About This File
Bastila's Dark Bodysuit
by Revanator, Quanon, and A Future Pilot
Contact: Contact Revanator on DeadlyStream or email at ethan.wookie@gmail.com.
This mod adds a special robe for Bastila to wear when you meet her on Lehon (the Unknown World).
It's a black-and-gray variant of her standard attire. Its stats are of a slightly beefed
Qel-Droma robes to give her some nice bonuses while remaining very balanced. She will be wearing
it when you meet her on top of the temple, and when (if you go Dark Side) she rejoins your party.
Quanon did the texture for it in the style of his K1 party member retextures. Highly recommended
that you also install his Bastila Shan HQ retexture. Otherwise this will look a bit out of place.
Run Install.exe and choose your options.
Uninstallation: Delete P_BastilaBB02.mdl, .mdx, .tga, .txi, and .uti from Override, and sta_m45aa.mod, sta_m45ac.mod, unk_m44ac.mod, STUNT_44.mod, and STUNT_55a.mod from the Modules folder. Also delete p_bastilla.utc from Override if you used the "Gain on Taris" option. If you used the replacement option, just delete p_bastilabb01.tga, and .txi from Override.
Compatibilty: Should be compatabile with every mod that does not edit Bastila's utcs. If you
install the "replace standard clothes" option, it will override any other mods for Bastila's
Fred Tetra for KotOR Tool
BioWare for this fantastic game
Quanon (again) for being super helpful and creating this beautiful texture
A Future Pilot for the TSLPatcher Install
jc2 for bug testing
What's New in Version 1.0 See changelog
Added a TSLPatcher one-step install version created by @A Future Pilot. This should help significantly with cross-mod compatibility.
With version 1.0:
- Download