Blog #61 - I need a tutorial for a G0-T0 voice filter

Sith Holocron


I've previously asked for a HK-Filter tutorial and had success with it thanks to information received on Reddit, so I thought I'd ask around for this next request. (Yes, I'll be asking about this on Reddit as well.)


I'd like to listen to various voice files and have them sound like G0-T0.


I have two programs which I use to do sound editing: Goldwave and Audacity. Though I'm more familiar with Goldwave, I'm perfectly willing to use Audacity to achieve my stated goal.


Can anyone provide a tutorial to teach me - and likely others that actually read this blog - how to create such a filter?


PS: If you visit this thread, why not post a note of some length explaining what you thought of this entry as well? I always wonder who reads my blathering.


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I think I like #2 the best. It sounds a bit muffled, but that might be due to the filter on the original line and might not affect totally clean VO. #3 sounds like it has far too much echo to me, more like something played over a loudspeaker.

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I pick number 3 for personal reason. As I have just finished watching all six Episodes [PT and OT] of SW movies recently [especially the last three which how they were so vintage in presentation both the audio and the visual], the ambience of how the number 3 sounds like somewhat take me back to that journey.

Edited by ebmar

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One potential problem is folks not having anything to compare the filters to. Hence this video.

This video has the G0-T0 lines as they sound in the game.  Consider this video as your control group to compare the filters to.  If you've already voted and wish to change your vote, simply edit your last post in this blog entry.  Thank you for your patience and your participation.

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3 is definitely much better. The reverb I think is so much closer to the original (assuming that's what was used), yet still a bit high (or perhaps more accurately it's a bit high with the echo part). Though it may actually be fine, but the other portions need adjustment.

It sounds more like it's coming through over a PA system (might want to take note of those settings). The original has a more... mechanical sound with a small amount of reverb. What seems like reverb, could simply be a "x room size" effect and not actual reverb.

Perhaps, and this part is pure guess work w/o my fav program, achieving the mechanical effect could be by making it so that the voice is "too loud" so that it gets a bit distorted when the voice gets loud. G0-T0 has always seemed to have a bit of a distorted voice sound when he gets agitated and "raises his voice".

A program I played with for a long time and very highly recommend is Syntrillium Cool Edit Pro.



That has a vast amount of edit options. I had an unlocked version a long time ago, then lost it when my computer died on me. I think I used a... less than legit way to unlock it. It's super easy to figure out and full of so many options. And loads of preset effects that you can adjust. You can even make a custom effect adjustment, and save it as a new effect named whatever you want (under the specific effect type). There was a specific filter setup that I used in Audacity for making the starcraft protoss voice echo sound (the echo that happens before they speak). Sometimes it took edits in cooledit, then to audacity, then back to cooledit again. It is really expensive though.

I spent a long time trying to imitate the echo that happens when Mother Talzin speaks in Clone Wars for something I was working on years ago until... the incident. My splicing isn't as good as my filtering (which is by no means excellent) because I spent my time doing that rather than piecing stuff together.



P.S. When I click your link to the HK filter, I get: 

Sorry, there is a problem

                                                        The page you requested does not exist

Error code: 1S160/2

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7 hours ago, JCarter426 said:

I think I like #2 the best. It sounds a bit muffled, but that might be due to the filter on the original line and might not affect totally clean VO. #3 sounds like it has far too much echo to me, more like something played over a loudspeaker.

Exactly my thoughts.

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2 hours ago, HK-47 said:

P.S. When I click your link to the HK filter, I get . . .


I can see my blog post on my HK-47 filter instructions for GoldWave just fine.

Key-gen?  I think warez discussion is still against the rules, @HK-47. You might want to remove the references to it.

But thanks for the vote!

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I'm sure it is. However I wasn't suggesting the use of it, and was indicating that since I used it or something like it, the loss of it and the editing program makes it impossible to share the program in it's full form. I altered it anyway.

I can also see the blog now with that latest link. Odd that I couldn't with the others.


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