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Posts posted by Mephiles550

  1. This is a really cool mod, you've definitely covered many of the issues people had with previous versions of the planet. With that said, I've had a somewhat buggy experience with the M4-78 Chamber.

    When I free Vash and let her go, she's killed by the Sith assasins but two of them just stand idle while the other five or six attack me after Vash dies. I think these two were intended to die in the cutscene where Vash fights the assassins as I've seen one of the two die occasionally in that scene before. Also, the journal entry for Vash's death in this case says that M4-78 himself killed her. That doesn't make sense because M4-78 isn't the one who killed her, the assassins are.

    One more potentially game breaking bug is that if you talk to Kaah about giving him a power core than decide to leave the conversation after presented the option that allows you to take his core, you won't get a second chance to get it from him.

    The new ending is really cool too and the dialogue splicing is much better. I don't think it was necessary for M4-78's ending to bring up those lines from Visas and Kreia about

    the "true war beginning" and "now the galaxy will begin to die" and all that but maybe that's just cause I'm using the expanded enclave which uses those lines in a more fitting manner.

    I'm really questioning how some of the modules were split as portions of the industrial zone often felt unnecessarily small and the FPS wasn't really improved in the same parts from last time.

    Those are my only critiques, the team definitely improved everything else and now M4-78 is a solid 9.5/10 in my book.

    Several of these bugs may also be exclusive only to me since I installed this newer version with M4-78 1.3 already installed. I had to make some tweaks to make everything compatible myself and I'm pretty sure all I'm getting now from the mod is the same experience I would've had in a clean runthrough of the mod.

    • Like 1

  2. You're my favorite texture artist/designer for the Kotor games. These all look so stunning! You really should consider overhauling Nar Shaddaa. We have so many good texture mods for the other locations already (minus M4-78) and while Nar Shaddaa does have some texture mods, in my opinion, they're all awful. I've been wanting your take on Nar Shaddaa ever since I first saw some of your animated textures.

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  3. Something really strange happened to me in game, I was at Manaan finding my 3rd Star Map and I went to the Swoop Race circuit there and talking to the guy who sets it up, I get a message about how I released one of the Jedi prisoners from the Star Forge. Then I get an error Node passage.

    Trying to talk again just results in him asking if I'd like to race again, then cuts to the error node message right after it.



  4. The assets are all really cool looking and the mappers and modelers certainly know their stuff, but is this going to be an actual game? lol no. Maybe if the team continues at this pace for the next 20 years we will have a complete game, but determination of projects like this tend to die off eventually once they realize the full scale of how unreachable their ambitions are.

  5. I'm fully aware that TSLRCM is incompatible with the USM and while I'm perfectly ok with that cause my Saber modding in the Kotor games never really got to crazy minus that mod, I still really miss some of the unique saber hilts, like Darth Nihilus' and Darth Sion's hilts. They were super cool!

    I know we have a few mods here that port over those two hilts and several others, but they're gigantic mods that I really am not interested in. So my request is for someone to port over only those two hilts for their respective Sith lords, with proper script fixes and UTI/UTC edits for all cutscenes, old and new from TSLRCM so that they'll always been seen with their USM hilts if they are holding a saber in the cutscene or battle.

  6. Sorry for the bump, but I dun goofed up in a similar manner. I forgot to replace the changes.ini file. Problem is now I've got way, WAAAAAY to many mods just to redo the process and I'm not about to figure out which files belongs to which mod to remove them somewhere else and start again.

    I was wondering if there was a way to manually make the edits the new changes.ini file makes manually in Kotor Tool to the Planetary.2DA file or whatever other file is responsible for the galaxy map jargon. 

  7. Well, you could always place a dead body with demolition charges in a bag nearby and use those to blow up the rocks in order to make it out to the spaceport.


    Or is it possible to have the exile levitate the rocks out of the way? Is there a script command out there to have the rocks lift up and flow out of the way?

    Now the latter is WAY too much work, but the former could easily be done. Who said it even has to be a demolition charge? Put a door in front of the rocks and just make it instantly take you outside via a script/dialogue command.

