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Ladies of the Sith Army
A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic
Author: N-DReW25
1.3.0 Release Date: 11.12.2022

Please install the K1 Community Patch FIRST before this mod!

Simply click on the TSLPatcher.exe, select your option, click install and sit back and watch the TSLPatcher do its magic.

Once the mod is installed, delete "PLC_SSldCrps.tpc" from the Override folder.

On Taris, you encounter a female off duty Sith by the name of Sarna who says the following:

"I'm off duty right now, so I'm not in uniform. My name is Sarna - junior officer first class with the Sith occupation force."- Sarna

A 'first class junior officer' makes it sound as if she is one of the many female Sith Officer NPCs you encounter throughout the game, however, the player has the option of stealing her Sith Armor which instead suggests she is a Female Sith Soldier... so where are the Female Sith Soldiers?

This mod will add Female Sith Soldiers throughout the K1 story alongside their male comrades in arms, they can be found in the following locations:

Endar Spire
Taris Undercity 
Taris Military Base
Manaan Military Base
Star Forge

These new NPCs are a rework of the default Sith Trooper model, giving them feminine curves and the female animations. This, combined with the new Female Sith Soldier soundset (an edit of the normal Sith Soldier soundset), 
will present authentic Female Sith Soldiers. Only the appearances and soundsets of the modified Sith are changed, the difficulty and loot drops of the affected Sith Soldiers remain unchanged.

Known Bugs:
This mod shouldn't have bugs but if there is Just PM me on Deadlystream.

When the Female Sith Soldier dies, her arms sometimes appear to clip into the ground. This is an issue with the model and isn't something I can fix. 

Please report any incompatibilities!

Should be compatible with most Sith Trooper reskins!

Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission.

The Female Sith Soldier models, however, are free for everyone to use!

Thanks to:
Maris Fett: For the neat model!
A Future Pilot: For making the Sith Soldier Texture Restoration mod which was merged with this mod!
Bioware: For such an amazing game!
Fred Tetra: For Kotor Tool!
Stoffee: For TSLPatcher!
Everyone who downloads the mod!


What's New in Version 1.2.0   See changelog


* Merged the mod with A Future Pilot's Sith Soldier Texture Restoration.

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15 minutes ago, N-DReW25 said:

This is an issue with the model and isn't something I can fix. 

Well technically it is something you (or @Marius Fett) could fix. The model just needs adjusted die/dead/getupdead and/or die1/dead1/getupdead1 anims. It actually shouldn't be too arduous if it is just some arm/hand adjustment, since you can just fix the static dead anims first and then reuse those keys as the end/start frames for the die/getupdead anims.

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So I really like this mod but it seems to be clashing with a lot. Wish it were compatible with Restoration mod.


Edited by SetJudgment

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Just wanted to warn you that the TSL patcher's blurb is a bit outdated. Still says this is Marius original modder resource and it claims the sith troopers won't actually be placed in the game.


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On 1/15/2023 at 3:41 PM, DeepFriedDimebag said:

Forgive my curtly asked question, but is there any chance this mod will make its way to TSL at some point?

I'm afraid on my end I'm unable to open the female Sith Soldier models (both the headless modder's resource version and the full body version found in this mod) in MDLedit (tool used for porting) for unknown reasons.


I do, however, have a list of which specific Sith Soldiers in TSL would be changed in a TSL version of the mod so all I'd need to do is find an alternative tool or request another use port the model on my behalf.

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50 minutes ago, N-DReW25 said:

I'm afraid on my end I'm unable to open the female Sith Soldier models (both the headless modder's resource version and the full body version found in this mod) in MDLedit (tool used for porting) for unknown reasons.


I do, however, have a list of which specific Sith Soldiers in TSL would be changed in a TSL version of the mod so all I'd need to do is find an alternative tool or request another use port the model on my behalf.

Hope this is of some help lol.

LOTSA Soldiers for TSL.zip

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For anyone who has compatibility issues between this mod and Dark Hope's reskin, copy N_SithSoldier03.tga to N_SithSoldier01.tga to fix it.

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20 hours ago, Fedeplayer3000 said:

is this compatible with the Community patch?



Sarcastic Response: No, this mod is very clearly incompatible with the K1CP. I specifically tell people to install the K1 Community Patch before this mod so people will break their installation for the lols.


I'm going to assume you didn't bother to read the mod's main page, because if you did you would've known that this mod is indeed compatible with the K1CP from the get-go.

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So if you play as a female character and put on the Sith armour, will you gain this new model or still be the male outline? I'd try this regardless! 

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Just now, Natural Law said:

So if you play as a female character and put on the Sith armour, will you gain this new model or still be the male outline? I'd try this regardless! 

I'm afraid not as this time, currently the mod only includes female Sith Soldier NPCs with matching female soundsets.


Female players will still get the male disguise.

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Can't remember if you change size when wearing disguises, like the Tusken robes, especially if you're a scoundrel.

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On 4/29/2024 at 8:37 PM, Natural Law said:

Can't remember if you change size when wearing disguises, like the Tusken robes, especially if you're a scoundrel.

That isn't possible, I'm afraid.

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2 hours ago, N-DReW25 said:

That isn't possible, I'm afraid.

Ah, yes. Don't install Jonathan7's Sith Stalker over Ladies of the Sith Army! Instead of a unique female Sith Assassin, you will get a stealthy Sith soldier fangirl who will kill her male compatriots to save Revan!  A fun but thankfully harmless conflict. 

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