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1 point
Version 1.0.0
Description: This modder's resource contains 6 air taxi speeders (5 from Star Wars: The Old Republic and 1 created by Viktor Trisjin), each with diffuse and normal map textures. It also contains an AI-voiced protocol taxi droid with a simple custom texture (taxi logo added) and an example dialogue file for him. If you want to use Airtaxi_lp model in your mod, then you must mention that the model was created by Viktor Trisjin and is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution. Acknowledgments: Thanks to DarthParametric for his help and advices. Airtaxi_lp model was created by Viktor Trisjin (https://skfb.ly/ozoLM) and is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). Disclaimer THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. -
1 pointView File Rebalanced Force Powers Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - Rebalanced Force Powers [K1] v1.0.0 By Timbo Overview The Force has undergone some dramatic changes in this mod. In the Vanilla game, Force powers are relatively inexpensive regardless of your Force alignment. Rebalanced Force Powers addresses this problem by introducing FP costs that increase as you upgrade the powers and a simplified alignment system that’s specifically designed to complement these scaling changes. Another major change is that Skills have incorporated into some of the force powers. Awareness now extends the duration of buff spells and Treat Injury increases the potency of healing powers. This mod, alongside it’s companion mod Rebalanced Grenades, should bring some much-needed attention to Kotor 1’s underdeveloped skills system. The powers themselves have had some important shakeups as well. Many powers had the descriptions corrected, and had their bugs fixed. However, the biggest changes come in the form of nerfing many of the game’s buffs. Please note that Rebalanced Force Powers is a standalone version of Balance in the Force’s changes to the Force Power system. It contains updated changes that will appear in v2.0 of that mod as well. List of Changes Neutral Alignment now covers alignment scores of 40-59 with regards to Force powers. Alignments between 0 and 39 and give a 50% FP cost discount with dark side aligned powers and 50% FP cost increase with light side aligned powers. Alignments between 60 and 100 and give a 50% FP cost discount with light side aligned powers and 50% FP cost increase with dark side aligned powers. Heal, formerly known as Cure, costs 30 FP. It heals 5 + CHA + Treat Injury + level/2. Improved Heal, formerly known as Heal, costs 40 FP. It heals 15 + CHA + Treat Injury + level/2 and removes poison. Force Enhance, formerly known as Force Aura, costs 20 FP. It adds +2 physical attributes. It lasts 20 + Awareness seconds. It no longer stacks with Stimulants. Knight Enhance, formerly known as Force Shield, costs 30 FP. It adds +4 to physical attributes and Immunity: Critical Hits. It lasts 20 + Awareness seconds. It no longer stacks with Stimulants. Master Enhance, formerly known as Force Armor, costs 30 FP. It adds +6 physical attributes and adds Immunity: Critical Hits. It lasts 20 + Awareness seconds. It no longer stacks with Stimulants. Force mind, formerly known as Force Valor, costs 20 FP, adds +2 to mental attributes. It affects all party members. It lasts 20 + Awareness seconds. Knight Mind, formerly known as Knight Valor, costs 30 FP. It adds +4 mental attributes and Immunity: Poison. It affects all party members. It lasts 20 + Awareness seconds. Master Mind, formerly known as Master Valor, costs 40 FP. It adds +6 mental attributes and Immunity: Poison. It affects all party members. It lasts 20 + Awareness seconds. Stun costs 20 FP. Stasis costs 30 FP. Stasis Field costs 40 FP. Stun Droid costs 10 FP. Disable Droid costs 20 FP and it now requires a Fortitude Save as stated in its description. Destroy Droid costs 30 FP, adds 1d6(Level) and it now requires a Fortitude Save as stated in its description. Force Speed, formerly known as Burst of Speed, costs 20 FP, it doubles movement speed, and it adds +2 to Defense. It lasts 20 + Awareness seconds. It can be used with armor. Knight Speed costs 30 FP. It doubles movement speed and adds +5 to Defense. It lasts 20 + Awareness seconds. It no longer stacks with Stimulants. Its prerequisite level has been reduced to 6. It cannot be used with armor. Master Speed costs 40 FP, doubles movement speed and adds +5 to Defense. It adds 1 bonus attack per round and a -2 penalty on all attacks. It lasts 20 + Awareness seconds. Its prerequisite level has been reduced to 12. It cannot be used with armor. Energy Resistance costs 30 FP. It reduces fire, cold, electrical, and sonic damage by 6. it reduces energy damage by 3. It lasts for 20 + Awareness seconds. It no longer stacks with Energy Shields. Improved Energy Resistance costs 40 FP. It reduces fire, cold, electrical, and sonic damage by 12. It reduces energy damage by 6. It affects all party members. It lasts for 20 + Awareness seconds. It no longer provides poison immunity. It no longer stacks with Energy Shields. Force Push has had its stun duration fixed. It now actually lasts 3 seconds. Force Whirlwind is 20 FP, requires a Fortitude Save, and its description has been corrected to reflect its actual damage and duration. Force Wave is 30 FP. Force Resistance costs 20 and has a DC of 5 + Defender Level. Force Immunity costs 30 FP and has a DC of 10 + Defender Level. Force Suppression is 20 FP. Force Breach costs 30 FP. Lightsaber Throw costs 10 FP. Drain Life costs 30 FP. Death Field costs 40. Fear costs 20 FP. Horror costs 30 FP. Insanity costs 40 FP. Shock costs 20 FP. Force Lightning cost 30 FP. Force Storm costs 40 FP. Slow costs 10 FP. Affliction costs 20 FP and its description has been corrected to reflect its actual effects and duration. Plague costs 30 FP and its description has been corrected to reflect its actual effects and duration. Wound costs 