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Posts posted by Mephiles550

  1. I remember a really cool Vader mod for Kotor 2 that used Nihilus' animations. It was a Vader model from scratch. I don't remember who made it.

    Is that the same Vader model ported from Kotor 1 to 2, or is it one of the many Vader model mods for JK3? You've been ported a lot of JK3 custom model weapons to Kotor, so I'm curious. Hard to tell with the lighting

  2. Glad to see that the new update is out, and way earlier than I expected. I'm incredibly excited to see what the modding community can do with a tool like this. I look forward to playing around with this when I get a chance. 

    Edit: Dumb question, but is there a way to rotate individual parts/map models on the map builder? I saw you do it in your demo video, but I can only see the option to rotate the camera itself.

  3. Thanks for the update! Could you clarify a little more about when you said "if you know what you are doing"? Do you mean like converting a MOD file to RIM? Or is there another way? Either way, how would you go about doing it? 

  4. The Korriban tomb modules would be a good addition to the module editor. They follow a similar structure to that of the Sith base by being completely in-doors and share similar linearity. The interior areas of Taris could also work, like the apartments or the lower city. Beyond that, idk what would be similar and diverse enough to be considered without being too complicated. 

    How would someone add custom modules to for use in the module editor? For example, the cut beta modules like the cut Tatooine temple/cave? Will they all load directly from the game's modules folder? 

  5. I'm wondering how Lehon will work for Kotor 2. I assume that the Star Forge is still a mystery to those who weren't either present at it's battle or top Sith/Republic officials. If you make Revan light sided, then Lehon could be a place of mystery, with secrets of the Star Forge lost. If Revan is dark sided, then the Star Forge is still there, just not used and is dormant. It'll be kind of hard to hide that fact, unless it's your intention to make the Exile aware of the Star Forge. 

    • Like 1

  6. @ebmarI tried your beta of the mod, thanks a lot! It's definitely a start. The cape is not working properly, which you already mentioned, but even more glaring is that, when Malak falls over after his final sentence, half of his body is clipping through the floor.

    Something I was thinking to maybe make it convincing, could a script make Malak's model change the second he "dies" (begins his defeat animation/kneeling after there are no more Jedi to drain)? Maybe accompanied by a small explosion/grenade blast on his face the second this happens to indicate Revan destroyed his mechanical jaw?

    That's probably getting into really specific territory, so I'm just throwing ideas out at this point.

  7. Has anyone ever considered the poetic irony of how good a finish the final boss of Kotor could have had if you hacked off Malak's mechanical jaw, just like you did years earlier with his original jaw? It would be great if the final scene where Malak is defeated and kneeling in front of Revan used his jawless model, a type of  "the circle is now complete" moment. 

    Is such a mod even possible? To switch the models in between the fade out once you've beaten him? I imagine it's not, but I'd like to hear what some of the experts have to think about it. Scripting is out of my league. 

    I'm guessing his cape animation would also be messed up, I don't think the jawless model has all the right animations. 

  8. I am very interested to learn more about the original Xbox's modding capabilities, as there's very limited info available about it. Have you tried any mods that add new modules besides the crystal caves? I would love to learn how Yavin IV or Ord Mantell works. 

    I also don't know much about original Xbox modding, do you think this would be possible with the tools available today to do this on original Xbox hardware or do you need at least a 360?

    • Like 1

  9. The more I'm looking at it, I'm guessing that @Jango32 was correct and that this definitely feels more like an Early Selkath attempt than anything else. Makes sense, I guess.

    Good job restoring what you could.  Something I like doing with old games is restoring as much old content as I can and reverting the game to the earliest, yet fully completable, extent possible (Half Life 2's beta started that hobby for me). I would like to see a version of this model with a working idle animation so that I can use it in a "beta build" of Kotor and view it in all it's 480P glory on my 4K monitor. 

    • Light Side Points 1

  10. I'm really surprised to see that the console port of the game can support mods with such large texture sizes. I was under the impression that the engine itself, despite being on an original Xbox, 360 or Xbone, was designed to not allow super high textures on the console port. I knew that new NPCs and placeables, item mods and new modules (to an extent) and 2DA edits mostly worked, but this is a genuine surprise. I assume this is your Reddit thread also?

    Found it when I was looking up what you meant by Kotor "Reborn" edition.

    Eitherway, nice job getting it compatible. Where/how did you learn how to add mods to the game on 360?

    • Like 1

  11. Neat find, I didn't know about this.

    The red one could be a messed up version of the Devaronian, just without the horns. The clothing also gives that away to me, alot of Devaronians are seen wearing that type of garb (bulky and open upper jacket, too-cool-for-school look, biker gang, etc)

    The blue one could be a Gand, It's got the same bug head thing going on that the Gand have. It could also be a Sullistan, but the eyes aren't spaced quite the same. Those feint blue streaks coming down from the head to the torso on sprite also match the same patten of the Gand's breathing tubes seen in Kotor 2. 

    Both species would be seen in Kotor 2 and some species had model updates from K1 to K2, so it's not a big revelation to think that these sprites were cutouts of older models for the Gands and Devaronians. Alien01's (the one I suspect is a very early Gand WIP) model height could be attributed to how they barely worked on the thing and didn't put time in to provide it with the proper height. 

