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  1. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    This modification comes from a (very reasonable) request made by Snigaroo, lamenting the fact that in the original game it's not possible to improve the performance of the game's swoop bike despite evidence that upgrades should be available. I introduced two of them and made them available in two different stores. They can be purchased to help those who struggle to make good times on Tatooine's and Manaan's race circuits. They don't come cheap, but they are certainly a great asset for any aspiring swoop racing champion.
  2. 1 point

    Version 1.0.1


    ######## SUMMARY ######## CHORD: Is a Comprehensive, Holistic, Overhauled, Realistic, Difficulty mod that provides a thorough, interconnected enhancement to the game, making it more immersive, challenging, and engaging. Unlike other difficulty mods that only make small config changes or just add small tweaks, this mod seeks to provide a complete overhaul to all the existing items, creatures, and configuration settings that affect the game. In addition, this mod wants the settings to be flexible, fair, but challenging. Giving a Darksouls-like, modern-day experience. ######## REQUIREMENTS ######## This mod requires the following mods: - TSL Restored Content Mod 1.8.6 - High-Level Force Powers (v2 & v2.1) - Content Pack- Feats and Powers ######## INCOMPATIBLE MODS ######## Any mods that edits 2da files, the .utc creature files, or the .uti item files affected in this mod will be incompatible with this mod. For mods that add new armor or shield items altogether, for now they probably won't be compatible. But comment or message me and let me know which mod you're wanting to combine with this, and I will add a patch (I play with a ton of mods, new item mods included, so there's a good chance I already have made a patch for my local version). Mods that would be redundant or clash with this and aren't needed are: - Formidable Sith Lords - Unstoppable Lightsaber Damage - Ultimate Balancing Mod Incompatible mods: Anything that adds new content like M4-78 where it edits existing items, monsters, and adds new ones will need to have a patch made. Someone is welcomed to do this if they really care enough, personally I am not a fan of M4-78 so that is why this mod doesn't have built in compatibility. These mods won't ruin this mod or cause any crashes, etc. But it will break the very tight system that is carefully put together and planned out for this mod. So, if you start seeing less than ideal balance and integration, you know why! ######## HIGHLY RECOMMENDED MODS ######## - Improved AI 2.2 (I might add my own custom AI that integrates better and adds more depth, but this is a great mod / solution for now) - Lonna Vash Mod for TSLRCM (Imho a much better mod than something like m4-78, also makes it so that a gray force user can enter the force cave / tomb where you have the "apathy is death" line. In the default game you need max / very high dark side or light side alignment to enter. So, this mod in combination with mine actually makes a gray force user character a rewarding and viable option) - v2.0 Ultimate Workbench (TSL Crafting System) - KOTOR2-Loot-Overhaul (just copy files in tslpatcher folder to override to install) ######## IINSTALLATION ######## Just drag and override all .uti, .utc, and . 2da files in your override folder. For the dialog.tlk and changes.ini file I recommend you add my changes by hand (tedious I know, but I am planning to add a patcher to hopefully solve this in a future update). ######## CHANGES OVERVIEW ######## - This mod changes all the original games armor, robes, armored robes, armor upgrade items, and human shields, as well as some belts, masks, and implants. - It also modifies all creatures / npcs so they are more challenging. For a good number of common creatures / npcs and unique monsters, bosses, and sub-bosses they have been carefully customized to have unique stats, skills, custom gear and inventory items, and power and feat setups for added challenge. - Finally, this mod modifies a large amount of 2da configuration files as well. ######## ARMOR, ROBES and ARMORED ROBES LOGIC SUMMARY ######## In KOTOR 2 the Defense stat has nothing to do with damage reduction, it only determines if an enemies attack hit or misses using a d20 DnD system. For source see: https://strategywiki.org/wiki/Star_Wars_Knights_of_the_Old_Republic_II:_The_Sith_Lords/Combat Because DEF basically is evasion, it makes no sense that heavy armor makes you essentially move like a gazelle and make you hard to hit. Whereas robes make it to where you basically have little to no dodge-ability and are basically a tank but without the damage reduce that realistically being a tank should provide you. So, a massive change needs to happen here to fix this problem within the KOTOR 2 game system. I made it so that robes give you very high dodge-ability as you would come to expect based on logic and what we see in the movies. Whereas with armor you now have damage immunity properties attached to all armor, and their DEF bonuses and DEX bonuses heavily reduced and rebalanced. This rebalancing applies to not just light, medium, and heavy armor, but also the sub-tiers within those categories. For instance: Light Armor includes: - class / tier 4 armor - class / tier 5 armor Medium Armor includes: - class / tier 6 armor - class / tier 7 armor Heavy Armor includes: - class / tier 8 armor - class / tier 9 armor So, the rebalancing even takes into consideration the subcategory ligher and heavier light/medium/heavy armors in these breakdowns so that logically and realistically it makes more sense and gives a more thorough level of customization. Jedi Armored Robes and Robes also receive their own custom rebalancing that follows a logic trend. In essence, robes provide high dodging, generous