows cost? And I am not running it illegally that would be idiotic.
  6. I want to know how to get these games working on mac, I have them on console but I cannot play them on mac because it's not compatible. And I want to mod fallout 3 and new vegas but there aren't any tutorials on how to get it running on mac any advice? (Please no wineskin suggestions) because wineskin probably wouldn't run these giant open world games too well unless I'm wrong.
  7. Now I haven't been playing the fallout games long, i haven't even finished em but! I know that I am not the only one who likes fallout on this forums site so, this thread is specifically for everything fallout whether that be fallout 1 2 or 3 or new vegas. This is here for all around fallout debates and discussions, have fun!
  8. Hey what about new vegas? I heard new vegas had a lot more original fallout 1 and 2 involvement than fallout 3 did am i correct?
  9. What about a female pure blood sith? That would be exotic
  10. Yeah and who made this mod... The description is kinda lacking for such a big mod...
  11. What about the modders who will not upload their mods onto a new site because they went inactive, like in kotor files's case lots of people have mods from those sites on their computers and they want to put the mod on a new site for more people to enjoy, how is that wrong? Because the original modders aren't gonna do anything about it so why not re-upload it i mean seriously?
  12. Interesting, you like fallout 1 and 2 more than 3 and new vegas? Wow I have never heard that before congrats! Is fallout 1 and 2 worth trying? I mean it doesn't look very good but I could be wrong.
  13. Congrats on joining the site! It's a great community you'll fit right in I'm newish as well. Well I guess a month or two isn't newish is it? I'm not sure but welcome!
  14. This forum post is meant for everyone to share some video game suggestions with everyone! Suggest away! Oh and I suggest fallout shelter if you have an ios device that is. I also suggest WoW and CoD
  15. I wish that they'd make some sort of modding hub for the KOTOr1 mobile version and a modding hub for the eventual kotor2 on mobile that would be awesome to mod the kotor games on the go!
  16. Hope you get a very nice new gpu, and hope you can come back and continue to work on your amazing mod.
  17. This looks awesome, congrats on another amazing mod
  18. Yo You'd have to remove another party member so you could have an open extra slot for hanharr/mira.
  19. Well it's hard to believe there is another community for old Star Wars video games out there. Considering GameFront became "The end of the world on a website.
  20. Any good game suggestions? (For xbox360) don't feel like loading money onto my steam. I am soooo bored :)

    1. TheDarkChocolateJedi


      I'll check em' out thanks guys.

    2. Circa


      Since I assume you're a fan of KOTOR and RPGs, I recommend starting with Fallout 3. Especially in anticipation for the new Fallout 4. :)

    3. TheDarkChocolateJedi


      I am, very perceptive circa.

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