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Yeah that does partially answer it. 

I was just looking for the red/silver rug design from the Jedi council chambers.

But I may have something better than that already. 

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Ok i got a preliminary reskin of DeathDisco's Jedi Temple mod. Still a few things to fix or add. Just wondering if I should release it or keep it to myself. 

Take a look.


Let me know what you think...


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It couldn't hurt to have more options for folks to use so there's no reason to not release your texture pack.

I would recommend making the marble texture on the landing pad walkway to a seamless texture.

I didn't notice but did you include any loading screens or make any changes to the skyboxes?

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For the moment I'm just using the old Nar Shaddaa skybox we all know and love, (Sharen Thrawn's?)

The landing pad texture is a polished granite I found online and I'm using it all over the place, but I wasn't even thinking about loading screens yet.

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On 9/25/2024 at 2:21 AM, Kaidon Jorn said:

Let me know what you think...

I concur with SH, I think you should release it - I think it's a real improvement!


35 minutes ago, Kaidon Jorn said:

For the moment I'm just using the old Nar Shaddaa skybox we all know and love, (Sharen Thrawn's?)

I'm not sure if you're aware, but there's a mod called High Quality Skyboxes which should add a proper Coruscant skybox for the Jedi Temple mod, so there's no need to worry about making a new skybox for this mod.

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Okaaay. I didn't install his mod. Copied the override stuff to override then found the Coruscant skyboxes and put those in by themselves.

Guessing you have to install the whole mod?

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Posted (edited)

Got a working red double bladed....


...and this is the new red single blade hilt



...on to yellow purple orange silver viridian and bronze.

Edited by Kaidon Jorn

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Aight so....Remapped it one more time after the initial rig and export. 

Still no black indentions at the top of the body as shown here....



,,,but this is what came out as the ASCII file which I converted to the new blade models and put them in override (this one is still messed up a bit because I scaled it down a bit too much while rigging)



What gives? 

It did this with another hilt from SLM where it just would absolutely not accept a new map...what do I do?

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Alrighty. Let me get those to you tonight. If you could figure out what I'm doing wrong I could apply that info the next time it might happen. 

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I can have a look at it tomorrow some time when I get the chance. In the meantime you might want to check it out in different light sources.

I should probably make a modder's resource for that preview setup I made for the K1 melee weapons. I made it precisely because the upgrade screen preview is kind of crap.

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Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, DarthParametric said:

Looks fine, assuming it follows the UV map you posted earlier. Hard to determine anything else without playing with it firsthand.

It is. I didn't change anything. 

But yeah let me get the model and texture posted tonight. 


EDIT: here is the model in question. Again, it just doesn't seem like Gmax will accept even slight changes to the map. I remapped the parts that don't show up, then saved it under a new name, rigged and exported again (rescaled it beforehand), but its still doing the same thing.

Edited by Kaidon Jorn

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Looks like you have the classic mulched UVs issue:


Typically this used to be considered an issue with ye olde MDLOps I thought. But perhaps it's actually GMax itself. It happens when you have UV islands that aren't physically split (i.e. one vert has two UV co-ords). KMax should automatically split the mesh along UV boundaries on export, but perhaps GMax freaks out before it gets to that point.

You can prevent it by selecting any polys that have their own UV island and then in Polygon or Element mode choosing Detach -> Split to Element. Then re-export.

You may want to consider switching to Blender. It's going to be a sharp learning curve, but you'll be better served in the long run.

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Alright, would I be able to import my old models into Blender to tinker with them?

Also, all these mapping groups (UV islands) that are showing all the crazy lines are the ones I need to detach, correct?

Thanks a bunch DP. Was totally clueless. But I remember now something about having to detach to element from years ago that I just forgot about and stopped doing.

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10 hours ago, Kaidon Jorn said:

Also, all these mapping groups (UV islands) that are showing all the crazy lines are the ones I need to detach, correct?

Every island will need to be detached.

Here's a tip to speed up the process. At least in Max anyway, not sure if it also works in GMax. Switch the mesh to an Editable Poly, then add an Unwrap UVW modifier on top. Click the button to open the UV editor, switch to the Face Sub-Object mode and tick the Select Element button. That will allow you to easily select all of an island at once, including overlaps. Now in the hierarchy stack, unfold the Editable Poly. With an island selected in the UV editor, click on Element under the Editable Poly. You should switch to the Editable Poly with the island polys still actively selected. You can't do this with an Editable Mesh.

10 hours ago, Kaidon Jorn said:

would I be able to import my old models into Blender to tinker with them?

Not in GMax format obviously. But you can use an OBJ export script to get them into a format Blender can import.

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Now you can tell it's there. woot.


So I'm thinkin' this'll be a cool double bladed...default purple...


Thankyou DP.





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