
Knights of the Old Republic III

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I've been working on a mod for KOTOR 2 for the past year and a half solo.  The mod is my vision of what KOTOR 3 could have been.  The mod starts 5 years before the events of KOTOR 2 and a month after the end of the original KOTOR.  The mod will ignore the 'canon" set by SWTOR.  The mod will span 5 or more years.  You will be able to control both Revan and the Exile during specific plot points.  In the beginning of the mod you are in a locked room only with a terminal.  When you click on the terminal you will be asked questions like.  What  gender was Revan and the Exile and what alignment were they?  There are two paths to the mod one is a lightside path the other is darkside path.  Depending on your answers you will either start as Darth Revan on his flagship or if you use the lightside you will start off as the Prodigal Knight on a big planet.  Think Taris but bigger.  There will be two big planets and several small planets.  The smaller planets are the enemy's slave worlds.   For now I will not reveal who the enemy are.  All I would say they are more brutal than both the Mandalorians and Sith.  This enemy is the reason for both Revan and Malak's fall, and is the threat Kreia speaks of.

Also you will start off at max level so you can choose the attributes and powers for your Revan and Exile.  In the beginning you will play as Revan, once the time comes to play as the Exile you will be taken to the character creation screen where you can customize the Exile.  The reason why you will start off at max level is because the enemy will be tough, and since they are dead to the Force they will have high saves making them almost immune to your Force powers.  There will be human and other alien slave warriors that can be killed with the Force.  I do not recommend playing as a Jedi Consular or Sith Lord unless you want a challenge.  Also I forgot to say depending on your alignment you will either get all your K1 companions (Lightside) or only Bastila, Canderous, HK47, and T3M4 (Darkside).  The Exile will also get all their K2 companions.  Since I don't have the luxury of hiring the original voice actors.  The mod will be using spliced dialogue you since their voices.  

I will need to recruit voice actors for the new npc's and temporary companions.  Also I will need to recruit a texture artist to reskin the modules and a talented scripter.  But that's in the near future for now I am busy with world building, audio, npc's, dialogue, and items.  Well that's all for now.  When I get the modules retextured I will post screenshots.  If you know anyone who is a texture artist, voice actor, or scripter let me know either here or by PM.  If anyone has suggestion let me know also.


Todo list for now:

Put together 5 more planets one will be big and the enemy's homeworld.  Currently 3 out of the four Republic planets are done.

Finish Revan's Flagship.  I am using the Leviathan module as a base and am having some issues like, locating textures for it and were to put the rest of the K1 files.  Module 90% done.  I used this tutorial:

Finish replacing npc's with new npc's on planets already done.


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  On 8/30/2019 at 2:55 AM, Talyn82 said:

I will need to recruit voice actors for the new npc's and temporary companions.  Also I will need to recruit a texture artist to reskin the modules and a talented scripter. 

I believe I already gave you advice about this. Looks like you're not heeding it.

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  On 8/30/2019 at 3:16 AM, Sith Holocron said:

I believe I already gave you advice about this. Looks like you're not heeding it.

I know this is I am heeding your advice.  I wrote that part in a hurry and sometimes when I am thinking while typing, what I think I type without realizing.  But yes you know I appreciate all the help you have given me with your audio files, and I will show you something once I feel I have something worth showing.  As of now the one big planet I've put together is empty.  I am going to populate it soon and add dialogue.  Also I am waiting for Thor110 to update their KOTOR Modding Tutorial Series.  I am waiting for when they teach how to place placeables in unique ways so as not to feel like the same old vanilla planets.

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This is a great tutorial for basic modding, it also explains very clearly and thoroughly how to place NPC's onto the map:

For NPC placement tutorial watch from 29:38 !


I also recommend the tutorial by Fair Strides in this thread: 


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  On 8/30/2019 at 3:49 PM, JediArchivist said:

This is a great tutorial for basic modding, it also explains very clearly and thoroughly how to place NPC's onto the map:

For NPC placement tutorial watch from 29:38 !


