Human Xor Restoration 1.0

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=Human Xor Restoration=


AUTHOR: Leilukin
FILE NAME: Human Xor
CONTACT: E-mail to, or message to Leilukin on Deadly Stream

This mod restores the original appearance of the NPC Xor in the Xbox version of KotOR, by changing his species from a Twi'lek to a human.

For those who do not know or remember, Xor appears during Juhani's personal quest, "Threat from Xor", and he is revealed to be the slaver who attempted to buy Juhani before Juhani was freed. I have always found it jarring that Xor openly makes anti-alien comments despite being a nonhuman himself ("You Jedi act all prim and proper, but inside you must feel the same way I do about the lesser, nonhuman species"), and in my opinion it would make far more sense for Xor to be a human.

Later, I found out from Xor's Wookieepedia entry that he was originally a human in the Xbox version of KotOR, but his species was changed to a Twi'lek in the PC version. Therefore, I made this mod to restore Xor's original human appearance so it would be consistent with his in-game dialogue and anti-alien nature.

NOTE: This mod has been included in the KotOR 1 Community Patch (K1CP) with my permission. If you intend to use K1CP, you do not need to download and install this mod.


Extract the Human Xor you downloaded to anywhere you like, as long as it is not within the KoOR directory. Run Install Human Xor Restoration.exe, point the installer to your KotOR directory and let the installer do its magic.

NOTE: If you already have the g_xor.utc and/or kas_xor1.utc file in your Override folder, when you install this mod a new folder named backup will be created by TSLPatcher in the same folder as the TSLPatcher. Do not delete the folder or the file within the folder if you are planning on uninstalling this mod.


Delete g_xor.utc and kas_xor1.utc from your Override folder.

If a backup folder was created when you installed this mod, go to the backup folder, cut and paste g_xor.utc and/or kas_xor1.utc from the folder and paste the file in your Override folder.


None currently known. If you find any bugs or problems, please let me know.

This mod should be compatible with any other mods that do not change Xor's appearance.

This mod is compatible with KotOR 1 Restoration (K1R).

You may modify this mod for your personal use. However if you want to use any files from this mod for your own mod, please ask for my permission before releasing your mod. If I give you permission for it, I request that you credit me when you release your mod. Thank you.

Fred Tetra for the KotOR Tool
Stoffe for TSLPatcher



What's New in Version 1.0


  • Initial release

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I played the game many times, but I never met him. What needs to be done to make Xor appear?

Sorry fo my bad english.

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I played the game many times, but I never met him. What needs to be done to make Xor appear?

Sorry fo my bad english.

Progress the Juhani personal side quest by talking to her and at some point when you bring her with you off the Ebon Hawk he will spawn like the rest of the NPC's such as Jagi, Jordo, Lena etc

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Progress the Juhani personal side quest by talking to her and at some point when you bring her with you off the Ebon Hawk he will spawn like the rest of the NPC's such as Jagi, Jordo, Lena etc

Tried it many times. Others appeared, but the Xor did not. I thought it was a bug.

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Keep trying, you might not have progressed it far enough...unless you have one too many mods and their is a conflict preventing him from spawning

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I played the game many times, but I never met him. What needs to be done to make Xor appear?

Sorry fo my bad english.

Like other party members, a general advice to progress Juhani's personal side quest is to talk to her every time you gain one level. Once you progress Juhani's conversation to the point she talks about her being sold into slavery, have Juhani in your party and walk around the spaceport on Dantooine, Tatooine, Kashyyyk, Manaan or Korriban to make Xor appear.


You may want to check out my Juhani Romance Guide for more details, specifically the "History Conversation Path" section:


Although Juhani's romance was the main purpose of my guide, the conditions to progress Juhani's personal quest are the same regardless if you romance her or not.

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Keep trying, you might not have progressed it far enough...unless you have one too many mods and their is a conflict preventing him from spawning

Tried it many times. I mean REALY MANY. Mods nothing to do with this, I do not have many. And withoun then it did not work. But thanks anyway.

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Like other party members, a general advice to progress Juhani's personal side quest is to talk to her every time you gain one level. Once you progress Juhani's conversation to the point she talks about her being sold into slavery, have Juhani in your party and walk around the spaceport on Dantooine, Tatooine, Kashyyyk, Manaan or Korriban to make Xor appear.


