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Everything posted by djnugent

  1. djnugent

    Nubian Queen Talia

    Wow - that looks great... Excuse the suggestion...would you be able to follow up with the same for General Vaklu? Maybe not as dramatic a change - General Vaklu is her cousin :-)
  2. djnugent


    I have a request to make THIS compatible with TSLRCM & M4-78. The compatibility forum states it is NOT TSLRCM compatible even though the download says that it is... (4th from bottom) So...the request is either to make it compatible, or just confirm the compatibility.... Thanks!!!
  3. In honor of Christopher Lee - the greatest on-screen swordsman there ever was. R.I.P. Sir Lee

  4. Thanks - I'll try it myself tonight, I appreciate it!
  5. Is this referring to the UTI's in the Saber Console folder?
  6. I would recommend maybe re-installing. Run ALL executables in Compatibility Mode for XP svc pack 2 or 3. Also, make sure that the SWKotor2 folder read-only checkbox is UNCHECKED. - by default, should be a non-issue, but sometimes Windows will set it automatically Start with Vanilla & Updates, then any HD/Upscaling mods/fixes, TSLRCM, M4-78EP, then install the parts that do heavy modifications (Extended Enclave, Alternate Ending, animation fixes). After that, any mods that add levels, then any mods that ADD items/clothing, THEN install any texture mods. This is just my suggestion - It's worked out well, and my SWKotor2 game is humming along fine :-)
  7. "Never under-estimate the power of stupid people in large groups."

  8. I think it depends on how they are given - is it random throughout the game, or are they going to be in specific places, like finding 1 on Taris and another on Tatooine? Man... I'm excited to get these into my override
  9. Man those look equal-opportunity crystals (between Dark Side and Light Side, I mean... ) I just had an idea - what about naming some of the crystals after real gemstones? Not all of them, gotta have your mark on them too, but I always thought it was kind of cool how sticking a ruby, diamond, sapphire would change the color of the saber blade, and with your multicolored blades I think this would work perfectly. This is a link to a gemstone chart that just gives a visual to what I mean and the star wars wiki... We can PM if you'd like. Either way, they look awesome!!!
  10. Laser redirected... TO THE FACE
  11. Oh man...That looks fantastic! #2 for sure - it's exactly what I was seeing in my head. I've been trying to envision the color since Anakin Solo's lightsaber blade color was described in the New Jedi Order books. It looks great, Rece - I can't WAIT to get it into my override folder...
  12. Yellow->Orange I vote for #2! Looks almost like flame - if there was a brief second of Red in there it would look pretty cool too What about an amethyst color change - a flicker between pink->white->purple? Maybe throw some blue-ish in there somewhere...? Also - is there any way to increase the flicker/color-change speed? It would look really cool if the alternate color(s) were more of a part of the "flicker" effect than the color of the blade itself
  13. VP reported that it still a bug he's working out. I think everybody is having the same thing... @VP - I've also come across an issue where lightsabers for some NPC's aren't showing properly. Darth Sion had a green lightsaber... Which didn't make him look all that evil - I have the HD 2K Darth Sion mod installed. Both Darth Revan and Darth Malak's lightsabers are not the correct colors too.
  14. Thanks Fair Strides!!! Tutorial posted HERE . TO ALL - Any pointers on ways to help make my future tutorials better or easier to understand would be awesome! Thank you all!!! Wouldn't have been able to do this without your insight.
  15. Relax everybody - I was just poking fun at myself, wasn't supposed to sound like I was crying for some acknowledgement. Getting a late start on learning how to do any kind of modding so I'm WAY behind the curve here... And my bad on the double posting, thank you for fixing it
  16. So... I made a complete tutorial last night (PST in U.S.) and posted to TUTORIALS section - It's not visible at all, even to me. Is this normal? I assume it's not visible because the moderators have to approve it before anybody can see it, including the tutorial creator. Sorry, my first tutorial for KOTOR
  17. This is in reference to the forum topic discussed HERE. This tutorial is to show step-by-step instructions in how to manually change appearance.2da to resolve the transparent character issues that some have reported with certain textures. * Models used are from the Battle Hardened Mandalorians mod by Canderis - only using this as example as I experienced this issue with this mod, and it's a really cool re-texture... Some textures containing alpha channels show up as transparent in-game: This is how you fix it. It is highly recommended you backup you appearance.2da file before proceeding. Extract appearance.2da using KOTOR tool. - you can open it by double-clicking on the appearance.2da file in your Override folder Find the model you are trying to fix. In this case, I'm looking for Alien_Mandalorian. Highlight the row(s) and scroll to the right until you see the envmap tab. Most of the entries in the field should read DEFAULT. Change DEFAULT to read CM_Baremetal in all of the models that you have transparent textures for. Go to File->Save as appearance.2da.b.... into another folder. Copy to the override folder, overwriting any files with the same name. When you launch you game, the characters should now show all texture maps as they were meant to be: And that's it
  18. contains screen shots
  19. Screenshots, I know - not in front of my computer when I wrote this... Detail - better the resolution, the finer I can make lines and details. I don't know, on MINE it seems to make a big difference in how pixelated the textures look. At 40962 in TGA they are slow to load and can be a little twitchy on animations. However, in 40962 in DDS they look great (compared to 10242 & 5122). I'll try to get some screenshots together 2nite. [ Mod Note: Please don't double-post. There is an "Edit" button at the lower-right of each of your posts. In the future, please refer to the Site Rules. Thank you. ] and...guessing by the overwhelming response, I'm thinking that all of my previous post is common knowledge and I'm showing off my newbie-ism...