bonuses, and increase force/lightsaber damage output, but no damage reduction whatsoever (which can be bad depending on the areas, bosses, and difficulty settings). Robes don't cap the +1 defense bonus you get for every 2 points of DEX, so with this setup you are having to rely on dodging, shields, and brains to avoid taking hits. Jedi Armored Robes provide damage reduction, but less than what you'd see in even the lightest traditional light armor. That said, you will get bonuses, damage reduction, and some decent dodge-ability. Here's a rundown of how the logic plays out in general for armor, robes, etc. (note for special named items there's some intentional variance here, also, depending on the item name and description there might be some custom flavorings added intentionally). Armor Mod Logic: Heavy = 65%-70% damage immunity resistance, Def = -11 to -12 (negative def modifier and MAX DEX DEF bonus = 0, usually will result in lowering DEF from this modifier, heavy armor by default gives 8-9 DEF, so this fixes that) Medium = 57.5%-60% damage immunity resistance, Def = - 6 to -7 (0 or 1, if no custom DEF bonuses and MAX DEX DEF bonus = 0 to 1) Light = 45%-50% damage immunity resistance, Def = - 2-3 (should only be 2 if no custom item bonuses and MAX DEX DEF bonus = 2 unless other bonuses) Robes / Clothes = 0% damage immunity resistance, DEF 13-15, lots of other bonuses (especially attribute bonuses, more force damage/power, and more force recovery) Jedi Armor = DEF + 7-9, and 35% to 40% damage immunity resistance + other bonuses (but less than what robes would provide, unless it's a rare armored robe and you're comparing to like a Padawan robe) Droid Armor (generally follows a similar system as the light to heavy armors above, with some realism tweaks like being more resilient to fire and elemental damage like cold and sonic, but more vulnerable to elements like ion and electrical damage). In general, droids aren't really supposed to move like gazelles, and heavy and assault armor will provide better results with party members like HK-47. ######## OTHER CHANGES ######## - shields now are 1.5x stronger across the board and have 10 charges instead of 5, feats and give an addition 1.6x strength boost. - Force alignment breakdown: from forceadjust.2da file: row ---------goodcost --evilcost 0 -----------2.25 ------- 1 // max evil, 1 to 1 cost or base cost of a given dark/neutral power, 2.25x means over double FP cost for good 1 -----------2.00 ------- 1 2 -----------1.75 ------- 1 3 -----------1.50 ------- 1 4 -----------1.25 ------- 1 5 -----------0.85 ------- 0.85 //neutral alignment, since no attribute bonuses, these characters given a 15% FP reduction for all powers. 6 -----------1 ---------- 1.25 7 -----------1 ---------- 1.50 8 -----------1 ---------- 1.75 9 -----------1 ---------- 2.00 10 ----------1 ---------- 2.25. // max good, 1 to 1 cost or base cost of a given good/neutral power, 2.25x FP cost for dark powers - All force powers are easily 2x to 4x times more costly. the more broken the power, the more the cost. That said, cost is reasonable and calculated, but you won't be spamming all force powers willy nilly unless youre a neutral, gray force user. In general, you will get to spam a high level ability about 4-5 times if using someone like Kreia with a ton of Wisdom - all companions now gain 90% of the xp you gain, instead of 80% like base game - all level xp requirements are cut in half. So you can reach level 50 without cheats. - Autobalance.2da is modified to be slightly more balanaced here's the new updated version: Row ----------name ------------vpmult ------------tohitmult ------------armormult ------------damagemult ------------savemult ------------crmod ------------levelmult 0 ----------No_Auto_Balance 0.0--------------------0.0---------------------0.0 ------------------------0.0-------------------------- 0.0 ---------------------0 -------------------0 1------------Set_1------------------- 0.80-----------------1.3----------------------1.3----------------------- 0.100------------------------1.3----------------------1--------------------1.00 2------------Set_2------------------- 0.90-----------------1.3----------------------1.3------------------------0.100------------------------1.3----------------------1.5-----------------1.00 3------------Set_3--------------------1.00-----------------1.3----------------------1.3------------------------0.100------------------------1.3----------------------2--------------------1.00 4------------Set_4--------------------1.10-----------------1.3----------------------1.3------------------------0.100------------------------1.3----------------------3--------------------1.00 5------------Set_5--------------------1.2-------------------1.3----------------------1.3------------------------0.100------------------------1.3----------------------4--------------------1.00 Before in version 1.0.0 damagemult was 1.000 for all 5 sets of enemies, which was leading to massive damage with armor, so now I reverted it to 0.100 which is very close to the default settings for this value in the original, default autobalance.2da settings. For more info on autobalance.2da see source: https://strategywiki.org/wiki/Star_Wars_Knights_of_the_Old_Republic_II:_The_Sith_Lords/Autobalance Note, these values are pretty balanced so far and had a lot of thought put into them. enemies lack armor, so having slightly more health than normal, better chances / attack to hit (requiring higher DEF to evade), having more base DEF from armormult by 1.3x and having better saving throws 1.3x all works really well. For levelmult in the base default settings enemies are never 1 to 1 as you, there level mainly effects their health and their chance to resist / save against force powers like insanity. That said, even with all of these slight buffs, my Kreia with 25 wisdom can beat their save throws atleast 4/5 times, and I can hit them