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Posts posted by Mephiles550

  1. Yes, exactly. I reported-it to Kain and asked others to confirm they had the issue, but nobody else did at the time. Now that we can confirm the bug happened for 3 different persons, maybe it will motivate him further to find a fix.

    IIRC, I believe the problem had something to do with the Darth Bandon head, which is the head that the Serroco leader uses in the Overhaul mod. Re-installing the Overhaul mod's appearance part fixed the issue for me, I think.

  2. Yup, it's NPC Overhaul. Find your backup of "302NAR.mod" and drop-it back into the override. Then load a save from before the first time you entered the refugee sector area. I'm actually glad someone else than me had that problem...

    Does this crash happen when you try to talk to the Serroco Veteran leader? I had one or two crashes when I tried to talk to that guy with the NPC Overhaul mod before.

  3. Listen to Yoda's speech in Empire. The biggest point he makes that just says "no to midichlorians" for me is simply "Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter (touching Luke's arm). You must feel the Force around you."


    That alone to me makes me believe that the Force is mystical and not biological. I, personally do not agree with the midichlorians. I always viewed the Force as something you had to concentrate on to draw from or feel through training and understanding, not the amount you have in your body like a power up handicap or level etc.


    But, that's just me. To each their own.

    As much as I dislike the idea of midichlorians and would much rather view the force as a concept similar to qi/chi, Yoda might have just been referring to Luke and himself when he said "we". I don't really see this as good evidence against midichlorians.


    While I may not like the idea behind midichlorians, I think that they are most likely what allow force users to actually feel the force. The Rakata researchers were trying to find biological reasons for their loss of the force due to the "plague", and the information they need is in their temple. If Revan gives it to them, they claim that they might now know the reason why the Rakata have lost the force. The reason, if genetic mutations were behind their force loss due to the plague, most likely means that their midichlorians were altered. (It's been a while since I've done this side mission, so sorry If I'm missing a few key points)


    Again, I dislike the idea of midichlorians, and I would prefer that anyone could be able to use the force, provided they are capable to be trained, but there are multiple clues that point to midichlorians being the cause for force sensitivity.

  4. Huh... I started removing files in the override folder one by one to see if any in particular was the problem. Deleting KOTOR2Logo.tga got the game running normally. The version number no longer appears on the main menu, but Kreia mentions the Ebon Hawk by name and there's a vibrocutter on one of the first corpses. Seems like the issue's resolved.

    Wow. I never expected removing the logo texture of all things would have solved the problem. XD

  5. Another issue.


    I flipped the files as people said was required, but...:



    Should I flip them back? Why did the forum, post tell me to flip them then?



    I was looking through the textures and most seemed flipped correctly...? I mean in the image viewer, I found tel_grassfx.tga and it's set upright.

    Flip them?

    There was no need to flip them to begin with. The textures were perfectly formatted with the map.

  6. Really? Wow, I mean, it is the only one I've seen like that.


    But that is also the generic color of "missing textures when compiling maps" in most games.

    Ya. Personally, that purple texture is my least favorite part of the entire texture pack. So much so that, when I still used it, I replaced that single texture with something else. It sticks out so badly.

  7. Laptops are my bane. I bought one with an independent graphic card and TSL is still having trouble with metallic shader... That'S probably your problem. Any graphic card that has Express in its name probably wont cut-it...

    Hmm... I remember I was able to get both Kotor and TSL to run on my old laptop, which had both Windows Vista and a fairly similar, if not even worse, hardware setup.


    Anyway, maybe you need to lower your graphics settings, or just completely disable certain things, like others said. Hassat was probably right to assume that the the smoke is probably playing havok with your laptop. 

  8. You know this would probably be a huge time sink/ massive undertaking, but I was just thinking; what if you did as Mephiles550 (I believe) suggested and just replaced the exterior Ebon Hawk model with the Tardis, yet did one better.. edited all of the videos where the Ebon Hawk is, and rotoscoped the Tardis model over it?...

    Considering how the movies conflict with nearly all of the big texture/graphic mods out there for Kotor to begin with, I don't think the effort would be well spent. A good chunk of people also skip the movies for various reasons anyway, so those people wouldn't need the mod. I would enjoy a mod like you suggested, as I do enjoy the movies to begin with, but it'll be a while from now at the very least.