I also recommend the tutorial by Fair Strides in this thread: 


Excellent!  I just got in from work.  I will check out after I relax.  Thanks!

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I messing around with audacity and using the SIth voice effect from the tutorial Recreating  Sith Voice Effect I was able to recreate Mandalore's voice using audio files from KOTOR 1.  This is great news since I plan on using voice files from original game.  Big thanks to Ebmar for directing me to the tutorial, and a special thanks to FuturePilot and DarthParametric for creating the tutorial.

Here's an example:

NM02AECAND30002_.mp3Fetching info...

Well back to working on the mod.

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  On 8/30/2019 at 2:55 AM, Talyn82 said:

Also you will start off at max level so you can choose the attributes and powers for your Revan and Exile.  In the beginning you will play as Revan, once the time comes to play as the Exile you will be taken to the character creation screen where you can customize the Exile.  The reason why you will start off at max level is because the enemy will be tough, and since they are dead to the Force they will have high saves making them almost immune to your Force powers.  There will be human and other alien slave warriors that can be killed with the Force.  I do not recommend playing as a Jedi Consular or Sith Lord unless you want a challenge. 

I would caution you from making them "max level." IIRC k2 has a max level of 50, which would make the fights very tedious and long if all the opponents are designed to match that high level. 

But that aside, the real reason I would not recommend this course of action, is that it denies the player a journey, an experience, a way to grow and react to situations. If you start off as a fully leveled player, you will not be able to edit your stats to accommodate a new threat, and the action will become repetitive because it will all be at a certain level of difficulty. For instance, if I, do not put any points in security or computer use, at the start of the game, I will never have a chance to change that. This would force me to restart the game, if there was content I was curious about locked behind or in something, whereas, if I was able to level up that skill, I could return later or load to a previous save to upgrade that skill. 

Therefore, my proposition is to not have the PC start at max level, but instead place them at level 20 or level 25, allowing some player flexibility as they progress. 

Just my feedback, seems like a neat idea you have there, good luck!

"We will watch your career with great interest."


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  On 8/31/2019 at 1:51 PM, jc2 said:

I would caution you from making them "max level." IIRC k2 has a max level of 50, which would make the fights very tedious and long if all the opponents are designed to match that high level. 

But that aside, the real reason I would not recommend this course of action, is that it denies the player a journey, an experience, a way to grow and react to situations. If you start off as a fully leveled player, you will not be able to edit your stats to accommodate a new threat, and the action will become repetitive because it will all be at a certain level of difficulty. For instance, if I, do not put any points in security or computer use, at the start of the game, I will never have a chance to change that. This would force me to restart the game, if there was content I was curious about locked behind or in something, whereas, if I was able to level up that skill, I could return later or load to a previous save to upgrade that skill. 

Therefore, my proposition is to not have the PC start at max level, but instead place them at level 20 or level 25, allowing some player flexibility as they progress. 

Just my feedback, seems like a neat idea you have there, good luck!

"We will watch your career with great interest."


You do make a lot of sense.  The reason why I thought about the starting at max level was because I thought players would get annoyed they had to level up their characters again.  But I did forget about the companions.  I'll most likely use your idea.  Thanks.

I have a question.  I've been working on Darth Revan' glagship.  What do you think would be a good name befitting a Dark Lord of the Sith?  I was thinking of calling it "The Revanite."  But don't know.  Bot Vader and Malak had cool names for their flagships.

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  On 8/31/2019 at 2:13 PM, Talyn82 said:

I have a question.  I've been working on Darth Revan' glagship.  What do you think would be a good name befitting a Dark Lord of the Sith?  I was thinking of calling it "The Revanite."  But don't know.  Bot Vader and Malak had cool names for their flagships.

The Ruthless. That's what I call it in my fanfic.