  8. I've played them all and beaten them all with the exception of Dark Forces II and MOTS (You forgot that one lol)


    Dark Forces is a really fun game, but super outdated. If you use it with the DarkXL engine mod, it's an absolute blast to play. I love the gunplay and it has my favorite story in the series.


    Dark Forces II is also really fun - it feels like a prototype to what we would have gotten in JK2/JK3. It's hard though, really hard. I've played all of the games on the highest level of difficulty and I can easily say Dark Forces II is the hardest. I haven't even beaten the game yet. There was a lot of flexibility with the force upgrades and it was cool how finding Secret areas rewarded you with force points.


    Jedi Outcast is my favorite game in the franchise. It has an excellent story and the progression is great. The gunplay is excellent and even if the lightsaber kind of makes them less useful later on, I still love using them regardless for the sake of Variety. Kyle isn't a Jedi yet, he's just a guy with a lightsaber and a few questions. Use guns all you want, give them a chance. I used to love modding this game and I still do. I considered it my favorite game for a while. The multiplayer was incredible and a great part of my childhood. It was such an amazing, fun, surreal experience. The funny part was that the multiplayer was split into update factions, those who had the 1.02 patch and those who had the 1.04 patch. There was also 1.03 but I didn't hear much about them. Those who played 1.02 claimed they had a much funner time and to be fair they did have the coolest youtube videos to prove it. They were some cool ass dudes. They mainly didn't speak English, which was a key reason I wanted to learn foreign languages. They were mainly German and French speaking. The memories will never be the same.

    Just look at this video and don't tell me it doesn't look surreal AF. This game was the best. I joined (several) clans and made several friends.

    The 1.04 videos always sucked. It felt like 1.02 players treated this game religiously in their clan forums too. I remember I would search through the depths on the internet on old clan forums to find unique cool mods found nowhere else.


    I only played 1.04 until JK2MV came out and let you switch between patch types. It was too much too late thou because by that time, the game was dead. And now it basically is. Nobody plays it. The most you'll find online (if you're really lucky) is like ten people at once scattered on different servers. The good old days are gone.


    JK3 is... good, I guess.The Multiplayer is still well and alive but I never liked it. It just felt way to stiff and most players felt like douchebags. The saber combat felt sluggish and the hit detection was incredibly choppy. I still don't like playing it. It's so confusing to play now too cause all of the servers have these giant clientside mods that basically make the servers into a roleplaying thing and it's annoying. I just want to play a game, not figure out an entirely new game. I don't even know where to start cause there's so many online clientside mods.


    The singleplayer is good. I feel like it had a lot of lost potential. The gameplay refined what JK2 did and made it slightly better. The saber combat was a lot of fun thanks to the variety and the gunplay was the same, but it was disappointing how they only added one gun. Still, I loved modding this game as well and there were a lot of great mods for it like Movie Duels II and KOTF and other singleplayer conversions. The story was really lacking but I know it could've been good. Some missions were REALLY boring, especially the early ones. JK2's first missions were great, not JK3's. But thankfully, once you get to Hoth the game picks up from there quite well.


    The cultists felt very lacking, there should have been more variety and better AI to them. There were a lot of cut NPCs in that game I had to restore to add to the variety. Thankfully I did tho and the game is a hell of a lot more fun. They really tried to make the game feel closer to Dark Forces II with the force upgrade system which was cool. I loved how the story concluded by going to Korriban and the alternative ending was incredibly satisfying, getting to slaughter everyone. Tavion was a mediocre villian, a really mediocre one. I wish more could have been done with her. Rosh was a dumbschmuck.

  9. Almost definitely not. 


    Now, if someone were to make a mod... I could definitely see something coming out of this. I always thought Korriban was way too short. The only problem is that you'd need an explanation for getting past the rock barrier, but that could be explained maybe just by putting a door right in front of the rocks. Pretend the rocks where never there in the first place. The door wouldn't be in the right spot, but it's better than nothing.

    • Like 1

  10. No, I'm sorry but I have the patch as well and I ran into the same issue.


    It's interesting that we both have several mods in our game (too many to count, you said) and we both have the same glitch text popping up, the HK Factory.


    Is there a specific entry this map is conflicting with not included in the patch?

  11. Don't forget that the creator of WOTOR (T7, I think) even stated that some of the files from the base mod (not patches) should be removed due to conflict issues. 