with my STR build character with 25 STR about 3.5/5 times per each attack roll. crmod does nothing to affect difficulty, it only determines the amount of xp given by enemies. damagemult is very close to the base game's configuration for these enemy sets, I just made it more uniform for ease of calculation. - difficultyopt.2da has been modified to the following: (these are the gameplay difficulty settings you can manually set in the options scr desc ------------damage multiplier Effortless-------------0.00 Very Easy-------------0.25 Easy-------------------- 0.5  Normal-----------------1.0 Tough-------------------2.0 Challenging-----------2.5  Difficult-----------------3.0 Very Difficulty--------3.5 Overpowering--------4.0 Insanity-----------------4.5 Suicide------------------5.0 Default------------------1.0 - diffsettings.2da: (ths can add an additional damage multiplier, previously was 100, 125, 150, 175, 200) not sure how this works (the general consensus is still out on what this does exactly and how it behaves. So I set everything to 100 so that there is no damage reduction or modifier here to simplify balancing enemy damge: name MaxNPCDamagePercent dmeasy easy---normal---hardcore----dmplayers --------------------------------------25----------100 ---100--------100-----------100 ######## DIFFICULTY SETTING OPTIONS RECOMMENDATION ######## Personally, I recommend you play this with a difficulty level between Difficult (3x enemy damage modifier), Very Difficult (3.5x enemy damage modifier), and Overpowering (4x enemy damage modifier). I personally like Very Difficult to Overpowering, the balance there feels just about right in most cases. If you choose to play on Insanity (4.5x enemy damage modifier) or Suicide (5x enemy damage modifier) and you manage to beat the game without cheats, then you will have all bragging rights, and I will be personally impressed. ######## FUTURE UPDATES ######## I plan to add custom patches for other armor mods, as well as continue to refine the creature and item updates, so stay tuned and consider following this mod! ######## PERMISSIONS ######## This mod can be freely used and shared for non-commercial purposes; all I ask is that I am properly credited. So, feel free to make your own patches and mods on top of this one. ######## SUPPORT ######## I poured my heart and soul into this mod. Hundreds of individual files were edited using the KOTOR TOOL. As well as hours thinking about the new, balanced armor system that allowed for rewarding gameplay without making you unstoppable and breaking the immersion this mod seeks to establish. I spent a long time on this, so I hope it brings you enjoyment in your KOTOR 2 game. All I ask is that if you enjoy this mod that you like it, endorse it, rate it, and tell your friends about it! If you're feeling generous then please star the Github repo for this mod and consider following me on GitHub. If you'd like to help me on this modding journey than feel free to reach out. The ultimate goal of this mod is the make the best mod possible and I am happy to share the spotlight. If we can greatly increase KOTOR 2's replayability and make it way more fun than this mod will have accomplished what it set out to do. NOW GO OUT THERE AND HAVE SOME FUN! And remember... Apathy is death!
  3. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    The demonization of the Sand People has always irritated me. Don't these wonderful characters deserve to at least have decent 2K textures? Installation: Move all files from the downloaded and opened archive to the Override folder of your game.
  4. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    Integrates Force powers from KOTOR II into KOTOR I. DETAILS This mod adds 6 Light side and 6 Dark side Force powers from KOTOR II to KOTOR I. Added powers: • Master Heal • Force Barrier • Improved Force Barrier • Master Force Barrier • Revitalize • Improved Revitalize • Drain Force • Improved Drain Force • Master Drain Force • Force Scream • Improved Force Scream • Master Force Scream I wanted any added powers to feel like they fit naturally in K1 while keeping faithful to their design in K2. For this and other reasons the following powers are excluded: • Powers restricted to prestige classes • Powers granted to the Exile through the story • Powers with hardcoded effects / that would take more involved scripting to implement (Mind Trick, Force Body, Force Deflection) • Battle Meditation - Try my mod Bastila Has TSL Battle Meditation to give this to Bastila as a unique starting power. • Master Energy Resistance - The Energy Resistance tree was rebalanced in KOTOR II so this power isn’t much better than Improved Energy Resistance in K1, at least not enough to justify it taking its own slot. • Master Revitalize - Level 21 power in K2, level capped at 20 in K1 This mod doesn’t give powers to NPCs and doesn’t touch AI scripts. This means enemies will not use the powers and party members will only use them if commanded to. The Force Scream VFX/sound, Revitalize VFX, and Force power icons are ported from KOTOR II. INSTALLATION To install, run TSLPatcher.exe (Required) Unaltered copies of any modified files will be placed in the “backup” folder in the location of TSLPatcher.exe. UNINSTALLATION 1. Remove the following files from override: • spells.2da • visualeffects.2da • effecticon.2da • k_fp_barrier1.ncs • k_fp_barrier2.ncs • k_fp_barrier3.ncs • k_fp_masterheal.ncs • k_fp_revitalize1.ncs • k_fp_revitalize2.ncs • k_fp_scream1.ncs • k_fp_scream2.ncs • k_fp_scream3.ncs • k_fp_drainforce1.ncs • k_fp_drainforce2.ncs • k_fp_drainforce3.ncs • ip_frcbarrier01.tga • ip_frcbarrier02.tga • fp_frcebarrier03.tga • ip_frcscream01.tga • ip_frcscream02.tga • ip_frcscream03.tga • ip_masterheal.tga • ip_revital01.tga • ip_revital02.tga • ip_drainforce01.tga • ip_drainforce02.tga • ip_drainforce03.tga • v_frcscrm1.mdl & .mdx • v_frcscrm2.mdl & .mdx • v_frcscrm3.mdl & .mdx • v_revite.mdl & .mdx • v_pro_scream.wav • fx_slash04.tpc 2. Replace dialog.tlk in the main game folder with the unaltered version in the backup folder. 