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  On 8/31/2019 at 6:19 PM, Ebony Moon said:


The Ruthless. That's what I call it in my fanfic.

That's a good name I will consider it.  Thanks.

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  On 8/31/2019 at 7:51 AM, Talyn82 said:

...I was able to recreate Mandalore's voice using audio files from KOTOR 1.

That sounds pretty neat. The credits should be addressed both to -

  • A Future Pilot as the writer of the instructive tutorial, and
  • DarthParametric for the very useful tools that everyone's going to need in the long run

Make sure to have the end-result as [in-game] WAV using the WAV converter that is provided in the tutorial. Avoid using MP3 extension with the game -either for BGM, voice-overs and/or SFX- as from recent studies it causes issue for the area music is not looping their audio as it should.

  On 8/31/2019 at 7:51 AM, Talyn82 said:

Well back to working on the mod.

Looking forwards for updates of the project! :cheers:

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  On 9/1/2019 at 1:31 PM, ebmar said:

That sounds pretty neat. The credits should be addressed both to -

  • A Future Pilot as the writer of the instructive tutorial, and
  • DarthParametric for the very useful tools that everyone's going to need in the long run

Make sure to have the end-result as [in-game] WAV using the WAV converter that is provided in the tutorial. Avoid using MP3 extension with the game -either for BGM, voice-overs and/or SFX- as from recent studies it causes issue for the area music is not looping their audio as it should.

Looking forwards for updates of the project! :cheers:

Okay I will give them credit in both the post and credit list when the mod is released.  Yeah I'm glad I was able to recreate Canderous voice as Mandalore.  SInce Canderous/Mandalore is one of my favorite characters from the game.

Soon I will post screenshots when I feel I have something worth posting.

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  On 8/30/2019 at 2:55 AM, Talyn82 said:

Also I will need to recruit a texture artist to reskin the modules and a talented scripter.  But that's in the near future for now I am busy with world building, audio, npc's, dialogue, and items.  Well that's all for now.  When I get the modules retextured I will post screenshots.

So what exactly have you done the past year and a half?

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A very big planet and three smaller planets.   I wrote the story except for dialogue back in 2005/2006.  But due to my insane work schedule at the time I could not start work on the mod.  So I saved the story onto an external HDD.  The mod has been worked on and off.  I've also been freshening up on tutorials.  I always have trouble memorizing steps in creating mods for KOTOR that I have to look up tutorials.  But anyway I saw a skinning tutorial it doesn't look that hard.  I also been reading the Script Shack here on the forum.  So hopefully the only help I'll need is voice overs for the new npc's.  As for this moment?  Right now I am doing dialogue using voiced dialogue already in the game for both the Flagship and the big planet. 

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Given that it was written in 2005/2006, is the major bulk of the story revolving around these world's? Or has there been some slight modifications? I wish you luck on your project.

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  On 9/3/2019 at 2:55 AM, Squall Lionhart said:

Given that it was written in 2005/2006, is the major bulk of the story revolving around these world's? Or has there been some slight modifications? I wish you luck on your project.

Yeah the story is currently going under slight revision since the enemy has been changed.  Originally the enemy were going to be remnants of Naga Sadows empire, but then after some discussion with a forum member we came to the realization if such an empire did exist.  Darth Nihilus' hunger would have driven him to consume them.  So I looked up Wookiepedia and found a better threat.  So yeah the story is pretty much the same only the enemy has changed.

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Yep. It's been maintained in K1 that the true Sith had died out centuries ago and in K2 Kreia says on two different occasions that Revan did not come across a Sith Empire. To be consistent with K! and K2, the unknown enemy would have to be something other than Sith, unlike swotor retcon. Also, that means that Revan and Malak willingly went to the Dark Side, not tortured into it by some Sith emperor. Underscoring the part where Kreia maintains that Revan going dark side was a sacrifice, not forced into it. Besides, Kreia would know if there were another big empire of Sith out there. 