    I use both mods and have no problems whatsoever on the Star Forge. I've always removed the files recommended by the author in the mod description. 


    One common problem I've had in the past, although not anymore, was that, on the leviathan, Carth or Bastila would be completely invisible when not wearing any gear, but their dialogue still functioned normally. Often, invisible characters followed by dialogue is an imminent sign of a crash, but that was never the case with this. Interesting. I don't believe this glitch was a result of WOTOR since I had removed the recommended files at that point anyway.

  12. First, unsubscribe to all mods, or go into the Steam workshop folders and remove the files manually then resub to them later if you want. Honestly, I recommend you just download mods the standard way (TSLpatcher or copy and paste into override) The Steam workshop is more of a pain than anything.


    If that doesn't work, try to do this to the kotor2.ini file and edit the line DisableVertexBufferObjects = 0

    Add spaces in between the words and set the value to one so that it looks like this Disable Vertex Buffer Objects=1

  13. Please, I would like to know if Weapons of the Old Republic is compatible with the Kotor Restoration Mod 1.2.


    Thanks for your answer.



    I use it with K1R and I haven't noticed any problems. Just install K1R later to be double sure.


    The only potential is that the crippled Dark Jedi in the Lehon temple may or may not be bugged, but I've been having that problem a lot lately. I think that's a different mod's fault.

  14. The modules with low-poly models in need of editing would be:


    Taris: (5)

    North Streets

    South Streets

    Upper City Cantina

    Lower City Cantina

    North Apartments


    Dantooine: (1)

    Directly outside the enclave


    Tatooine: (1)

    Anchorhead Streets


    Korriban: (1)



    Manaan: (4)

    Ahto West

    Ahto West Central

    Ahto East

    Ahto East Central


    A total of 12 Modules, however we can add another two if we consider Korriban's low quality Sith models in the Academy and Valley. A good chunk of the game, but not really 3/4 of it.

    It might just be easier to edit the Appearance.2da and add all of the UTC files into the override instead of editing the Module files. Most citizen UTC files are unique enough so that there wouldn't be any overlapping between different locations. The only exception I can think of this would be the Citizen.utc, which I've only found in Dreshdae so far. 

  15. We've got a couple of mods for Kotor that edit the commoners, such as the NPC Overhaul mod or SpaceAlex's Kotor Enhancement mod, but the one thing these mods all have in common is that they edit several other aspects of the game. 


    What I'm asking for is basically a watered down version of these mods, something that edits only the low poly citizens. so that their low polygon models are changed to their high-poly equivalents and still have diversity in their clothing textures. I feel like this diversity in clothing would only be appropriate for places like Taris and Manaan. On Tatooine and Korriban, I think it would be better for people there to wear the standard light brown/pale outfit since they're probably not as wealthy if they're on those planets (The civilians on Korriban were mainly merchants and spacers/traders, and Tatooine... It's Tatooine). These changes could also be applied to the low-poly Sith on Korriban, like the guards, students and archaeologists diggers.


    This mod would not only be convenient for people who want to play a slightly less ugly version of the base game, but it'd also be useful for modders who don't want compatability issues with large NPC modification mods.


    I could have sworn we already had a mod like this, but I cannot find one.

    Here’s the footage if anyone is curious. It's not the PC version, it's a completely remastered version of the Xbox port. It's easy to tell not just cause of the texture/model quality, but it also has the same exclusive changes to the Xbox (like the Jedi Masters all wearing blue). That's the important thing here, we're dealing with Xbox rules, not a PC.

    Even if you could get the mod to work, you'd still be dealing with the limitations of the Xbox version that were ported to Xbox One X. That'd mean you'd have to rescale all textures, edit all of the modules, basically make everything small enough to be accepted by the Xbox without showing up as garbled anomalies or a game crash. It wouldn't be worth the effort, let alone possible on an Xbox One because every BC game is basically run on an emulator designed specifically for that game to ensure perfect optimization.

    It is possible to mod the original Xbox version of Kotor, but you're very, VERY limited with what you can do.

    The mobile port is actually the PC version. That's why you can see so many people play modded versions of Kotor on mobile devices. I've seen plenty of videos showing off BOS: SR with that.