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Posts posted by Mephiles550

  1. It's been a long time since I posted, but I have started work on the KOTOR 2 Piano tribute, and I recall that I did write some music for Sleheyron for the first KOTOR piano tribute after studying composer Jeremy Soule's style (he also did Neverwinter Nights, The Elder Scrolls III IV & V, Guild Wars, etc)


    Sithspectre if you haven't seen my compositions, check them out here on the official KOTOR piano anthology, and let me know what you think. I can orchestrate the themes to sound more KOTORish rather than just have the piano sound, although if you want background music in some modules that differs, I can do that as well.


    I love this so much! All of your work is good, but my favorite is definitely how you did Sleheyron. 

  2. i'd like to say that my original assumption was... er... ignorant and ill-advised, considering i went back and gave TOR another chance, and watched some videos on it, and it is better than i originally assumed, (i only played a bit of the game...)


    It still is filled with


    1: Griding.


    2: Adult sexual content.


    4: Strange combat sounds, and when you kill something, it doesn't feel satisfying or realistic.


    5: Quite a few of the quests are item grabbing quests, or quests in which you must "backtrack", which i also despise.

    The Kotor games had those "problems" as well to an extent.



    Read the comments on this mate, that will tell you the fan reaction of Jar Jar being a sith lord. So far, the post is in the top 5 reddit posts of all time, I think that says something.


    Of course people would probably get salty about it, but I don't think Jar Jar would actually physically be snoke, we might still see his face in flashbacks as the reveal is shown. Like I said, Jar Jar = Darth Plageuis = Snoke


    One of the goals of the movies is to redeem the prequels in the eyes of the fans, I think this would be a damn good way of doing that. Now, granted, a lot of Star Wars fans are quite close minded about this, sadly, but I bet you they might change your minds if this twist is executed right.


    Haveyap is right on the money. TPM, while not a great movie, is not nearly as awful as fans claim. Jar Jar never annoyed me that much, the only bad parts were Jake Lloyd and some tedious, unnecessarily long sequences combined with a few snore-worthy acted interplay scenes. AOTC is the worst Star Wars movie made... the plot doesn't even get going until half way through, and by then the audience has already checked out. Revenge of the Sith is really close to being a good movie, but there are a few scenes with some god awful dialogue that just ruin the believably of what else is fantastic.


    I also would like to point out that some people believe the holiday special is better than the prequels... which leads me to believe those guys are either sniffing glue or would have been upset at any little difference between the OT and the prequels. (Though I will admit my friend and I watched it and we laughed harder than we ever have in our lives)

    I'd like this theory to be true, I really would. But my gut instinct just tells me that the fan reaction won't be mainly positive as this one thread on Reddit would lead us to believe. This move is way to risky, even for JJ Abrams. The Tweets from Jar Jar's actor are either a fantastic troll or amazing foreshadowing.


    Eitherway, it'll be raining salt if it's true.

  4. IDK, from what I can tell, most SW fans seem to think it would redeem EP 1 if he became a central Antagonist in the new trilogy (Although I personally reckon their was nothing wrong with ep 1, movie wise, its probably the best of the PT)

    "most SW fans"? I highly doubt that. Most Star Wars fans don't even know about any of these Jar Jar theories and just believe that he's a dumbass. Once again, I'll say that I'd actually like if Jar Jar's role in Star Wars was expanded, but it's too risky of an idea. I also think it's interesting how you think ep1 is the best of the prequels. How do you think ROTS fares in comparison to Phantom Menance?

  5. Guys, let's be realistic about this.


    If Jar Jar Binks is revealed to be any major character in this move, Snoke or otherwise, the fan reaction will be absolute outrage. People will walk out of the movie theater in disappointment the second his face is shown on screen.


    Personally, I'd like the idea of Jar Jar being Snoke, but I know that the majority of the remaining fanbase doesn't like it. It's took risky of a move to bring back Jar Jar outside of slight comedy. 

  6. I remember that when I was a really little kid, I thought that so much as downloading a mod was illegal, let alone using or making one. After my common sense developed, I quickly realized how foolish it was too think such a thing.


    Unfortunately, it seems that my childhood fear may have legitimate reasons to resurface. 

  7. And of course in both games, I just went the Soldier/Guardian route, devoting nothing to skills and basically giving myself 18 STR 17 CON, and 8 of everything else. So as a result I lost out on a lot of good stuff you get from needing those skills and attributes.

    I always focus only on upgrading my character's contribution during level ups in TSL, since that's the determining factor for whether or not you can wear the more advanced implants.

  8. Yeah it appears that it was NPC overhaul. After painstakingly removing every file of NPC overhaul, I found that my loot had returned to normal.


