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Posts posted by Mephiles550

  1. I've done a bunch of small modding on my own, including texture edits, UT(type) files, model converting(rarely, but it has happened and has worked) and some other bits and pieces here and there to get mods compatible. 

    Having a Kotor game run smoothly 100% the way you want it with around 2.5GBs requires a couple uses of Kotor Tool and Gimp, as well as the occasional 2DA merger tool.


    Anyway, I won't really be playing Kotor much these days, but when I've got free time and am in the mood for another playthrough, I'll definitely download this. Looks fantastic.

  2. I agree with Juliandroid. The ability to play as a Kel Dor is absolutely something we've been waiting years for.


    Which makes me want to add "injury" noises for the PC whenever they get hit in combat all the more. (Have you considered making VO effects for the respective races?)

    Not even necessarily playing as one, but also being able to see one as an NPC or boss character would be fantastic. Imagine the possibilities for future modders if they could incorporate these models into their mods.

    • Like 1

  3. I know for a fact that there was a really old mod back on jk2files that allowed you to customize your character using multiple PK3 files. It had somewhere around 4000 downloads the last time I checked, which was likely over 2+ years ago.

    Sadly, now that jk2files is gone, I doubt you'd be able to find it.

    • Like 1

  4. "Look, I have your fodder!"


    It took me years to realize that was a play on words of the famous Vader quote: "Luke, I am your father!"


    I laughed pretty hard when I realized what the quote was based on and I laughed even harder when I realized how long it took me to notice this. :hrhr:

  5. Hello!


    Every time I try to run the installer it bugs out on the 2das files trying to be copied.


    Any thoughts? I don't mess with any of the files.

    I've had the same problem numerous times. What you need to do is download both Kotor Tool and the 2da merger tool. You'll need 3 2da files. One that's already in your override, the specific mod's 2da and the vanilla 2da. The vanilla one is extracted via kotor tool and if you don't have another of the same 2da in your folder, just use the vanilla one twice (extract twice). Merging the files with the merger tool gets you the 2da file you want for your override folder.

    The problem is, the only place I knew where you could get a 2da merger was on StarWarsKnights.Com, which seems to be down ATM.

  6. This could either be a console seller for me or an excuse to completely despise whoever is doing this remake/remaster. I call BS on this eitherway. I'd be amazed if this were to happen. Still, I thought the Halo 1 remake was never going to happen and 343 has already remastered both the first and second Halo games. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. Now, starting a rumor about a possible TSL remake is when I immediately call bullshit. 


    Create your own adventure: $29.99 to receive the mystical Override folder for access to user-created mods available at EA stores. :P

    Also, :shock:

    Lol, imagine your current Override folder being passcode locked. XD

  7. Perhaps. Kind of reminds me of what happened when PCGamemods died all those years ago.

    There were a couple of mods from PCGamemods that I really wish I could have been able to download and save. There was a Juhani head model and a few robe reskins there that I saw a few pictures of and looked great.

    • Like 1

  8. HL2files, Kotorfiles, JK2files, all gone. There goes an element of my childhood. :( This will also limit my ability to mod both JK2/JK3 and the Kotor games severely. I hope we'll be able to upload more backups of the more popular mods here, such as ShemL's mods. I have plenty of backup mods for Kotor from Kotorfiles, but none for TSL.

  9. Can anyone make a mod that gives the Player Darth Bandon's armor that he wears? Not the one you recieve when you kill him, I'm talking about the one that he wears in cutscenes and when he battles with you. I've been looking for a mod that does this but I've had no luck. Thanks in advance.

    Like Mutilator57 said, both the armor of Darth Bandon and the silver variant found on certain Dark Jedi can be found on kotorfiles. The version for TSL works perfectly fine, even offering alternative textures by ShemL. The Kotor version never worked properly for me, and when I messed around the appearance file to get it to work, Bandon's armor would be transparent. This is fixable by removing the shader for the texture in GIMP, but the texture just looks too ugly for me without proper shading.

    • Like 1

  10. A Rancor... LOLWHAT?

    There aren't even any Rancors in TSL, let alone one guarding the crystal cave. My guess is that the Azgath N'Dul's tomb mod is likely the cause of this, as it edits multiple planets, not just Korriban. I never could get the mod to work right, but I never recall it making a Rancor appear on Dantooine.


    Could you provide an image also? This I want to see.

  11. Thank you! I've been looking forever for that texture and that is definitely it. 


    Found it! Should be LSP_planet01.tga

    Correction: Could also be LHR_Taris.tga

    I've known about those textures in the past and got confused when naming a new texture with one of those two names wouldn't replace Taris seen from the Leviathan. I wonder what they were even used for. A galaxy map beta?

  12. will be included in Taris Overhaul. (from one Overhaul to another i only cover the planet specific textures)

    Could you tell me the name of this texture? I've been trying to find it and I thought I found it a couple of times before but they weren't it. I'm asking because I'm testing with a place holder mod that changes the sky of Taris to red and I want to recolor the planet texture seen there to red to go with it.


    I'm also now leaning towards V6 as my favorite. :)

  13. For whichever version you choose, do you think you can replace the texture of Taris that can seen from the Leviathan when Malak talks to Saul? I can't find the texture myself, and I've always wanted to make it recolor it to match how the planet would look from the perspective of other texture mods.

  14. This has been a pretty damn good year for the HKs, hasn't it?

    My only issue with these wonderful textures is that the HK-47 hybrid's leg joints look so dark that they almost seem completely untextured. That's pretty much it. Everything else is god tier.