sELFiNDUCEDcOMA 98 Posted February 10, 2018 (I'm assuming this is in response to my earlier post about all film being subjective. Apologies if I've misread this.) No there have been a number of posts by different people that have mentioned it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 571 Posted February 14, 2018 Well, I got a long post on page 1 for that. Comedy allowed? HISHE made their vid, it's fun; Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 571 Posted February 14, 2018 Wow thanks for not even watching it. I guess 1Leonard way right then.I did watch it. Unless he made another vid since the one I saw Contrary to popular belief, I don't have time to be on DeadlyStream 24/7No one claimed you were. You said you had counter-vids to our vids. I was interested. You spend about 6 posts going around the subject of me simply asking "do you have any to show?" I'll try watching the 3 vids pointed out in this thread this evening. Although I already seen I Hate Everything's before, I'll give it another listen. I will reply just this once, even though I repeatedlly stated that I'm tired of this nonproductive discussion.What discussion? I simply asked if you had vids and you wriggled around that for some time. The "discussion" would long be over if you just said "no" or "here you go" instantly. Also let's just forget that the starter post of this new thread was taken out of context from another one and just put up here without me knowing about it, forcing me to reply.This was the lesser evil amongst "lock that topic *again* for going off-topic or this. As stated, if you simply answered right away rather than discussion more stuff we wouldn't even have needed a seperate topic in the first place. Also: I don't think TLJ is great, I merely think that it's not the worst movie ever made.Neither do I. Just the worst Star Wars movie. Though I never saw Holiday Special, just going off all 8 + Rogue One. I have put a youtube video with actual points at the end of this post, you can just scroll down to that if you don't want to read it, I don't care.Thanks. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 571 Posted February 14, 2018 However, I'd like to look at what's already happening here in this thread. In the couple of posts between this one and my previous one the discussion has ALREADY devolved into one where nothing of value is posted by some Like this post, literally no one is saying that people are toxic for not liking a movie. What's toxic is the way people discuss their dislike of the film. You have cause and effect backwards. I believe that's due to; The whole The Last jedi discussion just showed how disjointed and toxic the whole Star Wars community is. On one side, I think it's great how the movie got people talking and discussing it, but the way many did it was just embarassing. I also don't get why so many people focus on petty details and blow them up to huge proportions when the OT had many moments that made even less sense. I'm honestly glad that it made certain "fans" so mad that they quit watching new Star Wars movies because it means that we have to suffer through less bullshit when trying to talk about future installments.You can't dismiss that is pretty much an attack on people disliking the movie, right? Portraying all our dislikes as "petty details". Besides that we have a completely unfounded claim (which is either a complete overexaggeration or a complete lie) that says that everyone who doesn't HATE TLJ is saying that people who do are racists/sexists/homophobes. Literally no one of importance has a video saying that. Else point me to someone who does because:I could easily quote you to many a media-post saying that. And stuff like "we don't know how to watch movies". Also you shouldn't look too far in most discussion forums to see people saying stuff like "Well, I'm glad alt-right no longer likes Star Wars now... too bad boohoo." Pretty much akin to how if you crtique Black Panther now for "not enough action" that's apparently racist. I mean, come on. Seriously a bad devolvement if politics are that woven into movies that are supposed to be entertaining escapism. This is all just a complete lie. First of I've just watched the linked video of IHE on 1.5x speed and he starts the video showing enough merchandise of Star Wars that I'd call him a fan. He is not critical of the fans of Star Wars, he is critical of their arguments and the hate bandwagon that took off the second TLJ was released in theaters. And being critical was of Star Wars fans was NOT the point you were making. The point you were making was that people "defending" TLJ made:So having SW-toys means you need to love all Star Wars products now or something? Enough fans with ton of toys hate all over TLJ. Cause it really really tried it's best to troll the Star Wars fanbase. Sorry if you missed that. And my point was that people 'defending' the movie don't do that by actually pointing out what's good in the movie, they do it by personally attacking those that don't like the movie. IHE is a complete match for that as far as I could tell when I watched that vid. Lastly, can I just say that I hate how you try to frame videos as being "pro" or "anti" TLJ? Please stop that, people can think it's an okay movie without loving it, people can think it's a bad without thinking it's the worst thing ever.You literally just described pro and anti. It's not like one is killing puppies and children and the other is spending 24/7 helping old ladies cross the street. Life doesn't have just one variable.I agree. But funnily you see pro- and anti- as love and hate, failing to see the inbetween in your previous paragraph. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,503 Posted February 14, 2018 Merged the two TLJ threads as I just want one thread I can ignore in the future. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 571 Posted February 14, 2018 You're an admin, you can't ignore anything. I wont reply to the full post by peedeeboy; I just want to point out for now that no, Rey did not "leave to save her friends". She had no clue about her friends at all, and seemingly didn't give a hoot. It was all to sway Ben Swolo, cause he was shirtless. Not quite as noble as Luke going for his friends, is it? But I probably can go on a full-on rant how hollow MaRey Sue is, and terrible as a character. I much rather have Kylo as main character. He atleast has some depth to him, and actually goes through the heroes journey of struggles etc. EDIT: And if you re-read TFA's topic I was just meh on it, giving it a 6/10 (not terrible). And liked RO. TLJ of course retro-actively made TFA worse, but RO remains. So this apperent anti-Disney bias... yeah, you're seeing things that aren't there. If there's any hate for them now, it's literally due to their own actions by now. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
revan21 22 Posted February 14, 2018 You can't dismiss that is pretty much an attack on people disliking the movie, right? Portraying all our dislikes as "petty details". Thats not at all what I said ? I already made it clear what I ment by that in another post. I also didn't say that all complains about the movie are "petty details". I said that I don't understand why people act like small unexpalined details would ruin the entire (fragile) logic of Star Wars. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
1Leonard 134 Posted February 14, 2018 I agree. But funnily you see pro- and anti- as love and hate, failing to see the inbetween in your previous paragraph. ... what? You are the one framing videos which aren't 100% positive or negative concerning TLJ as "pro" or "anti", not me. "pro" and "anti" are innherently contrarian. You literally just described pro and anti. It's not like one is killing puppies and children and the other is spending 24/7 helping old ladies cross the street. Let me try to explain this as if you are five years old: Suppose we have two children, Thomas and Sally. Thomas and Sally are discussing their love of candy and, specifically, lollipops. Thomas says: "I love lollipops, I eat one three times a week!" Sally says: "I don't really like lollipops, I eat one every month." After this exchange someone asks you to describe this situation. You describe it as such: "Thomas is pro-lollipop and Sally is anti-lollipop." Would someone who hears this description think Sally ever eats a lollipop? Or even likes lollipops? Would someone who hears this description think Thomas ever stops eating lollipops? You see how you're dividing this discussion binarily? It's not like Sally never eats a lollipop and Thomas is spending 24/7 eating lollipops. But that is what your implying by describing videos as "pro" or "anti" You're an admin, you can't ignore anything. People don't owe you their free time, dude. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sithspecter 909 Posted February 14, 2018 You're an admin, you can't ignore anything. Pssshhh...I'm an admin and I ignore stuff all the time. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VarsityPuppet 1,085 Posted February 14, 2018 ... what? You are the one framing videos which aren't 100% positive or negative concerning TLJ as "pro" or "anti", not me. "pro" and "anti" are innherently contrarian. Let me try to explain this as if you are five years old: Suppose we have two children, Thomas and Sally. Thomas and Sally are discussing their love of candy and, specifically, lollipops. Thomas says: "I love lollipops, I eat one three times a week!" Sally says: "I don't really like lollipops, I eat one every month." After this exchange someone asks you to describe this situation. You describe it as such: "Thomas is pro-lollipop and Sally is anti-lollipop." Would someone who hears this description think Sally ever eats a lollipop? Or even likes lollipops? Would someone who hears this description think Thomas ever stops eating lollipops? You see how you're dividing this discussion binarily? It's not like Sally never eats a lollipop and Thomas is spending 24/7 eating lollipops. But that is what your implying by describing videos as "pro" or "anti" People don't owe you their free time, dude. Correct me if I'm wrong here, but it sounds like the implication you're making here is that Hassat Hunter can only understand things if they're explained in a very simplistic way (i.e. as if he were 5 years old), and that he is entitled (i.e. People don't owe you their free time) If you ask me, sounds like that's bordering on toxic, which is not to say that you're the only contributor to that. I admit I could be fully wrong, but wanted to point it out so you have the chance to explain more clearly, lest things go south again. EDIT: I JUST WANT PEOPLE TO BE FRIENDS :'( 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 571 Posted February 14, 2018 I don't own this site either. And all I'm saying, it's not that binary. Pro- and anti- have plenty of ranges. Love is pro. Like is pro. Meh is anti, Hate is anti. But somehow you make it seem pro == love and anti == hate. You can't be neutral in a subjective manner like this. Also why services like Steam and YouTube only have an upvote and downvote button (though I would love a "avarage" on Steam). Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
