
N-DReW's NPC Overhaul Series

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I have released version 0.5.0 of my NPC Diversity Pack!

Before version 0.5.0, the players (you) had to install the mod several times over to get to experience the full mod. These 3 TSLPatcher installations were named as if they were mods and each had unique features... the "Diverse Galaxy" mod swapped out NPC heads, the "Fashion of the Old Republic" mod swapped out clothing and armor items and "Lite of my Life" upgraded Lite NPC appearances.


In version 0.5.0 onward, the Fashion of the Old Republic and Lite of my Life mods have been merged with the Diverse Galaxy mod meaning you'll install the Diverse Galaxy mod ONCE and you'll get the features of Fashion of the Old Republic and Lite of my Life... this should make the installation process easier!


This mod shall still have optional installations as of 0.5.0, the "Sounds O' Plenty" mod that changes NPC soundsets still exists and I've added a 2nd optional mod called "Diverse Weapons", the Diverse Weapons mod shall swap the weapons of NPCs to diversify the weapons they use. No longer shall every weapon use a Blaster Rifle and Pistol, they might use Blaster Carbines, Heavy Repeating Rifles, Ion Blasters, Sonic Rifles etc. And do keep in mind the NPCs will NOT drop these items, they are merely aesthetic in nature.


Future plans!

I make this post mainly to share some future plans I have for the NPC Diversity Pack going forward, I've created quite a few mods for this NPC Overhaul Series so much so that I don't want to "clutter" Deadlystream with my future NPC mods so I've decided to take two mod concepts and add them directly to the NPC Diversity Pack instead.


My 1st mod idea is this... Davik's bodyguards are quite annoying, there are about 20 of them in his Estate yet only 7 unique UTC files exist for them meaning you might see 5 clones in a single area. A way I thought about fixing this was to replace them with Gamorreans, they make logical sense lore-wise as Gamorreans and gangsters go together like butter on toast and most importantly we won't have to worry about the clone effect as Gamorreans all look the same anyway. This will have to be tested as that'd mean ALL of Davik's Guards would be forced to use Melee only meaning the player could literally be chased through the Estate if the player is overwhelmed.


My 2nd mod idea involves the Jedi, I'm sure we're all familiar with this image down below:



If from the NPC Diversity Pack, though my mod idea would have these guys removed. In their place I'd have EVERY single Jedi NPC wear the default Jedi Robe item, this will effectively remove the Nemo and cut Jedi Council Robe models from the game.


This idea was made primarily for compatibility reasons with future NPC mods I make involving the Jedi. With the successful release of the Hearts of Beskar mod, I'm currently deciding which NPC faction I'll make a dedicated mod on... I do have plans for the Jedi, but I believe having Jedi NPCs wear the default Jedi Robe items would be the best blank slate for them instead of what I have thus far.


And my 3rd idea, if it works out, shall totally revamp the NPC Diversity Pack. As with the before mentioned Davik's Guards, many NPCs in Kotor suffer the problem where there exists 20 or so NPCs in one module but only 7 UTC files exist resulting in clones.


Unlike the first two ideas which could be added to the Diverse Galaxy installation, this idea would be its own separate installation as it seems a bit too far extreme for the NPC Overhaul style Diverse Galaxy installation. Let's say an area has 20 NPCs but only 7 UTC files, that means inside the GIT file there are multiple NPCs sharing the same "TemplateResRef" tag in each STRUCT... this is what causes the cloning effect.


This idea is more of a 'fix' for that, instead of 20 NPCs with 7 UTC files sharing those 20 STRUCTS I'll instead create 13 new NPCs bringing the number of UTC files to 20. I'll then go through the GIT file and add my new UTC files to the STRUCTs ensuring the 7 vanilla UTCs remain though the remaining 13 STRUCTs that previously cloned the 7 original UTCs will now have their own unique NPC occupying the TemplateResRef.