  9. I wonder.. TSL had less time than the first KOTOR but had it fixed how does that even work?

    For Kotor, leaving the security spikes unusable was more likely than not just an oversight added in the game while close to its release date. Bioware could have easily corrected that little bug.

    Obsidian must have noticed the bug during TSL's development and intentionally fixed it. I doubt it would have taken either team long to fix it.

  10. Yep, him. the idiot irritating one.


    He's also probably the most difficult to fight out of all of the masters, just because of how high his dexterity is (how he can dodge attacks easily) and how he'll always spam force heal when he is at half health.

    When I was knew to the game, I had a trick for him. I used an adhesive grenade, which prevents everyone in the trap from using force powers like heal, and repeatedly shot force Lightning on him 'til he died.


    Even if I was trying to meet the Jedi at the rebuilt enclave instead of killing them all, I would sometimes kill Vrook just because he pissed me off. XD

  11. I was thinking about which battles deserve customized music... let me know what you think and how much you feel it's doable.


    HK.-50 (Peragus)

    Darth Nihilus

    Darth Sion (Korriban) & Darth Sion (Malachor)

    Master Zez

    Master Kavar

    Master Arsehole (can't remember his name now)

    Revan's Ghost (Korriban)

    Darth Traya (duh)

    Atris (as Handmaiden)

    The Echani Sisters (as Handmaiden)

    Atris (as the Exile)

    Mira (as Hanharr) (Nar Shaada)

    Hanharr (as Mira) (Nar Shaada) & Hanharr (Korriban)

    Malak's Ghost (Korriban) (?)

    Queen Talia (onderon)

    General Vaklu and his men (Onderon)


    I cannot think of any more. Opinions? Do you feel it would be doable?

    Jek Jek Tarr run (an awesome choice would be the cantina music, the more lively variation :D )

    The 3 Jedi Masters Together on Dantooine (not sure this can happen, but it would be amazing)

    The problem is that the majority of these battles don't have their own exclusive theme, rather they just share the same battle theme as the rest of the level. So if you had planned to play some sort of epic theme fitting for only that particular fight, then you'll hear it fighting everyone else in the level.

    If there is a work around to this, I would love to hear it.

    Master I'm going to assume you're referring to Vrook. XD

  12. JedishemL makes some of my favorite Kotor/TSL mods. The majority of them are completely compatible with the TSLRCM, and are easy to install.

    His Sith Lords armor mod overwrites the Jal-Shey mod armors so be careful with that if you have a different mod that uses that armor type, and I'd be very hesitant to install his Super Enhanced mod if you have both TSLRCM and M4-78.

    Other than that, there should be no problems. You should go check them out.;1142

    I think some of his mods are also posted on Deadlystream also.

  13. Mephiles550 what are the mods you have installed?

    Heh, because of a few problems with some mods I've been messing around with, I've had to uninstall TSL for what I assume to be the 50th time. This mod wasn't the reason why I uninstalled mind you, as that one glitch wouldn't be enough of a reason to influence me to completely uninstall the game. It was the result of trying to mix up to many different things from mods like Oldflash's Final Touch mod, which has some great new models and reskins, and a bunch of other different mods combined with it, all of which would take me to long to list, and I deleted all of the downloads anyway, so I would have forgotten a few of the smaller, less important mods.


    Besides learning Force Crush early on Coruscant, I have no idea what mods could have caused problems with the Nihilus fight that would cause such a random issue like the one Adept and myself have experienced involving Force Enlightenment. Like I said before, I removed all custom skins/models I had for Visas, Nihilus, and Mandalore, so I have no idea what could have caused it.


    Oh well, I'll just start over with TSL eventually like I always do when I have a major mod issue. On the bright side, I re-installed Kotor 1 again to compensate for uninstalling TSL, and I am loving my current mod setup for it. I'm experiencing little to no problems whatsoever for it, and it's all running smoothly.


    (spoiler'd due to lack of relevance)



    And since I finally figured out how to properly convert the remote model from Final Touch into TSL without installing the actual Final Touch mod, I'm super duper happy. It wasn't as simple as just taking the remotes files from the mod and porting them into my TSL override folder, I had to mess around with the model for much longer than I feel like I should have to get it to work properly. In the end, I replaced the default remote with a Wookie model, and than replaced said Wookie model with the new remote, than had to mess around with the textures so that they wouldn't be transparent.