3. Move any remaining files in the backup folder to override. COMPATIBILITY AND NOTES Should be compatible with any other mod as long it uses TSLPatcher or you install this mod after. Worst case if another mod adds any of the same powers you will have two versions of it. The only mod I know of is InSidious' Four Force Powers which adds a similar Revitalize power. From k_inc_force it seems that some of the powers in KOTOR II don’t function exactly like they’re described. For example the Revitalize powers heal a flat amount instead of a percentage as stated in the description. Drain Force steals a maximum of 20 FP from an enemy, not 10, and Improved Drain Force affects multiple enemies in a range, instead of a single enemy. Some of these seem to be intentional changes that were just never updated in the Force power description. I decided to implement the powers the same way they function in TSL and correct the descriptions. I’m not sure it’s possible to add custom casting animations so Force Scream uses the regular “hand out” animation instead of the “fury” animation it uses in KOTOR II. PERMISSIONS Please don’t reupload this without my permission. CREDITS offthegridmorty KOTOR Tool - Fred Tetra TSLPatcher, TalkEd - stoffe, Fair Strides This mod contains assets from SW: KOTOR II TSL
  5. 1 point
    Just redownloaded and it seems to work fine now, thanks for the quick response!
  6. 1 point
    Bruh this is such an awesome idea, absolutely terrific. It did make me think about some stuff I never considered before though From a... realistic? perspective I guess, would something like this even be done? IDK this deep into Star Wars but I imagine that, being an actual enlisted soldier as opposed to a mercenary or bounty hunter, bounty payouts placed on enemy targets would not be applicable for you. Even if you are a scoundrel or scout class, you're still technically an enlisted soldier. AFAIK, an enlisted soldier in most IRL militaries would not receive bounty prize money aimed at ordinary citizens only for capturing/terminating enemy targets while on duty, and Revan's story as both a soldier and Jedi made him on duty for the Republic 24/7. IDK I'm just rambling. Amazing idea but it does pose some questions. I also admit IDK how this would be applicable to anything IRL. Maybe instead of the Republic themselves paying you, you could actually be paid by another organization that has a vendetta against the Sith? Like maybe getting paid by some representative of Aratech or something.
  7. 1 point
    View File Starship Combat Pay Starship Combat Pay v1.0.1 Overview Starship Combat Pay give players a tangible reward, beyond avoiding a game over screen, for surviving the Ebon Hawk Gunnery Station mini-game. After escaping the Sith Blockade and landing on Dantooine, you’ll get a message from the Republic. It reads: "Republic Combat Pay Thank you for registering your Dynamic-class freighter, designation: the Ebon Hawk, as a civilian paramilitary vessel. Until further notice, as an enlisted soldier of the Galactic Republic Navy, you are hereby entitled to a financial reward of 200 Republic credits for the successful elimination of each Sith Imperial starfighter you encounter aboard your registered personal starship. You'll find a payment of 1200 Republic credits has already been deposited directly into your account. Further payments will be deposited immediately after each conflict. May the Force be with you." …And that’s exactly what the mod does. It pays you a total of 1200 credits every time you’re forced to play the Ebon Hawk Gunner Station mini game. Notes Unfortunately, this mod doesn’t change the mini-game itself in any meaningful way. It does however make playing it more rewarding. When deciding on the number of credits players should receive, we looked at different amounts of pay that scale with level and we arrived at a flat 1200 credits for a number of reasons. A scaling number of credits requires an in-setting explanation for why the main character’s pay increases, which logically goes to rank. Applying any sort of rank to the main character adds a level of non-canon material that I’m not comfortable adding in my mods. In terms of the game’s existing financial rewards go 1200 credits is pushing it. However, in terms of the setting, a 1200 credit bonus is a paltry sum for destroying a 300,000 credits worth of starfighters. So, since most players tend to only travel between planets after fully completing them, the number of randomly generated starfighter encounters is relatively low. In any case, once you get full access to the Ebon Hawk, you’re free to win heaps of credits by swoop racing or savescum an infinite number of credits by gambling with Suvam Tan. So, exploiting the turret minigame isn’t going to unbalance anything. Credits Script Writer: Thor110 Contributor: Zoctavous Mod Author: Timbo Special Thanks I want to thank Thor110 who had the script almost entirely worked out within minutes of pitching the idea and for patiently sticking with it over the next couple weeks to fine tune it. Seriously, this part was about 90% of the work. I also want to thank Zoctavous who has very quickly become my go-to scripting confidante. Whenever there’s something I don’t understand or need help fixing. He’s usually the first person I hit up. Without him helping me get past the very first problem with this mod, this release simply wouldn’t have happened. Finally, I want to give a special thanks to Discord user sharkynebula from the KOTOR server who casually suggested that the Republic should have to pay you for playing the minigame. This is the idea set this whole thing off. Submitter Timbo Submitted 08/18/2024 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  8. 1 point