If you aren't a modder, you might not be able to understand what I mean by this... so let me tell you how this will look in-game? Places like Anchorhead and Ahto City have this problem where the module has 10 or 20 commoner NPCs but will have anywhere between 2 to 7 UTC files thus resulting in clones. With this GIT fix, every single commoner file shall be unique which will allow to diversify these areas even further than what I've already done in the NPC Diversity Pack.


Let me know what you guys think, I'll be sure to share screenshots when I'm further into development!

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Your second and third ideas here sound the most promising! But I look forward to both your and other modders' future NPC diversity-type mods! 

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On 11/10/2023 at 4:14 PM, JasonRyder said:

Your second and third ideas here sound the most promising! But I look forward to both your and other modders' future NPC diversity-type mods! 

Thank you for the compliments! If what you say is true I'm sure you'll like what I have to say next.


The NPC Diversity Pack was quietly updated to version 0.6.0 on the 20th of October, and with it came all 3 of the ideas I posted above.


The 1st idea can be seen in this screenshot, the guards of Davik's estate are now Gamorrean Guards:



The 2nd idea has also been implemented, the old Nemo style Jedi NPCs have been removed and in their place you'll now see generic NPCs in the multi-colored Jedi Robe item. For example, Nemo will now wear his blue Jedi Robes instead of his default cream colored robes you can't wear. Since this idea is spread across the game, I'll simply show you the updated Star Forge Jedi:



Future mods I make will once again alter these specific Star Forge Jedi so obviously once those release players will want to install the NPC Diversity Pack BEFORE those mods. Jedi Robe mods are compatible with the NPC Diversity Pack, in the screenshot above if you were to have JC's Cloaked Robes installed those Jedi shall have cloaked robes. If you wish to use DarthParametric's Jedi Diversity on the Star Forge mod, you'll have to install that mod AFTER the NPC Diversity Pack mod in order for his mod to overwrite my changes.


And the 3rd idea has been implemented in the form of a new installation called "GIT Tweak". Git Tweak is more like a demo/test of greater things to come, currently it only modifies the tat_m17aa/Anchorhead module and it does exactly what I said it'll do... it ensures that every NPC listed in the GIT file is unique instead of a duplicate of an already existing NPC.


So... why didn't I announce this earlier? Why haven't I announced my next mod?


Around the middle of this year, the development of the Revenge of Revan mod intensified and for the first time in a while meaning I had things to do... meaning development of the NPC Diversity Pack and my other NPC mods have been slowed quite a bit. Unfortunately, you might not see much of this project series as much as we'd like to... though do know it's for a greater cause!


Whilst Logan is infamously known for keeping his mod under wraps I can say this: certain "elements" of my NPC Overhaul series shall be carried over to the Revenge of Revan mod in some form or another.


To discuss the Revenge of Revan mod, please visit this thread. I shall return to this WIP thread once I have updates for the NPC Overhaul Series.

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Future mods I make will once again alter these specific Star Forge Jedi so obviously once those release players will want to install the NPC Diversity Pack BEFORE those mods. Jedi Robe mods are compatible with the NPC Diversity Pack, in the screenshot above if you were to have JC's Cloaked Robes installed those Jedi shall have cloaked robes. If you wish to use DarthParametric's Jedi Diversity on the Star Forge mod, you'll have to install that mod AFTER the NPC Diversity Pack mod in order for his mod to overwrite my changes.

Thank you for this! It seems that compatibility with other mods is a high priority for your NPC diversity series. 

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The development of ROR goes well, but who am I to neglect my own mod series.


For months, I have been conflicted with my "clothing" mods like Smuggler's Deluxe and Onderon Fashion. This conflict has been enflamed with the release of the Fat Commoner Body Models Modder's Resource mod as it would allow me to add fat commoner NPCs to the game in a similar method as the two previously mentioned mods.


This "conflict" of mine is the fact that there simply aren't enough NPCs in the game to have my planned Smuggler, Onderon, fat, new commoner clothing, flight suits and Dantooine scavenger outfits all made for generic NPCs. My NPC Diversity Pack with the "GIT Edit" is one method I'm adding new NPCs to elevate this, but at the end of the day I am just not satisfied with the results... mainly as those previously mentioned ideas are only SOME of my ideas.