    What I find interesting is that the bottom left sprite is a perfect match to that little mouse alien in Kotor 2 (the one in the Nar Shaddaa cantina who helps T3 get into Vogga's warehouse). That means that they must've already had the model finished, but didn't include it into Kotor 1 for some reason.

  12. My biggest concern is that this game will take the episodic approach, limiting each episode to 1 or 2 planets each. FFVII did the same thing, the first teaser trailer back in 2015 never mentioned the episodic format the game would take. Now it's 2021, barely 30% of the complete remake is technically done.

    The game much not be on league with games as legendary as FFVII to warrant such a massive scale remake attempt, but it's still a concern regardless. Please just be 1 complete package, even if it is a massive file size. 

  13. This may be as simple as renaming a few files, I think. Take any one MDX and MDL file that match in name (for the same item) from Shem's invisible headgear mod, then rename them to the file names you'd like to replace (l_mask_010 and l_mask_080 in this case) I don't know if Shem made the model "invisible" or just completely removed the model but you can definitely replace any mask model with his invisible models.

    EDIT: lol @Effixbeat me to it 

  14. That extra music is an awesome step, I think it just needs to have the ending a little more properly timed with the dialogue, it ends a little before he finishes talking. A minor detail that makes a big difference, I think.

    I know that this is off topic, but have you considered doing music scripts for other encounters too? That would be an amazing mod.

    • Thanks 1

  15. Ah yes, it's working perfectly now. Initially I was getting some abnormalities in the animation, but I quickly figured out that was because that JC' Kotor 2 robes to Kotor 1 mod includes a bunch of new player animations via the S_female02 files so there were animation incompatabilities. After using the S_female02 mdl file provided by JC instead of the vanilla S_female02 and repeating the process, it works perfectly now. Thanks for all your help you two! Any "problems" I have now are strictly texture incompatabilities with other Mandalorian mods, which is a very easy fix I will do later and am already seeing success with.


    • Like 1

  16. I'm using MDLops 1.0 now, with Kotor 2 selected and "Write ASCII" highlighted, I then selected my mod Mandalorian model. The read and write model option gave me the needed ASCII model file. I then highlighted Write Binary and checked the box for the "head model fix link to neck_g" option. Then I click replacer, choose my Supermodel as the binary option and the ASCII model as the newly made Mandalorian ASCII model. I then get taken to the list of meshes to replace. A few of them cannot be matched up and matching up all the ones that are even available still gets me the same "error - handler" error I always get. What step here am I doing wrong?

  17. I've actually used MDLops successfully several times in the past, but that was only for porting weapon models. I must've ported dozens of hilts, swords and blasters from Kotor 1 to TSL and vice-versa. However, that was several years ago and I only yesterday relearned many things about the program. With that being said, I am clearly doing something wrong because I am not getting any results.

    What I'm trying to do is port this awesome little guy from the Kotor 2 mod "Final Touch", released around 2006 iirc, to Kotor 1.  The mod included several awesome models that went subtly under the modding community's radar, and I say subtly because these models are so awesome I'm surprised I don't see them used more often.

    Here's the model in question:



    I have used MDLops 0.5 and the newest versions available to see if it was just a build issue since most people say 0.5 is the only one that works usually for stuff like this. Eitherway, I got the same (lack of) results.

    Here are the steps I've followed to do this, let me know if I did something wrong. 

    1. Since I'm porting a TSL model to Kotor,  I also need a Kotor 1 vanilla variant of the model via Kotor Tool, which I extracted both the MDL and MDX files for it. (N_Mandalorian in this case, was I supposed to use a TSL vanilla model?) I don't think I even need the MDX file but idk.

    2. On MDLops, I have the Kotor 2 button selected, I choose the model from the Final Touch model, I read and write the model which gives me a new ascii MDL version of the model.

    3. I then press the Kotor 1 button, click replacer, my binary model is the vanilla model I ported from Kotor 1, my ascii model being the one I just made on step 2.

    4. I click read, it shows me a bunch of meshes I can choose to replace on the default model with the new one. I think this is where I'm doing something wrong, but I don't see how. There's no single N_Mandalorian mesh unfortunately, just divided into around 50 parts, from the thumbs and neck to the neck and shoulderpads. They really divided this one up, weapons were so much easier.

    Here's what that page looks like before I start matching up meshes. I always make sure the replacer target matched the original mesh name, so it all lines up perfectly. This part takes a few minutes...


    Now when I click "Do it!" I get the new K1-bin model files I needed, I renamed them to get the new gunk out of their names (now it's just N_Mandalorian again) and put it in my override folder. No change present at all.

    Could someone tell me what I did something wrong?

  18. This will be a definite addition to my override folder for sure! I love everything you've done with him so far, from the head and armor reskin to that bone-chilling voice of his. Your'e definitely proving yourself as both a talented and creative modder.

    I'm curious exactly how you got the implant to work. I know that their are in-game textures for the implants (not the icons), but equipping  an implant has no visible effect on the wearer beyond stat changes. The texture seems to be animated, so I'm curious exactly how you got this to work.

    Also, where did you get that blue Mandalorian armor reskin (had to ask, sorry)?

    • Thanks 1