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Posts posted by Mephiles550

  1. Excellent idea! I always got sick of seeing my party on the leviathan. Ruined the immersion.


    There's also another similar screw up on the Star Forge. On the first cutscene, where the Sith Master informs Malak about the Jedi infilitrating the Star Forge, you can see the 3 Dark Jedi and the 3 Jedi having a stare down. It's pretty funny but annoying. It's only visible on a 1080P resolution.

  2. Non-party members don't have any appearance.2da entries for model J. I would assume that is the cause of your issue. You'll need to add in PFBJM/PMBJM as appropriate.

    Good catch, this was an oversight on my end. Everything works perfectly now and I can get the models to work on all NPCs. Thank you, angry Santa Maul head

  3. Not as an appearance.2da edit yet, but I may end up resorting to that even though I'd rather not.Your Bandon Female model for me currently replaces the Star Forge Robe model female variant and I thought that since it already replaces a standard model, it'd work for all npcs. This isn't the case. Actually, I don't understand why the model works for all playable heads and all party members but not regular NPCs. It'll crash for both normal humans and twileks. Did the original Star Forge robe model also do that for NPCs?


    What I'm doing now is making armor items categorized as a Revan Robe and equipping npcs with the armor in Kotor Tool. I'm also using a male variant of Bandon's armor that replaces the Star Forge robes for males.


    What I intended to do was make a bunch of random female Dark Jedi/Sith NPCs wear this armor with various different textures. I've got all of the texture variants down working perfectly, the only problem now is getting the model to work on standard NPCs.

  4. Also, I believe that I made a discovery: in Korriban, you can actually beat definitely Toll Apkar. There is a mistake in one of the scripts that when corrected and you challenge him after 10 wins, he will bet cards and after he loses, he will go away. Maybe you guys already knew, but to me this is new.

    I didn't know that, but I knew something similar happened on the Yavin station where, if you beat Suvam 10 times, he gives you a small permanent discount on items.

  5. Beggin' yer pardon sire for bumping this topic, but I'm curious about something.


    Your Female Bandon armor mod is perfect, DP. I'm just wondering if it would be possible to make it compatible with female Twileks? Would it be as simple as renaming a set of the MDL/MDX files to something else or would something have to be edited in the model files themselves? The outfit works for all female party members, Mission included. For some reason, common female Twileks are incompatible and cause a game crash.

  6. But don't forget that Kotor is fairly inconsistent in general when it comes to things like blood and gore. There are severed limbs seen throughout the game, corpses with exposes rib cages and flesh and piles of blood. The dead Jedi on the Star Forge are set pieces and props, just like the other previously mentioned decals. Dismemberment is still an acknowledged concept in the game, but the NPCs can't do it to one another since that's not how combat in the game works. 

  7. That one with Maul was easily the most brutal. Not only did he get cut in half, but his body quickly deteriorated from flesh and blood to cheap CGI. Horrifying.


    Anyway, years ago I saw an image from ShemL that showed the hanging Jedi on the Star Forge wearing the stock brown Jedi robes. Maybe someone could add an alternative texture for either new underwear, clothes or robes on the model.

  8. Just to let you all know, if you were as confused about where the Steam Workshop mod downloads go to, it's:




    Depending on how many games you have on Steam that you have subscribed mods with, you could have either a few or several folders, all of which are named as a series of random numbers. You'll have to figure out which folder has the mod contents you want.


    I hate the steam workshop cause of this, so I just copied and pasted all of the Steam Workshop files for this mod into the appropriate folders like normal.

  9. I should note that the most advanced modding I can do is using KSE or porting basic models from Kotor 1 to Kotor 2, so my ability to create any of these ideas is sadly out of the question... :(

    I'm just an amateur and an enthusiast!

    Considering that even experienced modders can have a real pain in doing that, I wouldn't put yourself that low. MDLops can really suck sometimes.

    • Like 1

  10. Well you need Canderous to get you in with Davik, technically. Without that you have no real connection to a ship that is fast enough.

    But that's the point, with the codes, a fast ship would have been unnecessary. Any ship would have done. Just put in the codes and you're good to go.


    Regardless, there's nothing wrong with getting the codes before being on Canderous' side. Ships weren't readily available on Taris, remember? "They impounded all of my ships and swoop-bikes" is what the Upper City merchant said. Ships were likely a valuable commodity few could get in the first place. Where'd you get one in the Upper City let alone lower? Needing to progress in the story to get the Ebon Hawk at some point still works. 


    The only question is, are there cut Canderous lines that discuss how you already broke into the base prior to him introducing his plan to become partners? It'd be weird for him to immediately suggest that they break into Davik's without having formed any sort of alliance prior.

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    When models go horribly awry. It is still animated, believe it or not. Moves a bit like spider. Sadly, I have no video of it.


    That last image looks like something you'd fight in BloodBorne. Kotor model glitches are some of the most terrifying things in a game I've ever seen.


    If you used as a game character Darth Malak, then you know that he does not have any animation, except combat. This mod is a similar problem, it's unfortunate that no one can make the Nihilus model fully animated for Kotor 1. I'm sure that many who love this game would say to him many thanks.


    I was more curious about his cape animations and such. He was given the fighting animations Malak had (or lack thereof), but the model itself still has it's own exclusive animations that weren't borrowed from Malak.

  13. Holy sh*t, you're spending some $3000 on a NASA build so you can play Kotor at 1000FPS? All the power to you, but you could spend probably 1/3 of what you're paying for all of that and get a build that can play all of those games at max settings with 60-120FPS and several graphical mods.

  14. So I found this amazing image that a modder by the name of Darth Paramatic.... i think that was his name


    EDIT: Aaaaaaaand barely a few minutes before my post, DP basically confirms the similarity. 


    This made my laugh and I'm not completely certain why.


    Anyway, It's definitely a good quality base model of Luke. Looks very similar to Toshi's Jedi Academy model of Luke.


  15. Looks pretty nice, but since I didn't bother to purchase the first one, I don't know how much they've changed/improved.


    Q. Is it really any different from its predecessot?

    To be honest, this looks far more different than it looks similar to it's predecessor. The first game was fun, but hardly resembled the original battlefront games (IMO). This game looks much more similar to Battlefront II 2005.


    Honestly, it looks really similar in gameplay to the original Battlefront 3 build that was cancelled years ago. I'm also getting some Battlefield 1 vibes from this.

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