10 FP. Choke costs 20 FP. Kill costs 30 FP. Acknowledgements offthegridmorty’s Treat Injury Affects Force Healing is the forebear to this mod. As far as I know, offthegridmorty is the first person to add skills to Force powers. Not only that, offthegridmorty himself provided feedback and taught me some critical things needed for this mod. Thank you offthegridmorty. Thor110 has taught me so much regarding KotOR mods that he pretty much gets a permanent spot in all of my acknowledgements. Thank you Thor110. Compatibility Rebalanced Force Powers is expressly not compatible with any mods that change the scripting of Force Powers, combat shots, or energy shields. It’s also not compatible with Balance of the Force. It will be included in the next major update of that mod but at the time of this writing, there’s still much work to be done before that happens. Frequently Asked Questions Why do some of these changes feel like nerfs? That’s because they. Rebalanced Force Powers is actually a piece of a major gameplay overhaul mod called Balance in the Force that rebalances every aspect of the game to make all player options viable and add some challenge to the game. I’ve released it as a standalone mod because even on its own it adds several neat ideas to the game and reduces the overpowered nature of the force power system a little bit. Balance in the Force will actually nerf things a little bit more. What did you do to Aura? Force Aura, while also ridiculously powerful, was so redundant that no one used it. So, I tossed it. Fun fact: I added Immunity: Critical Hit so that I could justify keeping those shield icons the same the tier 2 and 3 versions of the power. What did you do to Valor? Force Valor is tied for most overpowered force power in the game. Providing +5 to all six attributes and Saving Thows is bonkers. So, I split it into two powers called Force Mind and Force Enhance that split the mental and physical attributes between them. I did increase the buffs to +6 as consolation for making them no longer stack with stims. The Balance in the Force version will cap at +4. What did you do to Speed? Force Speed is the other power tied for most overpowered Force power in the game. Now, at level 1 it only provides double movement speed with no defense bonus. This is a quality-of-life change for armor wearing Jedi who still want to navigate the map quickly. Tier 2 opens up 3 levels earlier at level 6 and adds a bonus defense of 5. This functionally allows it to fully replace force Aura line of spells. Tier 3 opens up 3 levels earlier at level 12 however, instead of getting two extra attacks you only get 1. What did you do to Energy Resistance? Improved Energy Resistance was an incredibly strong power that served as one of the many ways of making players functionally immortal. In past mods I probably nerfed it too aggressively so in this version. I scaled it to K2’s damage resistance values for cold, electric, fire, and sonic and I reintroduced blaster resistance but at half the value of the other resistances. Submitter Timbo Submitted 09/15/2024 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes
1 pointView File Kinrath Egg Fix In the first version of the game on Dantooine in the Crystal Cave, if you destroyed the Kinrath Eggs, you gained dark side points, which was stupid, so in a patch they changed it, and now you gain red lightsaber crystals instead of dark side points, which is equally stupid. So i changed it to 25xp and a small chance to get poisoned. Submitter GearHead Submitted 09/26/2024 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes
1 pointGive the opponent a custom UserDefine (you can use the vanilla k_def_userdef01 as a starting template). Event 1010 (on spell cast at) should let you catch the character being affected by a Force power. Their OnSpawn script will need the inclusion of GN_SetSpawnInCondition(SW_FLAG_EVENT_ON_FORCE_AFFECTED). Basically the same way as above, but with other events. There are a multitude of vanilla examples of this happening in both games, and the TSL sparring ring on Dxun and/or sparring with the handmaidens on Telos should give you pretty much exactly what you want, differences in script functions between the games aside. In the opponent's 1006 event (on damaged), have it check its current health status. This will require the addition of GN_SetSpawnInCondition(SW_FLAG_EVENT_ON_DAMAGED) to its OnSpawn. To catch the player, you'll also have to use the opponent's UserDefine, since you can't do anything with the player themselves. That can go in event 1003 (on end of combat round) and basically works identically the opponent's own health check, but checking the PC's health instead. This will require adding GN_SetSpawnInCondition(SW_FLAG_EVENT_ON_COMBAT_ROUND_END) to their OnSpawn. Look at TSL's k_fab_dueluser (vanilla and TSLRCM versions) and k_dojo_ud (vanilla and TSLRCM are the same I believe) for guidance. That's what starting conditionals are for. Add the necessary branches at the top of the DLG and gate them with the required starting conditional check. Typically you'll be doing this via setting local booleans (SW_PLOT_BOOLEAN_01 - 10, etc.). Every major dialogue does this, so you have plenty of potential examples to look through. But if it's easier to use separate DLGs then you just call those when triggering the DLG. Whichever way you prefer. You could also physically block them leaving by spawning in some of the vanilla placeable walkmeshes. In TSL you could just create a custom one, but you don't want to be adding new placeables in K1 due to the 2DA row limit issue, so you'd have to spawn in a bunch of the vanilla ones and arrange them to suit. PLC_Blockage is one, which is a 6m long rectangle (so a bit unwieldy). There are some smaller ones like PLC_CageLgB which are intended for use with force cages and the like. Blocking them would let you switch the trigger to firing a bark bubble message about not running away instead of actively ending the combat.
