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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/06/2020 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    If I may chime in about the flag. I don't think it's actually the design that's the issue but the fabric texture. A hanging flag would never fold that way as it looks more like a slightly crumpled bedsheet or something but definetly not like something hanging on a wall. And the logo isn't following the folds either so that looks pasted on and thus further increases the unrealistic look. Many of your other screenshots look amazing though. I especially like Onderon. Great job on that one.
  2. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    [K1] Recruit Keeper Orsaa Mod ========================================================= Description: This mod allows You to recruit Keeper Orsaa, the Elder Rakata Historian found in the Elder Rakata Enclave. It adds him as a party member and also adds a few conversation lines with him. He replaces T3M4 as a companion aboard the Ebon Hawk. He can wield all kinds of weapons (except lightsabers) and wear armbands, belts, headgear, even armour (but it won't show on him)! It has been tested and works fine. This mod is compatible with K1R! Player Guide: In order to recruit the Elder Rakata Historian, You must talk to him, then exit the dialogue and talk again with him and a dialogue line to recruit him will appear. I hope You enjoy it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation: It is recommended to install this mod before installing other mods like K1R, Yavin IV and BOS:SR. If You have them already installed, just install Recruit Keeper Orsaa mod and then reinstall the other mods again! To install, just run the TSLPatcher installer and point it to Your KOTOR I install dir! You should have the following files inside your swkotor/Override folder: bye_vandar.ncs p_rakata.utc po_prakata.tga po_praakta3.tga po_praata3e.tga portraits.2da rec_rakata.ncs rakata_dlg.dlg unk42_redhistory.dlg ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uninstallation: To uninstall the mod, just delete the following files from your Override folder: bye_vandar.ncs p_rakata.utc po_prakata.tga po_praakta3.tga po_praata3e.tga rec_rakata.ncs rakata_dlg.dlg unk42_redhistory.dlg Do not delete the portraits.2da file, because it could be used by other mods! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Redistribution and Use: You may re-upload this mod on other websited or here (if you have a copy of it and it is no longer hosted online), with proper credit given. You may use this mod and associated files to include in Your own mod without asking permission, it is only required that You give credit for my mod! It is not permitted to re-upload this mod or use it as part of your mod claiming it is your work and without giving credit. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Many Thanks To: Deadlystream Community, Kotor Tool Creators, Modding Tutorials Creators K1R Compatibility: Yes ========================================================= Version: 1.0.0 - Original Release Here is a savegame for You to quickly try out the mod Before Recruit Orsaa.rar
  3. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    [K1] Recruit Master Vandar Mod ========================================================= Description: This mod allows You to recruit Master Vandar Takare. It adds him as a party member and also adds a few conversation lines with him. He replaces T3M4 as a companion aboard the Ebon Hawk. He has Jedi abilities. Unfortunately, due to the model nature, he cannot wield any kind of weapon... I'm working on a way of implementing this in the future. He can, however, aid You greatly in battle with his powerful Jedi abilities. It has been tested and works fine. This mod is compatible with K1R! Player Guide: In order to recruit Master Vandar Takare, You must do all quests on Dantooine and talk to him after that. I hope You enjoy it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation: It is recommended to install this mod before installing other mods like K1R, Yavin IV and BOS:SR. If You have them already installed, just install Recruit Master Vandar mod and then reinstall the other mods again! To install, just run the TSLPatcher installer and point it to Your KOTOR I install dir! You should have the following files inside your swkotor/Override folder: bye_vandar.ncs p_vandar.utc po_pvandar.tga po_pvandar3.tga po_pvandar3e.tga portraits.2da rec_vandar.ncs vandar_dlg.dlg dan13_vandar.dlg ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uninstallation: To uninstall the mod, just delete the following files from your Override folder: bye_vandar.ncs p_vandar.utc po_pvandar.tga po_pvandar3.tga po_pvandar3e.tga rec_vandar.ncs vandar_dlg.dlg dan13_vandar.dlg Do not delete the portraits.2da file, because it could be used by other mods! