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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/26/2020 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Is there a simple way to use DLGeditor to merge two versions of a .dlg file to create a "patched" version for compatibility, or do I have to do it manually?
  2. 1 point
    Depending on what changes the two files contain it could also be possible to use TSLPatcher for that. Use TSLPatcher to create an installer by comparing one of the two to the vanilla version, then run that installer to patch the other one. But that only works if they change things in different places or only add entries and don't change them.
  3. 1 point
    0.8.3 Experimental Files for the Expanded Galaxy Project now feature demo levels of the Endar Spire. The video is outdated and the levels are now 99% functional / can be played through, I suggest starting a new game, skipping the prologue and then warping to "end_m01aa" In the future I might work on more levels, I found deconstructing and rebuilding these levels to be a really fun experience. I also think that they play and feel a lot better.
  4. 1 point
    For anyone who feels that the stats are absurd, just open the .uti files (q_scepterlghtsbr, for example) using Kotor Tool, which you probably already have. You can delete all the bonuses, save, replace, enjoy.
  5. 1 point
    The lightsabers themselves, are fantastic. Couldn't ask for more (aside from what Obisoln said). The spawn locations, however, completely and utterly destroy this mod. You put a lightsaber, on Taris. Not only that, you put it in an area where we can get it, before we even have Bastila in the party. Just put it on the body of the Jedi on the Endar Spire why don't ya? (Just because I don't doubt that you might, that was a joke. Don't take it seriously.) Dantooine is nearly as bad. You JUST received the ability to even use a lightsaber, and oops, here's a lightsaber that's way better than the lightsaber that you just built that's supposed to be yours for life, AND it's before you even have access to crystals. The others aren't that horrific, but they're still awful. The back of the landing pad. Are you serious? I shouldn't have to explain this one. Kashyyyk's isn't half bad, but it's not even in the Lower Shadowlands. Sorry if this is coming off as harsh, but dude, this is not good. If I was going to place the sabers somewhere, the Lily goes in the Terentatek's belly on Kashyyyk. The Evenstar goes in the footlocker of the Sith Master on Manaan. The Sceptre goes either in the inventory of the Storyteller or the back of the Krayt Dragon's lair on Tatooine. And of course the Righteous Hand goes on Duron Qel-Droma's body in the back of the Shyrack cave on Korriban. As it stands now, as far as anyone that cares about balance or theme (basically anyone that isn't modding MP5s in the game) is concerned, this mod is unusable. Which is deeply sad and frustrating at the same time.
  6. 1 point
    Yes, I have done that. The only small worry is that the recompiled code is not identical but I believe it is nothing that can affect the end result. I tested it and it seems to be working fine. The Dead Settler quest is a mess though and there is quite some material to restore by keeping the droid outside the estate at its original place unlocking the Sandrals front door (I also improved on the dan14_cutscene.dlg as detailed here). I am working to make it possible to finish it even if the player completes the Rahasia and Shen Romance quest first.