A mod I also wanted to make was this "more generic heads mod" which would increase the generic heads from 2 to 5. If this mod would ever come to fruition this could result in 5 white, 5 black, 5 asian and 5 hispanic generic commoner heads with male/female and elderly variants. This mod would increase the number of generic heads from 28 to 80, but these numbers would cause two problems. First, it'd conflict with the previous clothing mods like Smuggler's Deluxe and Onderon Fashion and second, I'm simply unable to make enough heads to reach my goal of 80 without sacrificing quality.


So instead, I've put the "more generic head mod" on the backburner and I've worked on something easier and possibly even more efficient. Now, after showing you three paragraph of bad news, get ready for the good news! I present to you, the latest mod for the series:




The Galaxy of Faces mod is a mod which shall add new "unique heads" to the game, what do I mean by "unique"? Well, in the game files NPCs like Gadon, Davik, Vrook and Malak are considered "unique" whereas NPCs like Marl, Shen Matale, Eli Gand and countless more all use the generic heads seen throughout the game. This mod adds modded custom heads for many of the NPCs in Kotor with unique names and personalities that lack any unique head in the base game.


In the meantime, here is an awkward screenshot of Nemo and his new head!




But that leaked screenshot won't be the only thing you'll see of this mod, for once this mod is approved you can play the first release of this mod once you follow this link!


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19 minutes ago, N-DReW25 said:

A mod I also wanted to make was this "more generic heads mod"

You could source new head models from TOR, although the textures are a bit too cartoony to use as-is. At least the earlier stuff anyway. They have been trending towards a more realistic style in more recent updates, at least for unique NPCs (not that I have actively played for a while).

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On 12/7/2023 at 11:52 PM, DarthParametric said:

You could source new head models from TOR, although the textures are a bit too cartoony to use as-is. At least the earlier stuff anyway. They have been trending towards a more realistic style in more recent updates, at least for unique NPCs (not that I have actively played for a while).

The cartoony parts are a real sticking point when it comes to the humans. That could be a future possibility, though I do have quite a few modded heads already on my list before I'll need to start scrapping the bottom of the TOR barrel for resources.


But using TOR aliens might definitely be a good alternative!

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11 hours ago, DeathScepter said:

Potential Idea: Use Kotor 2 heads that fits your mod.

That's part of the plan, though I won't be using the direct K2 skins. You won't see K2 player heads or unique heads like Vaklu as new NPCs, instead, I shall use reskins of K2 heads whether they be my own or by others (with permission/modder's resource of course).

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I have once again returned with a new entry for the series.


Like how the NPC Diversity Pack was the "base" mod for Heart of Beskar, Galaxy of Faces and my other NPC mods, my newest mod... the K1 Loot Overhaul, shall serve as the "base" mod for my upcoming item mods.


The loot overhaul changes the loot found throughout the Kotor game, it changes the enemy loot drops, merchant inventories and placeable loot on every planet. My changes to the loot were all made with balance in mind, do not install my mod expecting to have overpowered gear upon leaving Taris.


As an example of some new loot, you will either receive, or can buy, Blaster Carbines, Hold Out Blasters, Battle Armor and Heavy Battle Armor on Taris. This can give players a diverse choice of weapons and armor to choose from, do you use Bendak Starkiller's strong upgraded Blaster Pistol or do you use the weak Hold Out Blasters with stun capabilities? Should make Carth wear Battle Armor for that extra defense at the cost of his agility or do you stick with Light Battle Armor?


Not only does my mod add, it also removes some loot from the early game and reimplements them further up in the game. The Republic Mod Armor and the Echani Fiber Armor you can find on Taris are some of the most overpowered armors of their type, and since you can obtain them so early on these armors make all the other light armors redundant. Instead of armor, you will now find credits and some extra rewards on Taris and the Republic Mod Armor shall be given to you at the end of Manaan and you can buy the Echani Fiber Armor on Tatooine.