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  On 9/4/2019 at 8:09 PM, Ebony Moon said:

Yep. It's been maintained in K1 that the true Sith had died out centuries ago and in K2 Kreia says on two different occasions that Revan did not come across a Sith Empire. To be consistent with K! and K2, the unknown enemy would have to be something other than Sith, unlike swotor retcon. Also, that means that Revan and Malak willingly went to the Dark Side, not tortured into it by some Sith emperor. Underscoring the part where Kreia maintains that Revan going dark side was a sacrifice, not forced into it. Besides, Kreia would know if there were another big empire of Sith out there. 

Unless I'm very mistaken, Kreia actually does mention a remnant Sith Empire hiding in the Unknown Regions when you talk to her at Malachor. 

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  On 9/4/2019 at 11:47 PM, Mutilator57 said:

Unless I'm very mistaken, Kreia actually does mention a remnant Sith Empire hiding in the Unknown Regions when you talk to her at Malachor. 

But Revan never went there. 

Even Canderous mentioned a Sith Empire in K1, but it seemed he referred to remnants of Exar Kun's forces. And there's older Sith like old Jorak Uln in the Valley of the Dark Lords, who was apparently from the Exar Kun times- and had kept the Academy open. But we are reminded in load screens that the Sith as a species had died out centuries ago. So I don't get the impression of the Sith Empire that was retconned for swotor, and certainly not the magnitude of threat.

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  On 9/4/2019 at 11:47 PM, Mutilator57 said:

Unless I'm very mistaken, Kreia actually does mention a remnant Sith Empire hiding in the Unknown Regions when you talk to her at Malachor. 

I am currently in the process of playing K2 with the restored content mod, and when conversing on the Ebon Hawk, Kreia says Revan met no Sith Empire.  Anyway Nihilus hunger would have driven him to the Sith if they had an Empire.  Like the Jedi masters on Miraluka, Nihilus would have consumed them.  It makes no sense how they could stay undetected from Nihilus for so long.  SWTOR's retcons will not be addressed in the mod.  

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This sounds awesome! Best of luck on this!

@Ebony Moon 

Yep, Canderous said the "Sith came to them with an offer" which clearly meant the remains of Naga Sadow/Kun's forces and not the ones Bioware came up with for SWTOR. The loading screens themselves in K1 like you said stated the Sith species died out long ago, so Bioware retconed their own game!  

Also, remember at the end of K2 where Kreia says Revan will need Jedi and Sith alike? Well, that's another thing Bioware changed since Revan was locked up in jail during the events of K2.

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  On 9/5/2019 at 12:36 AM, narshaddaarocks said:

This sounds awesome! Best of luck on this!

@Ebony Moon 

Yep, Canderous said the "Sith came to them with an offer" which clearly meant the remains of Naga Sadow/Kun's forces and not the ones Bioware came up with for SWTOR. The loading screens themselves in K1 like you said stated the Sith species died out long ago, so Bioware retconed their own game!  

Also, remember at the end of K2 where Kreia says Revan will need Jedi and Sith alike? Well, that's another thing Bioware changed since Revan was locked up in jail during the events of K2.

I think that line referred to Ulic Qel Droma, when he recruited Mandalore. Canderous was old enough to have fought in that war.

Lol, what? So Revan wandering out there, the entire time he was in jail? Did they put him on trail before the Senate or something like that? I haven't read the book, or played any of swotor, but the more I learn about the retcon, the more I have to laugh.

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  On 9/5/2019 at 12:36 AM, narshaddaarocks said:

This sounds awesome! Best of luck on this!

@Ebony Moon 

Yep, Canderous said the "Sith came to them with an offer" which clearly meant the remains of Naga Sadow/Kun's forces and not the ones Bioware came up with for SWTOR. The loading screens themselves in K1 like you said stated the Sith species died out long ago, so Bioware retconed their own game!  