    Version 1.1.0


    Gives Bastila a unique Force power based on the Battle Meditation power from TSL. *NOTE: This mod will only work properly on saves from before Bastila has joined your party.* DETAILS This mod essentially ports the "Improved Battle Meditation" Force power from KOTOR II and gives it to Bastila as a starting power instead of Force Aura. Like in TSL, the power adds +2 to attack rolls, damage, and will saves for all party members and -2 for enemies within a 10m radius for 20 seconds at a cost of 35 FP. It also increases vitality regeneration for the duration. The power is not selectable at level-up by the PC or party members and is only added as one of Bastille’s starting powers. The VFX and Force power icon are ported from TSL. In KOTOR II, Improved Battle Meditation is a level 12 power while this mod gives it to Bastila at level 3, so it's possible there's an effect on balance in the early game. I don't think it's too OP of a power but let me know if you have feedback. INSTALLATION To install, run TSLPatcher.exe. This is required. Don't try to copy the files over manually. NOTE: If you install on a save from after Bastila has already joined your party, she won't have the power and won’t be able to select it on level-up. You can use save editor to give her the power. If any files are modified, a backup folder of unmodified files will be created inside the mod folder. UNINSTALLATION To uninstall, remove spells.2da, visualeffects.2da, effecticon.2da, p_bastila.utc, fp_bmed.ncs, v_bmedit2_imp.mdl, v_bmedit2_imp.mdx, v_bmedit2r_imp.mdl , v_bmedit2r_imp.mdx, and ip_battlemed02.tga from the override folder. Replace unk_m44ac.mod in the modules folder with the version in the backup folder. Replace dialog.tlk in the main game folder with the version in the backup folder. Then move any remaining files in the backup folder to override. COMPATIBILITY Should be compatible with most other mods as long as they use TSLPatcher or you install this mod afterward. Could potentially conflict with other mods that edit Bastila's starting Force powers. PERMISSIONS Please don’t reupload without my permission. CREDITS offthegridmorty djh269 - endgame Bastila support, icon upscale & other tweaks - thanks! KOTOR Tool - Fred Tetra TSLPatcher, TalkEd - stoffe, Fair Strides This mod contains assets from SW: KOTOR II TSL
  9. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    Logical Datapads by Sdub & ebmar Version: 1.0.0 Description: One thing KOTOR seems to have is an almost endless supply of datapad items. Oh, but what are they called? Oh well “Datapad” of course. I was inspired by TSL for this mod as this is not a problem in TSL. What many people and especially new players don’t know is that the Datapad items are there sometimes to give hints to quests or flesh out the lore, Hell one of them straight up GIVES you the solution, but it’s lost in a sea of “Datapads”. After talking with @ebmar who is much more experienced with the TSL Patcher liked my idea and was onboard, I immediately got to work on new titles. I did my best to have them make sense in context and situation they are acquired. This modifies Datapads and Journal Items. (Which are really all datapads) I hope you enjoy, please let me know if you have any problems. I did my best to test it as much as I could. I did not encounter any issues. You will need to start a new game to see this mod work correctly. One final thing to note, this mod was made with widescreen mods in mind, I am unsure how it will respond to the normal aspect ratio. Installation: Run TSLPatcher.EXE and locate your swkotor folder Compatibility: Will not be compatible with anything that modifies existing datapad .UTI files K1R Compatible: Yes Tools Used: TSL Patcher ChangeEdit KOTOR Tool xoreos-tools Big thanks to the KOTOR Modding Discord!
  10. 1 point