Some features of the Heart of Beskar mod have been removed from HOB and have been added to the K1 Loot Overhaul instead. Brejik's Mandalorian Blaster, the Mandalorian Assault Rifle on Dantooine and Sherruk's loot are now part of this mod instead.


My future armor and weapons mods shall be made with the K1 Loot Overhaul in mind, similar to how my NPC mods currently act with the NPC Diversity Pack.

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Nice to see another mod from you! Oh and will you make a lightsaber overhaul mod like Kaidon Jorn's KSR 2022? I tried to use your mods and this one, but since they both alter loot, I don't think they're compatible. Or are they? And is Marius Fett's Bastila's Lightsaber mod compatible? 

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1 hour ago, JasonRyder said:

Nice to see another mod from you! Oh and will you make a lightsaber overhaul mod like Kaidon Jorn's KSR 2022?

Not to that extent I'm afraid.


I am interested in Lightsaber color mods, though that's at the bottom of my list for now.


1 hour ago, JasonRyder said:

I tried to use your mods and this one, but since they both alter loot, I don't think they're compatible.

I think if you install KSR 2022 last it should work... though last I heard KSR 2022 has problems of its own.


1 hour ago, JasonRyder said:

Or are they? And is Marius Fett's Bastila's Lightsaber mod compatible? 

That mod should be compatible with my mods.

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3 hours ago, N-DReW25 said:

I am interested in Lightsaber color mods, though that's at the bottom of my list for now.

Fair enough. And I did send a message to Kaidon Jorn to see if he'd make a compatibility patch or something for K1 Loot Overhaul. Would be nice to have the more notable NPCs and party members have unique lightsabers.


3 hours ago, N-DReW25 said:

I think if you install KSR 2022 last it should work... though last I heard KSR 2022 has problems of its own.

Problems? What kind of problems? I heard there's an easy fix for the TSLPatcher, but to be on the safe side, I won't use that mod. I'll use Marius Fett's Darth Malak's LightsaberBastila's Lightsaber,  Qui-Don Jorn's Sabers 4.0 KotOR Conversion 1.1 and New_Lightsaber_Blade_Model_K1 1.0.0 instead. 


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5 hours ago, JasonRyder said:

Fair enough. And I did send a message to Kaidon Jorn to see if he'd make a compatibility patch or something for K1 Loot Overhaul. Would be nice to have the more notable NPCs and party members have unique lightsabers.

My mod has only JUST been released... Kaidon Jorn can't make a compatibility patch if none of us exactly know how our mods conflict... if they even conflict at all that is.


Besides, how exactly would my mod conflict with KSR exactly? The majority of this mod covers merchants, non-Jedi enemies, adds new loot on top of already existing loot and replaces a few armor and blaster loot. How would this conflict with a Lightsaber mod, especially if you install KSR after the Loot Overhaul?


5 hours ago, JasonRyder said:

Problems? What kind of problems?

I don't know what kind of problems, I don't use the KSR 2022 mod. This is just a rumor I've heard, especially from when KSR 2022 first released... these bugs might already be fixed, but since KSR isn't part of the Reddit Builds I don't really pay much attention to it.

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It is that time of year again, time for me to reveal another mod for the NPC Overhaul Series!


Our latest mod shall enhance everyone's not-so-favorite/infamous Corporation... Amazon Redux, uh... I mean... Czerka Redux!


First and foremost, the one thing you'd expect from a Czerka overhaul mod... the Czerka Combat Suit from RedRob41's Modder's Resource!




Do note the image above was taken with RC-K1CP, the cut Czerka Guard is in the Tatooine game files unused so Czerka Redux will change cut NPCs meaning you can play the mod with RC-K1CP, though if you don't use RC-K1CP then that's fine too.


Most of the Czerka Guards will wear the Combat Suit, however, some Guards have been replaced with brand new NPC variants... like droids:




Some of these droids will have droid shields and utility items like flame throwers, turning those redundant Czerka guys in the background of Chuundar's room from a force to be beckoned to a force to be reckoned... with.


Of course, not all the new alternative guards are droids... you do have this Gamorrean here:




He's from Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's Revenge by SilverEdge9.