1 point
Version v2.1
Installation is simple: just drag the .tga files you want into your override folder. It is, in fact, compatible with KotOR 1. Fire Files: fx_fireball01.tga fx_flame.tga Covers the flame effect from flamethrowers and things that reuse this (most custom force powers using fire use this effect). The fireball is an adaptation of Fire_001 made by Mr. Bubble for RPG Maker games. (http://mrbubblewand.wordpress.com/tag/fire/) I recolored the flames to be a little less red, and also added some tween frames to make the whole thing more puffy. It is approximately four times the original flame's resolution - the original was made of multiple overlapping 51x51 sprites expanded up to consume entire bodies, these are 204x204 with soft blending edges. The fire stream is an adaptation of Misc Fire Element made by dbszabo for general usage. (http://dbszabo1.deviantart.com/) It was a pretty simple affair. Ice Files: fx_crystal01.tga fx_reflectmap.tga The ice is an adaptation of Ice Texture made by DudeAlan2001 for general purposes, and is eight times the original resolution, going from 128 to 1024. (http://dudealan2001.deviantart.com/art/Ice-Texture-77076446) I slightly colored the ice and played with the alpha channel, but I didn't really do any hard work on that one. Most of the hard work was actually on the ice's reflect map, reducing the overpowering glow to be a little paler and a little less common. Overall, it looks more like "unnaturally glowing ice and snow" and less like "unnaturally glowing saran wrap." -
1 point
Version 1.1
One thing that I found blatantly irritating is that while the dialog for how the Maintenance Officer met his demise on Peragus was both graphic and descriptive, the actual "body" of the aforementioned was absolutely untouched. This really breaks the immersion for me, so I changed the texture for his model and re-skinned the texture to have more "damage". The screenshots do a pretty good job of showing what it looks like. -
1 point
Brothers Dendis and Samhan Dobo decided to set up shop on the Telos citadel station. While Samhan opted to aquire his merchandise from dubious channels, Dendis kept himself, his inventory, and his prices, modest and ethical. This is why after TSLRCM I find it hard to believe that Dendis Dobo runs an honest but struggling business when I check his wares and see top-of-the-line gear and belongings of famous Jedi on sale. This mod was quickly whipped up to revert his store to it's original state. It goes without saying you should install this only if you're using TSLRCM. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ KTool..........................................................Fred Tetra TSLPatcher.....................................................stoffe & Fair Strides DeNCS..........................................................JdNoa & Dashus -
1 point
0 points
Version 1.0
NOTE TO ENDUSERS – THIS IS NOT INTENDED AS A PLAYABLE MOD! This pack is a modder’s resource containing a custom Kel Dor head and modified body models with Kel Dor hands. This installer will perform a basic heads.2da and appearance.2da NPC row setup along with simple body variation UTCs for testing purposes. An on-enter script that spawns the UTCs next to the Ebon Hawk on Dantooine is provided in the TEST SCRIPT folder. Simply copy and paste the two NCS files into your Override folder. Textures are provided with a basic placeholder diffuse for the head and a simple UV map for the hands. Because of the single texture requirement for variants, the hands have to share UV space with the body. This necessitated altering the UV layouts for all body models, compressing them 50% to make use of 1024x512 textures (original 512x512 body texture side-by-side with 512x512 hand texture). As such, the bodies are not compatible with third party textures/reskins. However, all models and textures use unique names, so there should be no conflicts/incompatibilities. The head model has basic skin weights. The respirator mask has been weighted to the jaw to give it some movement during NPC dialogue, but possibly this may be a bit extreme. You may wish to experiment with your own adjustments to the skin weights, although it should be fine as-is for a player head, as they don't have any major jaw animation. You are free to incorporate the contents of this mod into your own work, as long as proper credit is provided. Do not redistribute the mod by itself. Although note that this model is basically superfluous now that porting from TOR is allowed.