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Redistribution and Use: You may re-upload this mod on other websited or here (if you have a copy of it and it is no longer hosted online), with proper credit given. You may use this mod and associated files to include in Your own mod without asking permission, it is only required that You give credit for my mod! It is not permitted to re-upload this mod or use it as part of your mod claiming it is your work and without giving credit. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Many Thanks To: Deadlystream Community, Kotor Tool Creators, Modding Tutorials Creators K1R Compatibility: Yes ========================================================= Version: 1.0.0 - Original Release Here is a savegame for You to quickly try out the mod Before Recruit Vandar.rar
  4. 1 point
    You should definitely use the Unofficial Tweak Pack to remove the most questionable elements of TSLRCM. Some other suggestions from my usual suspects list: Backdrop Improvements HD Cockpit Skyboxes (despite violating my "HD" rule) Head Model Fixes High Quality Blasters Luxa Hair Fix (make sure to use the hotpants option!) Realistic Nar Shaddaa Skybox Realistic Visual Effects Telos Citadel Station Skybox Since I seem to recall you not always playing in widescreen, these are optional I guess: Improved Widescreen Experience (stretched UI fix) Main Menu Fix for Widescreen Probably a good idea. Not least because, unlike K1, TSL is fundamentally broken in ways that are not easily fixed beyond the remedial work TSLRCM has already performed.
  5. 1 point
    Hi, I want to improve the lackluster Sith Artifacts and thought it would be logical, that they grant you Force Powers that correlate with their Maker. So Ajunta Palls Blade could give the Force Power Plague since he was exiled for studying Alchemy which can be used to create Poisons. My Problem is, that I don't know how to add them, since Kotor Tool doesn't allow do add Bonus Force Powers to Items. Does anybody already done this or have an Idea how it could be done? Thank you all in Advance!
  6. 1 point
    Hello! I have not much experience with creating new items and all but what I can tell you is that KotOR Tool allows for adding so called "properties" to item. You may be interested in adding to the sword two "On Hit Properties" that would simulate Plague, namely "Slow" and "Item Poison" (if I interpret the latter correctly, that is). You could set the duration and the DC to save against them using one of the choices given in the menu. I'm sure others could help you more but perhaps this will get you started. Good luck.
  7. 1 point
    Maybe something like the unarmed combat feats in TSL? Watching him take down a Rancor or Terentatek with his bare hands would be hilarious!
  8. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    [K1] Recruit Selven Mod ========================================================= Description: This mod allows You to recruit Selven, the bounty huntress from Taris, Lower City Appartments. It adds her as a party member and also adds a few conversation lines with her. She replaces Juhani as a companion aboard the Ebon Hawk. It has been tested and works fine. This mod is compatible with K1R! I hope You enjoy it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation: It is recommended to install this mod before installing other mods like K1R, Yavin IV and BOS:SR. If You have them already installed, just install Recruit Selven mod and then reinstall the other mods again! To install, just run the TSLPatcher installer and point it to Your KOTOR I install dir! You should have the following files inside your swkotor/Override folder: bye_selven.ncs p_selven.utc po_pselven.tga po_pselven3.tga po_pselven3e.tga portraits.2da rec_selven.ncs selven_dlg.dlg tar03_selven031.dlg ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uninstallation: To uninstall the mod, just delete the following files from your Override folder: bye_selven.ncs p_selven.utc po_pselven.tga po_pselven3.tga po_pselven3e.tga rec_selven.ncs selven_dlg.dlg tar03_selven031.dlg Do not delete the portraits.2da file, because it could be used by other mods! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Redistribution and Use: You may re-upload this mod on other websited or here (if you have a copy of it and it is no longer hosted online), with proper credit given. You may use this mod and associated files to include in Your own mod without asking permission, it is only required that You give credit for my mod! It is not permitted to re-upload this mod or use it as part of your mod claiming it is your work and without giving credit. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Many Thanks To: JC2, Sith Holocron, Deadlystream Community, Kotor Tool Creators, Modding Tutorials Creators K1R Compatibility: Yes ========================================================= Version: 1.0.0 - Original Release Here is a savegame for You to quickly try out the mod Before Recruit Selven.rar