Speaking of BOSSR, the Technician Armor from BOSSR is also worn by the Mechanics of Czerka Corp:




The Czerka Muscle Suit from BOSSR also makes an appearance as a rare Czerka item.




Whilst the names and descriptions of these BOSSR items are almost unchanged from BOSSR, the stats certainly are. The Muscle Suit in BOSSR has a +5 Strength bonus, it has been severely nerfed in Czerka Redux alongside the rest of BOSSR's items though the Czerka Muscle Suit in particular is now upgradeable making it somewhat good for a rare item instead of overpowered as it was in BOSSR.


And the Czerka Mining Suit from BOSSR is also in Czerka Redux. It is worn by the Miners of Tatooine, if you install Czerka Redux on its own it will give the Duros Miners the Czerka Mining Suit, but it won't be shown.... unless you plan on using Duros: Armed & Ready!



With Duros: Armed & Ready, the Duros Miners who have the default Czerka outfit will now wear the Czerka Mining Suit for that extra immersion. Future alien mods of mine will do the same thing, the Czerka alien will have the default Czerka Outfit but with Czerka Redux this Czerka alien will wear the Czerka Armor of this mod. The Duros' head from Duros: Armed & Ready is by JCarter426.


Speaking of JC, he made a male version of the Czerka Commoner outfit worn by the Czerka Protocol Officer in his JC's Fashion Line B: Commoner Clothing for K2 mod some years back. With his permission, I've added it for the Czerka Scientists and some other Czerka NPCs in the game.



As you can see from these screenshots, this mod is compatible with the gloveless commoner clothing from RC-K1CP! There are two versions of the Czerka commoner clothing, the vanilla inspired one and the K1EP one. Whilst I do not have a screenshot of the K1EP clothing yet, I can confirm that I did use JC's male version to convert the once exclusively female K1EP clothing into a male variant.


But whilst I lack the screenshot of the clothing, I can confirm I've added the K1EP Czerka Officer texture:



Czerka Custom Officers shall now wear that new Czerka Officer outfit. The Czerka Officer outfits have been revamped in Czerka Redux, the green Czerka Officer outfit is traditionally worn by the Czerka Commander with the cap... now it is worn by Liason Officers and the like.




You might be wondering, with all these changes... where are the original Czerka Officers? They're right here:




Those 4 NPCs on Kashyyyk and Tatooine are now the ONLY Czerka Officers you will encounter in the entire game, the rest have been modified into new NPC variants.


To modify most of these NPCs, I have had to change their appearances from Czerka Officers to Commoners to support the armors. As such, all of the NPCs from this mod are based on the NPC Diversity Pack, meaning if you install the NPC Diversity Pack and then Czerka Redux there will be a seamless transition between the two mods with comprising the other.




Once I perform the final touches on the Czerka Redux, it won't be released immediately... for I need to make several patches.


The 1st patch is a compatibility patch for the NPC Diversity Pack, this is to ensure people who don't use the Diversity Pack can install the main Czerka Redux mod whilst Diversity Pack players will have to install this compatibility patch to finish the installation.


The 2nd patch is an addon for the RC-K1CP mod, I don't think this addon is necessary though it will improve the restored Czerka elements of the RC-K1CP quite well. I will share more info on this secretive addon once it is ready.


The 3rd patch is an addon for JC's Czerka: Business Attire for K1. It will give the Rodians of that mod new Czerka outfits and new head reskins.


The 4th patch is an addon for the main mod. It will add female Czerka Officers to the game. This includes female guards who you can fight and will have a female soundset at death and female NPCs you can speak to. This addon will utilize DarthParametric's Female Czerka Officer's Uniform Modder's Resource for some of these female NPCs.

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Whoa, those Czerka edits look amazing pal, can't wait to try a composite of your appearance overhaul mods.

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Could it also be possible toake Sith Masters Unique (the ones like on Unknown World, the Endar Spire (one who got killed by Jedi), Manaan)? 

Since all of them wear the same armor. Not to mention that the final Sith that reports to Malak on Star Forge doesn't show up much and uses the default Sith Apprentice/Master variant face. 