    Version 1.2


    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ » KotOR 1 Restoration 1.2 Read-Me ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NAME: KotOR 1 Restoration 1.2 TYPE: Restoration VERSION: 1.2 SIZE - Unzipped: 145 Megabytes, Zipped: 47.2 Megabytes DATE RELEASED: May 31, 2016 KOTOR 1 RESTORATION FORUMS: http://deadlystream.com/forum/forum/31-kotor1-restoration-k1r/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ » DESCRIPTION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WARNING: IN ALMOST ALL CASES, IT IS RECOMMENDED TO INSTALL THE K1R RESTORATION BEFORE ANY OTHER MODS!!! THE ONLY EXCEPTION SO FAR IS KAINZORUS PRIME'S NPC OVERHAUL... The KotOR 1 Restoration Mod is an attempt to restore almost all the content that was cut from the game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic by BioWare Corp. Of course, these restorations will be within reason and things that were cut because they did not fit with the plot, and cannot be made to fit with the plot, will most definitley NOT be restored. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ » INTEGRATED MODS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ » RESTORED CONTENT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ » BUG FIXES/CHANGE LOG FOR 1.2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ »» Original game: »» K1R Bugs: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ » BUG FIXES/CHANGE LOG FOR 1.1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There weren't too many bugs in KotOR 1, thus there is such a short list. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ » INSTALLATION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ An installation which involves the TSL Patcher has been made ready for your use and is the simplest and easiest way to carry out installation. Alternatively, a secondary installer has been made for convenience. It will not patch the files like the TSL Patcher will, but it should be less of a headache for most users. HOWEVER, IT WILL NEED TO BE INSTALLED BEFORE ANY OTHER MODS!!! Note: The K1R team is not responsible for any incompatibility issues that may arise from the use of this mod in conjunction with other mods. Also, in order to provide the best feedback for us we recommend that you play K1R with NO other mods installed. Note 2: If using the TSL Patcher AND your game is in English, before installing, copy the dialog.tlk file bundled with this package into the KotOR directory. This will give you the grammar and typo fixes to the vanilla text. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ »»»» TSL PATCHER INSTALLATION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1) Double click K1R_1.2_Installer.exe found in the main directory of the unpacked folder. 2) Click the button labeled Install Mod. 3) Click yes to the box that'll pop up... if you wish to proceed with installation. 4) Watch as all the little file names and progress reports scroll by and wait until the installer is complete. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ » BUG REPORTING ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are 2 ways to report bugs: 1: Post your issues in the Bug Reporting Thread. 2: PM your issues to Fair Strides at Deadlystream. TO REPORT THROUGH PM 1) Go to DeadlyStream (http://deadlystream.com/) and search for the user Fair Strides ( http://deadlystream.com/forum/user/9107-fair-strides/ ) 2) Send a private message with as much detail as possible of what is occurring in your game. He will likely report back to you within a week. TO REPORT THROUGH THE BUG THREAD: 1) Go to the Bug Thread ( http://deadlystream.com/forum/topic/4457-k1r-12-impressions-and-bug-reports-read-me-first/ ) 2) Reply quoting and answering all of the questions as they apply to your issue. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ » VOICE ACTOR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pazaak Tournament Mandalorians...Zhaboka Filters for Zaerdra's lines......Zhaboka Filters for sea floor lines......Zhaboka Thanks Zhaboka. You really brought life to the characters, and those parts would be pretty lame without you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ » CONTRIBUTORS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A BIG thanks to all of you! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ » TEAM MEMBERS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ZM90, Team Leader - Mandalore, Team Member - Jatku, Team Member - Fallen Guardian, Team Member - LDR, Team Member - Fair Strides, Team Member and main producer of the 1.1 update (and 1.2 update) - Malkior, Beta Tester - LiliArch, Beta Tester (though, putting them on a test is more like setting off a permacrete detonator in an apartment... ) - GrandmasterArcturus, 1.2 Beta-tester and LPer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ » SPECIAL THANKS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To the tool creators of the community ~ Kotor Tool.....................A VERY special thanks to Fred Tetra ~ K-GFF GFF Editor/DLGEditor.....tk102 ~ Lipsynch Editor................JDNoa ~ DeNCS Script Decompiler........JDNoa ~ AniCAM.........................JDNoa ~ ERF Editor/TSLPatcher..........stoffe (and later Fair Strides) And a shoutout for SithRevan (RIP) for beginning the restoration crusade for KotOR 1. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ » REDISTRIBUTION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The K1R 1.2 OFFICIAL may NOT be redistributed in any way without the explicit permission of the K1R team and the proper credit given. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ » LEGAL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE CORP/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE AFOREMENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE AFOREMENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHORS ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  11. 1 point

    Version 1.0.2


    --------------------------------------------- Knights of the Old Republic --------------------------------------------- TITLE: Effixian's Qel-Droma Robes Reskin for JC's Cloaked Jedi Robes AUTHOR: Effix(ian) CONTACT: PM me on the forums or find me on Steam ----------------------- DESCRIPTION ----------------------- This is an add-on reskin mod for JC's Fashion Line I: Cloaked Jedi Robes for K1. It gives the Qel-Droma Robes a unique texture based on Cay Qel-Droma. This mod includes textures with and without gloves, which ones are used depends on which install option you picked when installing JC's mod. I toned down Cay's comic book orange/golden tunic to a more sandy colour. A matching HD icon is included. This mod will not update a Qel-Droma Robes item that you've already acquired, you need a fresh one. You can either do that through cheats (giveitem g_a_jedirobe06) or by using a save from before you loot the item. Requested by Salk. Related/alternative mods: - Unique Qel-Droma Robes for JC's Cloaked Robes by StellarExile and Salk - Lore-Friendly Qel-Droma Robes HD by constantinople33 ------------------------- INSTALLATION ------------------------- Unzip. Copy the files from the subfolder to your game's Override folder. -------------------------- UNINSTALLING -------------------------- Remove from the Override folder: g_a_jedirobe06.uti ia_JediRobe_055.tga PFBI55.tga PFBIA55.tga PFBIB55.tga PFBIBa55.tga PFBIC55.tga PFBIJu55.tga PMBI55.tga PMBIA55.tga PMBIB55.tga PMBIC55.tga PMBIZh55.tga ------------------------------------- DISTRIBUTION NOTES ------------------------------------- You can use the files from this mod in your own mod if you simply credit me. -------------------- THANKS TO -------------------- - JCarter426 for making the Cloaked Jedi Robes mod - Salk for the request - Fred Tetra for KotOR Tool ----------------- Donations ----------------- My mods are free. If you would like to show your support then you can buy me a coffee at ko-fi.com/effix ----------------- THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE, OBSIDIAN, OR LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC. ELEMENTS TM & © LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC AND/OR ITS LICENSORS.
  12. 1 point

