Sherruk - Attacks With Lightsabers

   (14 reviews)

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Remember Sherruk? He was that Mandalorian on Dantooine with all the trophy sabers he bragged about. Yet when you had to fight him he used blasters/swords. I know "civilians" aren't trained to use lightsabers, but that never stopped anybody before! So why didn't Sherruk use those sabers, huh?! UGH!


If you reacted in the above manner when you first played KotOR then you're in luck. Shem brings us a lovely mod that, while simple in concept, adds a new dimension to that part of Dantooine. Sherruk will now attack you with those trophy sabers, just like a good arrogant fool would. Apaprently Shem also didn't think a lightsaber collector would be caught dead with only two lightsabers. Where Grievous had four, Sherruk shows his prowess by having a whopping seven on his mangled body when you're done with him! Check his body for some other surprises that have been included!



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I would have downloaded this instantly, were it not for the added loot. I mean, seven lightsabers and "some other surprises"? Any serious collector wouldn't carry his collection around all the time, right?

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Another great modding ideal by Shem. Makes total sense. 


A good mod to have in your collection of mods and especially in your game, if you don't already have it.

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Has worked fine with my K1R playthrough!!

Looks very, very nice -and a very nice fight too.

Seeing the picture in this page Sherruk attacks with two LS but has attacked me just with one.


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On 2/1/2016 at 11:58 AM, Djinntrooper said:

I would have downloaded this instantly, were it not for the added loot. I mean, seven lightsabers and "some other surprises"? Any serious collector wouldn't carry his collection around all the time, right?

Yeah, this mod would be better if it wasn't a monty haul mod.

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