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Posts posted by Mephiles550

  1. Has anybody got the learning of the ways of the force mod by Darth333? Many thanks

    Was this mod ever released? I looked for it in multiple archives, found nothing, then found a WIP thread for the mod where the last post was Darth333 back in 2006 saying he may not finish the mod.


    EDIT: According to a post from really early 2015, Insidious said he had the mod. You may want to PM him about it. 

  2. Isn't it pretty obvious that the guy in the hood is Maul? The voice and the glimpse we have of his facial features match. Hell, I'd say that was the best part of the trailer. That reveal was perfect.


    Anyway, this trailer was amazing. I'm really looking forward to watching the rest of the season. All of the subtle hints to Kotor only make me love this show more and more. Are those spider like creatures Kinrath?  And judging by how Ezra found a Malachor/Kylo Ren style green Lightsaber, I can't tell if this will take place in either Korriban or Malachor. I'm expecting Korriban, but having Malachor return would be the greatest thing ever. We also have a new inquisitor.


    My only problem is that it sounds like Vader's voice was changed...darn. The glimpse we had of his voice sounded really unintimidating. Is that still James Earl Jones?

  3. IIIIIIIIIIII know what it does...



    Do you ever remember seeing a locked door in the apartment modules on Korriban? You know, the apartment module that had the Mandalorian, several miners and the "dance-off"? This door can only be opened by doing the following:

    -Go to the apartment room with the Twilek that sells the gear with some random miners. In the back, you'll see a shaky looking miner who will mumble on about needing credits for spice and that he wants to play Pazaak. Last time I played, the max wager was 900. 


    -You must play him 3 consecutive times and win 3 consecutive times. The reasoning behind this is that he will officially admit defeat once he loses all of his credits. This also means that I don't recommend lowering the Pazaak wager. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND SAVING BEFORE AND AFTER EACH GAME.


    -Once you beat him 3 times in a row, he will say that he doesn't like you and that he has no more credits. He will then end the conversation and walk slowly around the apartment ring complex. You must follow him. He will aproach the locked door and will open it. He will then have walk a few steps into the door and fall unconscious.


    -There is a footlocker in the room that is connected to the key. What you'll find in it is...


    Mandalore's Mask, The Sith Advisor Robes belonging to Akirikon's imprisoners and their facial mouth piece. Both have good, game breaking stats. :D






    Apologies if I got some slight details incorrect, but I know that the gist of it is accurate. It's been years since I played BOS:SR


    Hope you enjoyed the most epic mod ever made for Kotor (next to the Kotor 1 Restoration mod, of course.  :P )

  4. I'm well aware of this beta. The reason I'm asking for someone to port over those two models is because they are not included in the beta. Actually, the only blade model included in the beta is the single Vibrosword.

  5. Could someone port over Toasty Fresh's vibroblade and double vibrosword models from his Kotor 1 mod to be compatible with TSL? I only need the model files themselves to be TSL compatable. I can connect the weapon types, stats and textures to the models myself. I tried using MDLops, but my version won't work for porting models according to tutorials.

  6. The problem is, trying to fix the cape brings up problems when you take maskless versions of Revan's robes into account. First of all, the flowing robes would need to have a maskless version for male PCs so that being able to equip and unequip the Revan mask while wearing Revan's robes makes sense. Trying to get full compatability for female Revan brings up an even bigger problem. There is no, as far as I'm aware, flowing cape fix for female PCs. There was an edited female Revan model some time ago, but it doesn't have a fixed cape. Even if a fix was made, the mask problem would have to be taken into account again.


    What I did was take the flowing cape model files and replace the BOS Revan model files with Sithspecter's edited version. This means that I couldn't get proper female animations or be able to remove my mask while wearing the robes, but it was a much better alternative to the cardboard cape.

  7. Great work, but honestly this lightsaber would make more sense replacing that generic sith light saber we get at the end of Korriban, making it more than just another lightsaber, don't you agree? Just a minor note there, nothing editing a UTP wouldn't fix.

    ....That's... a great idea! I'll get right along to downloading it just to replace it! XD

  8. I really hope that the Force Unleashed is just considered a bad fever dream that never happened now in terms of canon. The game was fun to play, but the story, especially for the second one, was awful.


    They captured Vader...! You can't capture Vader, it just can't be done!

    • Like 1

  9. I imagine that the reviews for the game being mainly mediocre and people from all around the fanbase expressing how pissed off they were about the changes made between the modern Battlefront and the originals, not even mentioning how little content the new Battlefront has compared to the originals, threw a good chunk of potential buyers off. The fact that the PS4 can be bundled with a copy of Battlefront increased overall sales, but not that much.


    Well, you call all look forward to knowing you can eventually make Battlefront have the content of a regular damn AAA game when the Season pass releases for $50, meaning that the entirety of the game costs $110-$120. Ya, I'm not rich. I'm not going to spend that much for a single game. That's ridiculous. Most games that cost that much are super special editions that come with silly things like small statues of main characters or tin cases or things like that.

    • Like 1

  10. Here's an interesting video on Star Wars gaming, chronicling many of the cancelled LucasArts games.


    If you needed reaffirmation that George Lucas should not be in charge of Star Wars anymore, watch this video.


    As a quick preview, George Lucas wanted to un-ironically wanted to give Galen Marek a proper Sith title as - wait for it - DARTH INSANIUS. smdh



    "They were worried that a Multiplayer title only wouldn't sell" If only they applied that same one to then newer Battlefront.


    What I got from this video is that Lucasarts was a terrible company to work for and both it and old Georgie had unrealistic expectations from their employees. Almost makes me glad they got shut down, minus the fact that several employees became jobless. I hope Disney can revive some of their abandoned projects. I hope 1313 comes back.

    • Like 2

  11. What the hell is so bad about people thinking that ROTJ is the best of the OT? There's nothing wrong with that. All 3 movies of the OT are great movies. Even thought ROTJ isn't my favorite of the trilogy, I still agree 100% that it definitely has the best emotional scenes in the trilogy. Vader killing the Emperor and Luke removing Vader's helmet are my favorite scenes in all of the Star Wars movies.


    There's no way that I would tie Episode 3 and ROTJ for any ranking of quality. That's absolute BS. ROTJ is much better than ROTS. 

  12. I remember this mod from back in the day. I never got around to downloading it, but I'll give your DH-17 a shot. It seems a bit too big for what's supposed to be a pistol, but it still looks pretty good.


    I'm still hoping that someone could either make... or find... a good E-11 rifle mod.

  13. The only E-11 model I know about is the one made by Mono. I've looked through a couple of Stormtrooper mods, some from Gamefront and some not, and none of them come with a rifle.

  14. My favorite weapon from the Star Wars universe has always been the E-11 blaster rifle. With that being said, I'd like to ask if someone could create an E-11 rifle model for Kotor 1. I know that Mono made one a while back, but the textures for the model were too simple for my liking. His TSL version is pretty good, but it's Kotor 1 incompatible, I think.


    I think it would work pretty well with a white Sith soldier reskin. The E-11 could replace the Sith sniper rifle, which is the weapon used by the Sith troops in the Endar Spire. Until we eventually get a new E-11, I'm currently stuck with giving them DC-15S blasters.