Also, remember at the end of K2 where Kreia says Revan will need Jedi and Sith alike? Well, that's another thing Bioware changed since Revan was locked up in jail during the events of K2.

Yeah I remember what Kreia said, and has been apart of my story for years, and yeah Canderous does say when you first ask him to tell you war stories.  He says what Ebony Moon posted.  So since in K2 when you accompany Mandalore the other Mandalorians are wary, because they don't want to be in service to the Jedi/ SIth again.  They had a bad time when they were allied with Exar Kun.  So remnants of Kun's Sith could have approached them with the offer.

  On 9/5/2019 at 12:44 AM, Ebony Moon said:

I think that line referred to Ulic Qel Droma, when he recruited Mandalore. Canderous was old enough to have fought in that war.

Lol, what? So Revan wandering out there, the entire time he was in jail? Did they put him on trail before the Senate or something like that? I haven't read the book, or played any of swotor, but the more I learn about the retcon, the more I have to laugh.

If you ignore the retcons and skip the storyline about Revan SWTOR is not that bad.  It's not great but not terrible.  I am not an mmo fan but I did enjoy the Jedi Guardian storyline.  Though I never finished because the game gets repetitive and boring.  Luckily I had only subscribed for one month.  But what made me annoyed besides the Revan retcon, was their was no mention of the Exile or their allies in the game.  I mean if it wasn't for a lightside Exile and the Lost Jedi there wouldn't be a Jedi Order.  I hate the mistreatment my Exile got by EA BioWare and the book.

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  On 9/5/2019 at 12:47 AM, Talyn82 said:

Yeah I remember what Kreia said, and has been apart of my story for years, and yeah Canderous does say when you first ask him to tell you war stories.  He says what Ebony Moon posted.  So since in K2 when you accompany Mandalore the other Mandalorians are wary, because they don't want to be in service to the Jedi/ SIth again.  They had a bad time when they were allied with Exar Kun.  So remnants of Kun's Sith could have approached them with the offer.

If you read the comic, Tales of the Jedi, the Mandalorians were burned pretty badly by Ulic Qel Droma.

  On 9/5/2019 at 12:47 AM, Talyn82 said:

If you ignore the retcons and skip the storyline about Revan SWTOR is not that bad.  It's not great but not terrible.  I am not an mmo fan but I did enjoy the Jedi Guardian storyline.  Though I never finished because the game gets repetitive and boring.  Luckily I had only subscribed for one month.  But what made me annoyed besides the Revan retcon, was their was no mention of the Exile or their allies in the game.  I mean if it wasn't for a lightside Exile and the Lost Jedi there wouldn't be a Jedi Order.  I hate the mistreatment my Exile got by EA BioWare and the book.

You can skip parts? Having to watch what they've done to one of my all time favorite characters is like chewing on aluminum foil.  I'm sure the game itself is okay, I'm not knocking that.

Yeah, what they did to the Exile, what the hell? That's even worse than what they did to Revan and Bastila.

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  On 9/5/2019 at 12:44 AM, Ebony Moon said:

I think that line referred to Ulic Qel Droma, when he recruited Mandalore. Canderous was old enough to have fought in that war.

Lol, what? So Revan wandering out there, the entire time he was in jail? Did they put him on trail before the Senate or something like that? I haven't read the book, or played any of swotor, but the more I learn about the retcon, the more I have to laugh.

Oh yeah! Was that in a comic? I've only read a few of the KOTOR ones.

Yeah, from what I remember Revan went out to the SWTOR Sith Empire and got knocked out and imprisoned by a Sith Lord there until The Exile and this weird Sith dude bust him out. After that, the Sith dude wants to take the Sheev clone out, but gets cold feet during the battle and stabs The Exile in the back and she dies just like that. Like wow, Drew. But like you said, he also screwed up Revan and Bastila, his own creations!   

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