Aditionally, lore wise there is also a certain Togrutan Sith on Taris, whose ghost later appears in Sith Inquisitor story in SWTOR (Since he is an ancestor of Ashara Zavross) , stated to be on Taris before the bombardment and who have died in the proccess.

Wouldn't it be also an interesting option to add him to the game in some sort of a search party for Bastilla as a possible easter egg? 

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On 5/28/2024 at 7:28 AM, ShayOrdo said:

Could it also be possible toake Sith Masters Unique (the ones like on Unknown World, the Endar Spire (one who got killed by Jedi), Manaan)? 

Since all of them wear the same armor. Not to mention that the final Sith that reports to Malak on Star Forge doesn't show up much and uses the default Sith Apprentice/Master variant face. 

Could you please rephrase this? I'm not quite sure what it is you're asking.



Aditionally, lore wise there is also a certain Togrutan Sith on Taris, whose ghost later appears in Sith Inquisitor story in SWTOR (Since he is an ancestor of Ashara Zavross) , stated to be on Taris before the bombardment and who have died in the proccess.

Wouldn't it be also an interesting option to add him to the game in some sort of a search party for Bastilla as a possible easter egg? 

I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to add a male Torgutan into Kotor, this would best be discussed in the mod request thread.

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8 hours ago, N-DReW25 said:

Could you please rephrase this? I'm not quite sure what it is you're asking.


I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to add a male Torgutan into Kotor, this would best be discussed in the mod request thread.

Well, throughout Kotor 1 we may see multiple Sith Apprentice /Sith Master NPCs in game. (All bold and wear silver armor like the one that Darth Bandon uses) wouldn't it be more reasonable to change their looks to look more unique? 

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23 minutes ago, ShayOrdo said:

Well, throughout Kotor 1 we may see multiple Sith Apprentice /Sith Master NPCs in game. (All bold and wear silver armor like the one that Darth Bandon uses) wouldn't it be more reasonable to change their looks to look more unique? 

What you have described is planned, yes. Like how Heart of Beskar and Czerka Redux exist to overhaul Mandalorians and Czerka, a similar mod will one day be made for the Sith!

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40 minutes ago, N-DReW25 said:

What you have described is planned, yes. Like how Heart of Beskar and Czerka Redux exist to overhaul Mandalorians and Czerka, a similar mod will one day be made for the Sith!

Great. Can we expect of usage of JC robes or Sith Stalker models being used for future Sith installment? 

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19 hours ago, ShayOrdo said:

Can we expect of usage of JC robes

Usage? Maybe.


Compatibility? Most likely!


19 hours ago, ShayOrdo said:

or Sith Stalker models

You mean these Sith Stalkers? No, but you'll most likely be able to install that mod on top of my planned Sith mod and you'll get the Sith Stalkers plus my own Sith designs.

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On 3/3/2024 at 4:51 AM, JasonRyder said:

Nice to see another mod from you! Oh and will you make a lightsaber overhaul mod like Kaidon Jorn's KSR 2022? I tried to use your mods and this one, but since they both alter loot, I don't think they're compatible. Or are they? And is Marius Fett's Bastila's Lightsaber mod compatible? 

KSR messed up quests like murder solving on Dantooine, Griff's quest etc. Somehow it breaks the script of those quests (which was confirmed multiple times, but not fixed) 

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4 hours ago, ShayOrdo said:

KSR messed up quests like murder solving on Dantooine, Griff's quest etc. Somehow it breaks the script of those quests (which was confirmed multiple times, but not fixed) 

You see... I've been trying to update KSR for many months now, usually I have a button that I can press to update my mods... but this button doesn't appear with KSR for some reason. Could it be that... that... I didn't upload KSR, and didn't make KSR... therefore I am not responsible for updating it? Nah, can't be... I'll keep trying!


In the mean time, until KSR is updated do NOT use KSR... period, as it is known to break the Dantooine Murder quest amongst other things. That is all I can say in relation to the NPC Overhaul Project.

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