    Version 1.0.1


    =KotOR 1 Improved Party Outfits= A KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC MODIFICATION AUTHOR: Leilukin FILE NAME: KotOR 1 Improved Party Outfits.zip LATEST VERSION: 1.0.1 CONTACT: E-mail toleilukin@outlook.com, or message to Leilukin on Deadly Stream 1. DESCRIPTION: This mod adds six new items with unique properties for each of the human and humanoid party members in KotOR 1, namely Bastila, Carth, Mission, Canderous, Juhani and Jolee. Said party members will automatically have these unique outfits equipped when they join your party. Each of these outfits also has its own custom inventory icon. In addition, when Carth joins your party, he will equip two of his unique blaster pistols instead of just one of them and one regular blaster pistol. If you want to see your party members appear in their default outfits and those outfits being more useful in combat throughout the course of the game, this mod is for you. This mod was intended for the party members’ unique outfits to be usable in combat throughout the entire game. Therefore, the properties of these items may be overpowered, especially in the early game. I make no promises to make a “balanced” version of this mod, because I play the KotOR games for the story and characters and not combat. If gameplay and combat balance are very important to you, this mod is not for you. This mod was inspired by jonathan7's Party Clothing mod. Party Clothing was also what inspired me to make my TSL Improved Party Outfits mod. I eventually decided to make my own version on the mod concept for KotOR 1 as well. I set up my mod to be installed via TSLPatcher to maximize compatibility with other mods. 2. USAGE NOTES: For the best experience with this mod, it's recommended to have a completely new KotOR 1 playthrough. If you want to add these improved party member outfits manually via the cheat console or KotOR Savegame Editor, here are the item codes: Bastila’s Robe - llk_bastrobe Canderous’s Jacket - llk_candjkt Carth’s Pilot Suit - llk_carthsuit Jolee’s Robe - llk_jolrobe Juhani’s Robe - llk_juhrobe Mission’s Jacket - llk_missjkt 3. INSTALLATION: Extract the KotOR 1 Improved Party Outfits.zip you downloaded to anywhere you like, as long as it is not within the KoOR directory. Run Install.exe, point the installer to your KotOR directory and let the installer do its magic. NOTE: If you already have the .utc files of the human and humanoid party members in your Override folder (the file names are p_[party member name].utc), when you install this mod a new folder named "backup" will be created in the same folder as the installer. Do not delete the folder or any of the files within the folder if you are planning on uninstalling this mod. 4. UNINSTALLATION: Go to your Override folder, delete the .tga files starting from ia_cloths_201.tga to ia_cloths_206.tga and the .uti files with the "llk_" prefix (without the quotation marks). If a "backup" folder was created when you installed this mod, go to the "backup" folder, cut and paste any .utc. file(s) from the folder and paste the file(s) in your Override folder. If no backup folder was created, simply delete p_bastilla.utc, p_cand.utc, p_carth.utc, p_jolee.utc, p_juhani.utc and p_mission.utc from your Override folder. 5. KNOWN ISSUES: None currently known. If you find any other bugs or problems, please let me know. 6. MOD COMPATIBILITY: This mod will likely conflict with any other mods that modify any of the following files, especially if the other mod also modifies the party members' starting armor: p_bastilla.utc p_cand.utc p_carth.utc p_jolee.utc p_juhani.utc p_mission.utc If you want to use any other mods that modify the above files, AND the other mod is installed by putting any of the above files in Override folder, such as Weapons of the Old Republic (WotOR) or KotOR Saber Replacement (KSR) 2022, you need to install my mod AFTER the other mod. If you are using KotOR 1 Community Patch (K1CP), you need to my mod AFTER K1CP. If you want to use both KotOR 1 Restoration (K1R) and this mod, do not install the “Juhani and Jolee Original Clothes” add-on of K1R. This mod is compatible with my Jolee in Unique Outfit Introduction as this mod does not affect Jolee’s introduction on Kashyyyk before he joins your party. I recommend installing both mods to maximize immersion. This mod is not compatible with any other mod that modifies the party members' starting armor or clothing when they join your party. This mod should be compatible with any reskin mods for the party member's default outfits, unless they edit the armor slot in aforementioned .utc files of the party members. 7. PERMISSION: You may modify this mod for your personal use. However if you want to use any files from this mod for your own mod, please ask for my permission before releasing your mod. If I give you permission for it, I request that you credit me when you release your mod. Thank you. 8. CREDITS: jonathan7 for the Party Clothing mod which inspired this mod Fred Tetra for the KotOR Tool tk102 for K-GFF GFF Editor Stoffe for TSLPatcher; Fair Strides for the updated version THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE THIS FILE AT YOUR OWN RISK AND NEITHER THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES NOR THE AUTHOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  13. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    ========================================== A KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC MODIFICATION ========================================== TITLE: Revan's Flowing Cape and Belt Model Fix AUTHOR: DiePutinDie CREDITS: Thanks to Sithspecter for original mod - https://deadlystream.com/files/file/709-revans-flowing-cape-and-belt-fix/ INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Copy all the files into your override folder DESCRIPTION: Little fixes for already awesome mod, changes Revan's star forge robes appearance. Fixed issues: - better texture - added some missing sounds on animations WARNING: Do not use any other mods that alter n_darthrevan.mdl/n_darthrevan.mdx and g_a_mstrrobe06.uti as they will over write this mod. YOU MAY NOT PUBLICLY ALTER OR UPLOAD THIS MOD ELSEWHERE WITHOUT MY PERMISSION! THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  14. 1 point