You may want to check out my Juhani Romance Guide for more details, specifically the "History Conversation Path" section:


Although Juhani's romance was the main purpose of my guide, the conditions to progress Juhani's personal quest are the same regardless if you romance her or not.

Thanks, I'll try.

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Thanks, I'll try.

If you really have to try it in a new game because there are some bugs in the game that stops messengers like Xor from appearing.

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If you really have to try it in a new game because there are some bugs in the game that stops messengers like Xor from appearing.

The infamous messengers bug is actually caused by triggering the "Threat from Xor" quest. My Juhani romance guide also covers that and provides solution to that bug. The only reason I can think of for Xor not appearing at all, is not talk to Juhani enough to progress Juhani's conversations far enough.


That said, I also strongly suggest anonim101 to start a completely new game for the best results.

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Thank you for this mod. Yea the twi'lek not accurate. I know Mission would be like this guy is a creep. Restoring Xor to being human so much better. Yea I find triggering Xor is a pain. I've had to drag Juhani all over the place just to get him to spawn. I think you have to be at a certain game level in order to get him to spawn. I eventually got him to spawn on Mannan and then after that you have to make sure your character levels up before Xor shows up again otherwise all you will get is My Cathar blood boil/seethes etc... 


By this time my game is almost finished. Talk about buggy. So I end up on Tatooine and end up taking out wraid and Sand People and had my character level up then went to Korriban and he finally shows up. I find this leveling up and Xor appearing really annoying but it seems that's the only way he will spawn for me. Absolutely annoying. 

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You may want to check out my Juhani Romance Guide for more details, specifically the "History Conversation Path" section:

Thanks to the guide and holding back few level ups before Juhani joins, Xor finaly appeard. And yes, quest is realy buggy. I triggerd him on Tatooine, he bugged on Kashiik, killed him on Manaan, but he still standing on the Kashiiks landing pad...

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Actually, according to the canon, Xor is supposed to be a Twi'lek. Apparently the Xbox version got it wrong. 

That said, good mod.

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On 2/21/2019 at 5:57 AM, JDub96 said:

Actually, according to the canon, Xor is supposed to be a Twi'lek. Apparently the Xbox version got it wrong. 

If by canon, you meant the Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide, it should be noted that the book was published in 2008, a few years after the PC version of both KotOR games were released.The Campaign Guide didn't even exist when the Xbox version of KotOR 1 was released. Regardless, canon or not it does not change my opinion that it makes far more sense for Xor to be a human than an alien.

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The campaign guide still confirms Xor was meant to be Twi'lek and that the Xbox version had an error. It happens unfortunately. Regardless, you're more than entitled to your belief. I even agree with you, but I'm OCD when it come to canon.

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Xor should have a unique appearance and not just a common generic one. SpaceAlex gave him one in his unfinished mod that I posted here. You might use that one. 

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30 minutes ago, JasonRyder said:

Xor should have a unique appearance and not just a common generic one. SpaceAlex gave him one in his unfinished mod that I posted here. You might use that one. 

This mod is more specifically a restoration to restore his Xbox appearance for those who prefer vanilla style playthroughs with bug fix patches and K1R installed. Perhaps a modder can use SpaceAlex' head to make a standalone Xor "Enchantment" to visually make Xor appealing, thus creating a mod for restoration and a mod for visual effects.

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1 hour ago, JasonRyder said:

Xor should have a unique appearance and not just a common generic one. SpaceAlex gave him one in his unfinished mod that I posted here. You might use that one. 

Like N-DReW25 commented above, this mod is meant to be a restoration mod, hence the word "restoration" in the name of this mod. I use a generic NPC appearance in this mod because that's what Xor's appearance was in the Xbox version. Currently I have no plans on making a mod to make Xor have a unique human appearance. Even if I do, it will not be included in this mod.

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 or anyone else knowledgeable in the topic. Trying to install hearts of beskar on top of K1CP 1.10 + restored content for K1CP + duros armed. TSLpatcher asks for kas_xor1.utc which is usually in Override or game folder via , but Seems like updates and merge of that mod to K1CP 1.10 removed that file. Is it okay If I place file kas_xor1.utc from human xor resoration into override just to point the hearts of beskar installer to it?


Or may I simply ignore it in the installer?

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