    I just didn't think that any human would have chosen to include the Governor's Robe on a loot table intended for a player to access. The Robe is just too damn terrible. I thought that the Governor was equipped with it by someone from the original dev team as a way of nerfing the encounter.

    I changed the stats on the robe from negative to positive using Kotor Tool to make it a decent reward for killing the Governor. 

  9. Make sure your Kotor2.ini isn't set to read only, then go to the security tab and press edit to grant access to edit this file to all users on this PC. This will prevent you from having to click and drag the Kotor2.ini file to the desktop. Then set your Kotor2 shortcut to be compatible with Windows XP (Service Pack 2). Add the appropriate line to enable cheats, then save. Make sure to run in Administrator mode as well. Remember, the console is invisible.  If you press the tilde (button next to 1 on standard keyboards) and you can't move after pressing it once, the console is enabled and cheats work.


    Let me know how it goes. :D

    • Like 1

  10. Um, hello. First post. I was looking for some help on why  the Duplisaber installer constantly crashes and this seems like it might  be a sollution.


    I have KOTOR Tool and a 2da merger like you recommended bu twhat 2da file are you referring to? I didn't find a 2da file included with this mod.


    I've already installed the Loot and Immersion mod and it recommended putting "baseitems.2da" from that mod's archive to Override folder. I did that because Duplisaber just wouldn' t work while I really wanted to try out L&I.

    If there are no 2da files in this mod, then why did the person I responded to said he was having 2da conflicts in the first place? I never downloaded this mod until today just to see what kind of files were inside of it, so I didn't know of this until now.

    Where in the installation is it crashing for you?

  11. Alright, apparently my memory was a bit off. There's actually a lot more of the default dirt texture not replaced then I remembered.



    This is just one of many examples of how odd the merging from one texture to another is, especially since on texture is much more high res than the other one.


    I then took your DXN_grs6 texture and used it to replace DXN_dirt1 and DXN_dirt2, which are the two dirt textures that were not originally replaced and covered up a large section of the Dxun ground.





  12. In addition, adding the name of the texture would probably be a good plan as well - seeing as you now know it. ;)

    I'm sorry, but as of that post I only had the first Kotor installed. I uninstalled TSL due to a lack of use and some mod screw ups on my part.


    I'll reinstall the game with Vurt's textures and try to find the texture name again with a screenshot of it as quickly as I can.

  13. It's good to see you back, Vurt. You made my favorite TSL textures. :D


    I'm seconding VarsityPuppet by saying that we definitely need a good Nar Shaddaa reskin. The planet is probably the most interesting place in TSL both in terms of it's architecture and story. It's unfortunate we really don't have any good texture mods for it. The one Xarwarz made recently was good, but I'm not going to pay for a mod, let alone a mod for a game that's a decade old.


    Just a little extra note, I always had a slight bug with your Dxun texture mods. On the module right before the Mandalorian base camp, in one of the caves, there is a noticeably large dirt texture not replaced by your improved textures. I eventually found out the name of this texture and replaced it myself with one of your high-res grass textures. You probably have no idea what I'm talking about, but if you ever decide to recheck Dxun and happen to come across said spot, you may want to re-release your texture mod with an update for that. It's very minor, yes, but It's always the little bugs that stick out the most in some people's eyes. :]

  14. Honestly you guys, what was in this coffee? Was it prepared by an amateur?


    My god, this guy's grammar is atrocious, although that does make it a bit more humorous. He looks like an idiot trying to sound smart. 

  15. Nwûl tash.

    Dzwol shâsotkun.

    Shâsotjontû châtsatul nu tyûk.

    Tyûkjontû châtsatul nu midwan.

    Midwanjontû châtsatul nu asha.

    Ashajontû kotswinot itsu nuyak.

    Wonoksh Qyâsik nun.


    the sith are honest, all the jedi do is lie

    aaaaand I have no idea what any of this means. Is this the Mandalorian language?


    Batshit crazy, traitorous, bloodthirsty honest people vs pacifistic, calm, generous, loving liars. huh.


    The Jedi Council at the time was really bad, which really didn't help their image during the Mandalorian Wars. Atris being the worst. Atris was a terrible Jedi from the start. Honestly, after watching the trial recordings for my first playthrough, I legit wanted to smash her face against a wall. Oh well, I guess Force Crushing her during her battle was good enough.

  16. Usually with a single saber staff and dual pistols. I know that a double saber staff is likely the most devastating and, by the end of the game, I'll be simultaneously holding a single saber for one weapon configuration and a saber staff for the second configuration. I'm pretty much done with long ranged weapons for my PC by the time I've made it through 3/5 of TSL.


    For Kotor, I pretty much always use single saber. I love to use Wotor weapons on the side sometimes.