    Version 1.1


    These are beautiful portraits of the KOTOR PC and companions by Reddit user u/Tinman888 . This mod was made with the artist's permission. There's two folders in the Override - PC and Companions, in case you just want to use one or the other. As you can see from the preview, the PC portrait is one size fits all, and will appear as such regardless of your character's gender or appearance. I really loved the style of the portraits done here and just had to have them in my game, so I set about converting the images, and now you can all enjoy them too.
  15. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    Jedi Knight Revan Stylized Portrait Created by Tinman888 by Sdub & Tinman888 Version: 1.0 Description: This is an addon for the pack created by @DylanRPG It replaces the Neutral Portrait with a Jedi Knight Revan in the Starforge robe. I recommend installing my pack second after installing this one https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1929-stylized-portraits-by-tinman888/ so it enables the PC to have a sort of dark side transition Easy install, open the folders of the portraits you'd like to use and Just drop them into the override folder. To uninstall remove the implemented files. Big thanks to the KOTOR Discord & Deadlystream Tinman888 for the wonderful art, you can see more of his art here! https://brandon_chen.artstation.com/ and on Instagram at @bchen.art and DylanRPG for the original pack
  16. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    Mod by TamerBill, requested by JDub96 The Sand People Chieftain no longer pockets the Krayt Dragon Pearl you show to him, so you can listen to the Storyteller and still use it in a lightsaber.
  17. 0 points

    Version 1.0.0


    Causes the Repair skill to modify damage inflicted by Stun/Disable/Destroy Droid. SUMMARY Knowing how to fix something usually means you know how to break it too. This mod makes it so the damage dealt by Stun Droid and higher tier powers depends on the Force user’s Repair skill. Users with high Repair may deal significantly more damage than vanilla, while damage dealt by users with cross-class Repair will be limited. A way to make your tech enthusiast Jedi stand out in combat. DETAILS In vanilla, Stun/Disable/Destory Droid inflict damage equal/proportional to your character level. This mod changes the flat damage value to incorporate the Repair skill: damage = (level + 1.5*Repair)/2 With a Repair of 0, you deal half the vanilla damage. With a Repair equal to your character level, you inflict 25% more damage than vanilla. At double your level, you deal double damage. INSTALLATION To install, run TSLPatcher.exe. If spells.2da already exists in your override folder, an unaltered copy will be placed in the “backup” folder in the location of TSLPatcher.exe, along with a backup of dialog.tlk. UNINSTALLATION To uninstall, remove k_fp_stundr1rep.ncs, k_fp_stundr2rep.ncs, k_fp_stundr3rep.ncs, and spells.2da from your override folder. Replace dialog.tlk in the main game folder with the unaltered dialog.tlk in the backup folder. If a spells.2da was created inside the backup folder, move it to override. COMPATIBILITY Should be compatible with any mod that doesn’t affect the scripts for Stun Droid, Disable Droid, or Destroy Droid. As long as it’s installed after, this mod will override changes to these powers’ scripts only. PERMISSIONS Please do not reupload this mod. CREDITS offthegridmorty KOTOR Tool - Fred Tetra TSLPatcher, TalkEd - stoffe, Fair Strides Screenshot uses Pramod Marlon's AI upscaled icons.
  18. 0 points

    Version 1.02


    Delayed Nar Shaddaa Main Quest Delays the main quest on Nar Shaddaa, giving you the freedom to complete other quests you might want to do first. Talk to Kaalah-Nah in the Entertainment Promenade about your standing with the Exchange when you're ready. To prevent softlocks Kaalah-Nah's fee was lowered, there's an option to change it back. Let me know if you encounter any problems. Possible questions you might have Q: Is this mod safe to install mid-playthrough? A: It's generally not recommended. As far as I know it is, I tested it and the mod works, and I completed the game on that save without issues. Make sure that on your savefile the message from Visquis has not happened, and you also have not paid Kaalah-Nah 2000 credits to make the exchange like or hate you. Q: I already triggered the cutscene with the message from Visquis, does this let me return to the ship and delay the quest that way? A: No. Use a save where the cutscene hasn't happened yet, and where you haven't paid Kaalah before. Q: I haven't triggered Visquis' message yet, but I already paid Kaalah-Nah. I don't have a save before doing that. Should I install the mod now? A: Short answer: No. If you're desperate: You can install the mod, the quest will never trigger until you use the savegame editor. Go to Globals>Numerics and change 300_NAR_Exchange_Gap to 51 or higher for it to trigger. I THINK there should be no major issues doing this but doing this is not recommended or supported.