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Posts posted by Mephiles550

  1. You don't need to download the TSL patcher. It works automatically with each individual mod with slightly different setup depending on how the mod creator intended it to work. 

    As for the holster, for TSL, you could just switch your weapons to an empty set before a conversation if you find it that annoying.

  2. Two very minor things.

    The dialogue splicing done for M4-78 can be noticeable choppy and feels both unnatural and unfitting sometimes.

    This second one can hardly be helped, but the limited mod compatibility is a little annoying. That's pretty much impossible to fix, though. I can still take assets from certain incompatible mods and use them with TSLRCM with a few file adjustments here and there.

  3. I'll be flat out honest with you when I say this...

    I think that this is probably the best Dantooine graphics overhaul I've ever seen. The textures are rich, colorful and almost have a cell shaded style on them. I can also tell you've got a custom skybox for this. This will be an instant download whenever I see that you've released it. 

    I'm especially looking forward to a Taris visual mod as well. Keep up the great work!

  4. I don't think there's that much of a problem as long as the majority of the buildings in that render look like Tarisian-style buildings, which they do. A few unique buildings here and there are no problem. Like you said though, the colors do need adjusting.

    Looks great so far. I'll be looking forward to this. :)

  5. Is it just me, or is there a visible line in the middle of the first Dantooine screenshot (the one with more dramatic rain clouds)? It looks like it divides the lighter from the darker clouds. It's a bit of an eyesore.

    I see it too, but it really shouldn't be that noticeable in game when you're not placing the majority of your focusing on the skybox alone.

  6. Why the Xbox version specifically? Why do you not want to use the PC version?

    Plenty of reasons, although it usually boils down to the fact that some people just prefer the feel of using a console to play a video game with a controller in hand rather than with a keyboard and up close monitor. This is especially the case for a console pre 7th generation. I can relate. An emulator or PC copy of an old game sometimes just can't compare with holding a wired controller in your hand while playing the game from a console.


    Anyway, I've never had the balls to do it as a kid because I was afraid I would screw up my original Xbox and I have no interest in modding consoles now that I have a perfectly good PC to satisfying my modding needs. Not to mention the fact I sold all of my consoles months ago. :D


    This guide is almost a decade old, but I think it should be useful.

    Good luck trying to play M4-78 on an xbox. It runs slow enough on my PC as it is.

  7. A few questions...


    1. Are those three modules finalized?


    2. How many modules do you plan on having in total and what will they be?


    3. Fair Strides mentioned adding the Czerka HQ and Tatooine Temple (cut content by Bioware) to your Sleheyron mod. Is that still the current plan?

    #3 would be a great idea! It would be a shame to put such great modules to waste, wouldn't it? I know you want to create everything from scratch, but it would be a great idea for both the restoration mod and for the Sleheyron mod if one or two of the unused modules can find a home in Sleheyron.

  8. I added 5 crystals, and simply made 3 xml files (normal, mantle, heart) of the property lists and then loaded these xmls for all other sabers. Therefore, the only difference in work between 1 or X crystals is when adding them to the first lightsaber, afterwards loading an xml takes the same time regardless of how many you have added. :D

    I remember getting my crystal to work exactly the way I wanted to with each different saber type, but I know it took me a long time to do so. I may have done it differently than the way you described. It's been over a year though, so I don't remember the specifics.

  9. Was Bendak Starkiller ever intended to have a light side death match or was that fan made?

    The mod you're referring to was completely fan made and has no connection to any cut content. All of the additional lines that Bendak says in that mod are just modified parts of his original voice files.

  10. Speaking of the repeaters, can someone tell me why some modules have a random light repeater lying on the middle of the floor?


    In the Sith base on Taris, the first hallway has a light repeater lying right in front of the backside of the door, and in the Tatooine hanger, a light repeater can be found under the ship.


    Are these just Easter Eggs? Can more light repeaters be found in other modules?

  11. The handmaiden if I'm playing as a male and the Disciple if I'm playing as a female. If I'm playing as a strictly Light Sided female, turning the Disciple into a Jedi can almost be done on the spot with no effort whatsoever. The handmaiden is a bit more difficult obviously, what with all of her training sessions. 

    Playing on the Dark Side, turning the Disciple into a Dark Jedi is considerably more difficult while maintaining the connection to the Dark Side, and the Handmaiden is a bit more difficult to convert into a Dark Jedi as well, but not as difficult as converting the Disciple would be, I think.

  12.  The texture pack i'm using is the best I've seen and it nearly replaces every default texture in game. You can get it here. It's for KOTOR 1 though only and it's a Russian texture pack. However it doesn't change your language. It's just the installer is in Russian. It's still easy enough to install.


    You can get it here:

    I'd love to download this, but my browser keeps insisting that it's virus infested and that I should keep away from it.

    For all I know, Chrome may just have a bias towards Russian websites, but you're sure this is a safe download?

  13. Well i'm still not satisfied with the DoF so no release as of yet. Still tweaking it. However here is a few more screen shots. These are of Dantooine.


    Amazing Screenshots! I love the additional texture pack you added to Dantooine, but it's one I don't recognize. Can you tell me where I can download this texture mod for Dantooine?

  14. I really like the Sion skin, although I think the face looks a bit... off. It's kind of hard to describe. The quality is great, but I don't really see Sion's face from it. I see a man with a baby face who's suffered numerous 3rd degree burns and sword cuts. Besides the face being slightly off, I absolutely love what you did to Sion.

    Your Visas skin is pretty much perfect and your T3-M4 skin is fantastic!

  15. I take it your using the convert2DA tool, right? That tool has come in handy quite a number of times for me when dealing with and merging conflicting 2da files.


    To get the original game 2da file, you need to extract the file from Kotor Tool by Selecting the BIFs category, then the subcategory 2da.bif, and finally the 2D Array subcategory. The appearance file should be one of the first ten you see. From there, simply press the extract button and choose a location to send the file to. The file is duplicated, not removed from the game altogether.


    Kotor Tool can be downloaded here on Deadlystream and can also be used to view and edit the contents of a 2da file.


    I'd also recommend making a properly named separate folder for each individual 2da file so that you know where the files you're merging are located, lest to avoid confusion and annoyance.