    Here's the remote model I'm talking about. The final result turned out just as I had originally hoped it would.





    And If I wasn't getting the standard remote during my testing, I was getting this monstrosity:


    k200011ah0.jpgThanks to JediShemL for uploading the pic. I've actually seen this problem multiple times with other people regarding the remote model with this mod.




    I know that only half of this post was relevant to the topic, but I was so happy with Kotor 1 and the Remote that I felt like sharing what I've done with them.

  14. I think I already tried removing both Mandalore, Visas, and Nihilus skins before the Nihilus fight, so I doubt that skins are the issue.

    I did have a crash with Kreia once she boarded the Ebon Hawk after the rebuilt enclave, but that's because of a custom Kreia skin, and, I think, the only spot in the game were a custom skin will crash your game. I got rid of it and it worked just fine.


    I don't suppose this would have anything to do with having Force Crush on Coruscant prior to getting Force Enlightenment, would it? All the constant Force Enlightenment updates could be because the game is messing up over how I have Force Crush when I shouldn't.

  15. Hey Darth Hayze, not sure if this has to do with the Extended Enclave, but I noticed that since I've downloaded it, I went back and played the duel with Nihilus and when he dies, it doesn't go to his death cutscene. It just cuts to black and says that I have gained the Force Enlightenment power. Did you encounter a bug like this?


    I also can't get out of the blank screen once this happens.

    Oh, I'm glad it wasn't just me! I've been experiencing the same problem, and I'm not sure how to fix it. It most likely has something to do with Visas though, because if you sacrifice her during the Nihilus fight, the game will continue normally, but if I let her live, I get the same problem as quoted above.


    If I repeatedly press O.K. to the sign that says I obtained Force Enlightenment, it brings it up again, and I hear the different voice lines from both Visas and Mandalore once Nihilus dies, one Force Enlightenment pop up after each voice line. Eventually, I'm able to see Mandalore fall down to the floor, with Nihilus still alive and standing. After that, the game completely black screens, and all I'm able to do is access the menu features.


    I'm not sure what to make of any of this.


    Also, in all of the Trayus core scenes after Sion is informed about the "death" of the Exile, a random Sith Assassin is always standing really close to the center of the Trayus core. IIRC, Mira or Atton actually had to walk past that assassin while trying to get to Kreia.


    The latter of these two glitches definitely isn't game breaking like the former glitch at least, and I'm thinking that the Sith Assassin glitch might be the cause of JediShemL's Sith Assassin's with lightsabers mod, but I doubt it.

  16. Hahaha, depends how big the request is :P

    And you might have to wait a bit to see it fullfillled.


    Still have a few things on my list I should get done for some other folks here on the board. Walkmesh issues... x-S



    Just couldn't resist and do an upload, a minor test to see how it can look. :P

    Look's like a type of mixture between the TSL/JK2 versions of  Nar Shaddaa and Coruscant in Jedi Academy. Progress looks great so far, and I can already think of the possibilities of using this map in game, story and gameplay wise. Two questions, though:

    1. Will this level be intergrated in Kotor 1 or TSL?

    2. This is just out of curiosity, but I've noticed a lot of Kotor maps in development will have those rectangular prisms in one or two locations in the map. I've seen them in Sleheyron, here, and in other maps. I know hardly anything about making a custom module for Kotor, so can you tell me what they're for?

  17. I have tried numerous different experiments with the game by replacing some pieces of the soundtrack with music tracks from other games to see how well they would fit in. For example, on the Harbinger, I replaced the default track that would play normally with the Ikana Valley theme from Majora's Mask.. It fits especially well with the Harbinger textures from the Darker Peragus mod.


    The Streammusic folder divides its files into both ambience and the actual music. If a file starts with "bed_", than it's an ambience file. Everything else in there is the music.


    Try these mods if you'd like a basis for replacing the game's music files. It contains playable version's of the games StreamMusic files, and even if you don't want to use this mod's music files, it will at least let you know the names of the sound files you would like to replace with something else. 


    I'd actually like to ask anyone who has experience modding the game's sound files a question, now. There is one sound file that, no matter where I look, I cannot find it. I'm trying to find the music file that plays in the Nar Shaddaa cantina (not the Pazaak den), but I can't find it as a bed_ file or as a mus_ file in the StreamMusic folder. Does anyone know where I can find this file?