peedeeboy 23 Posted February 14, 2018 I wont reply to the full post by peedeeboy; I just want to point out for now that no, Rey did not "leave to save her friends". She had no clue about her friends at all, and seemingly didn't give a hoot. It was all to sway Ben Swolo, cause he was shirtless. Not quite as noble as Luke going for his friends, is it? But I probably can go on a full-on rant how hollow MaRey Sue is, and terrible as a character. I much rather have Kylo as main character. He atleast has some depth to him, and actually goes through the heroes journey of struggles etc. Fair point and thanks for correcting my mistake I did say that Rey's sometimes inexplicable character motivations were one of the things I thought really bad in the film. I guess the point I was trying to make (clearly very badly), is that I can see why critics loved TLJ (its a bit "arty" for a SW film) and a lot of people hated it (half naked Adam Driver with his trousers bizarrely pulled up round his chest being just one reason out of many... I mean really, does he go outside like that?). And that it is very easy to find both good and bad in the film, and discuss it objectively, without anybody criticising anybody else personally. Play the ball, not the man as they say. I don't for a minute believe so many people disliked TLJ out of some kind of prejudice. For starters, maybe I'm naive and have too much faith in humanity, but I don't believe there are as many prejudiced people in the world as disliked the TLJ. From my experience the numbers don't tally at all. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Qui-Gon Glenn Posted February 14, 2018 When I inevitably watch this on Netflix or whatever streaming service it is on, I will be under the influence of spice and Ruby Bliel. If I can tolerate it as satire bordering on surreal, I may finish it. In arguments with my wife about the movie (she has enjoyed TFA and TLJ, though R1 was a bore, I hated TFA and was also bored by R1), I see the divide. The movie is divisive, on purpose. Thanks Disney. The Princesses now rule the galaxy. She likes it because it looks cool and Rey is teh awesomez, and because she is 5 years younger than me and not nearly as "serious" a fan (never read any of the novelizations, the EU books, and Dark Horse comics, no video games). Women are powerful, and that is cool, and attracts a new fandom of women, at the expense of lore. Disney Wars hurts my feelings, bro. That's why I have passionate feelings about them, which I think I have veiled well enough for this family friendly forum. However, getting in arguments about it anymore just isn't worth it - I end up wishing for Global Thermonuclear War. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted February 15, 2018 This film was depressingly bad, so much so that I watched a few of the class stories for SWTOR. Too bad Bioware's best work since ME2 is attached to that trainwreck. In the future I hope someone can mod the class stories and worlds into KOTOR 2, but ignore the Revan/Exile stuff. Also this would shake SWTOR's horrid artstyle and engine, which keeps me away from the game- even if it was emulatable without microtransactions. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
1Leonard 134 Posted February 15, 2018 Correct me if I'm wrong here, but it sounds like the implication you're making here is that Hassat Hunter can only understand things if they're explained in a very simplistic way (i.e. as if he were 5 years old), and that he is entitled (i.e. People don't owe you their free time) If you ask me, sounds like that's bordering on toxic, which is not to say that you're the only contributor to that. I admit I could be fully wrong, but wanted to point it out so you have the chance to explain more clearly, lest things go south again. EDIT: I JUST WANT PEOPLE TO BE FRIENDS :'( You're wrong fully here. ELI5 is simply a way to explain things without complicated terms and/or contexts. Nothing more. And all I'm saying, it's not that binary. Pro- and anti- have plenty of ranges. I guess I just don't understand why you feel the need to label things as pro or anti. Let me try to make things even easier than my earlier explanation because I think you just don't understand the point I'm trying to make. Love is pro. Like is pro. Meh is anti, Hate is anti. According to you, Love = A. Like = A Meh = B, Hate = B Using your system, how is someone supposed to separate the Love-A from the Like-A? How is someone supposed to separate the Meh-B from the Hate-B? Why do you want less labels instead of more? Also: I am now rewatching all the earlier Star Wars movies, in the light of those I think all new Star Wars films are meh. But I'm still not Anti. I think episode II is meh, I'm still not Anti-Episode II You can't be neutral in a subjective manner like this. Says who? Also why services like Steam and YouTube only have an upvote and downvote button (though I would love a "avarage" on Steam). We are not on Steam or Youtube, are we? Why do you want opinions to include only an upvote or a downvote? Besides, I wouldn't take Steam and Youtube to represent all places of opinions. Most places for reviews, newspapers, blogs, radio etc. Utilize either a numerical grade, a star system or a multiple thumbs up/down system. Why do you think that is? Do you think a reviewer utilizing only a "pro-certain movie" or "anti-certain movie" would in any way shape or form be succesful in conveying his opinion? This is getting wholly offtopic, but I'd really like you to understand this, because I don't appreciate the way you've been framing this whole discussion. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Duvai 6 Posted February 16, 2018 I just looked up YouTube and had a look at this clip stating 'WHY THE LAST JEDI IS ACTUALLY BRILLIANT', I couldn't continue watching on when the uploader says that TLJ was different from TFA as in, it wasn't another rehash of the OT... Yes, people can be this stupid. In ANH Obi-Wan presented to Luke, Anakin's Lightsaber. Later on in the PT, it is shown how Obi-Wan came into possession of said weapon. In ESB, Luke looses the weapon as it falls into the belly of a Gas giant.. BESPIN. In ROTJ, Luke builds a replacement Lightsaber. CONTINUITY In ST, "Where did you get that?", "A good question, for another time."... ??????????????????????????????? The ST is a remake of the OT which masqerades as a sequel to it. So the reason they leave the massive plot hole open about the Lightsaber is, because that weapon was as good as gone.. FOREVER(They may of well as made it a force ghost lightsaber for all accounts lol). The Lightsaber was used as a plot device so that there could be a Saber duel, that they'll leave for the star wars story group to retcon an explanation for in its convient return. Here, I'll solve the Lightsaber debaucle right now. At Maz Kanatas, in that box it should of been Lukes ROTJ Lightsaber, they are so feckin stupid it hurts. Edit: For you clever ones, in ROTJ, Luke throws away his weapon on the Death Star, only to have it reappear on Endor.. 1. Could of picked it back up(nah) 2. Had a spare(nah) 3. Built another Saber whilst rebuilding the Jedi Order(yeah). So, at Maz's, its Lukes new saber in the box. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Qui-Gon Glenn Posted February 17, 2018 I guess I just don't understand why you feel the need to label things as pro or anti.Are you serious right meow? Let me try to make things even easier than my earlier explanation because I think you just don't understand the point I'm trying to make. According to you, Love = A. Like = A Meh = B, Hate = B Using your system, how is someone supposed to separate the Love-A from the Like-A? How is someone supposed to separate the Meh-B from the Hate-B? Why do you want less labels instead of more? Oh, you are serious :/ 1. Pro and Anti, or Pro and Con, are well-known devices used for centuries by people in the evaluation of things. Sorry to break this thunderous newsflash upon you in 2018. 2. Separation of Love=A and Like=A, is pretty easy actually. You typed the same words that I just did, and missed this? The descriptor is the name is the descriptor. Like and love are two subsets of the set Pro. Meh and Hate are two subsets of anti. There are many more subsets. Pro and anti can be nuanced, and often are. Why is this foreign to you? Pretty common stuff on this planet. This is getting wholly offtopic, but I'd really like you to understand this, because I don't appreciate the way you've been framing the conversationFraming the conversation, in terms of pro/anti, is offensive? Seek shelter immediately in your nearest safe space. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 571 Posted February 17, 2018 We are not on Steam or Youtube, are we? Why do you want opinions to include only an upvote or a downvote.Ehm, the whole discussion LITERALLY revolved around YouTube videos. If you're decisively neutral, I doubt you'll make a vid pointing out proof to either way. There will be a leaning towards one of two gravitas. So no, in that case there really is no point to seperate love from like, hate from dislike. Cause it's all about the points given why said person leanes one of TWO ways. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sithspecter 909 Posted February 22, 2018 Best cut of the film yet: 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 571 Posted March 1, 2018 Well, if we need a good example of someone just putting TLJ Critism as Sexism look no further than Disney! Apparently JJ Abrahams says if we don't like this movie we are "Threatened by Woman". Yup, the guy that's supposed to give us faith in the series again and wanting us to see IX. Yet can't see how terrible all the characters of the new trilogy are. Doesn't promise improvement, just bashing fans. I feel confident already... How about for once Disney/LucasFilm admits blame instead of insulting us all. That would be a nice change of pace. And maybe creates some goodwill for the series you're dragging into it's grave. So I watched the 18m torture of IHE again (since it was the same one I saw before, and even on second viewing still terrible) and the first 4 minutes is complaining about fans, then a whole minute on the movie. Literally this though; First I was somewhat conflicted, but positive leaning. Second I was positive. Third I loved it. Oh good, GREAT discussing off all the pro's there! Then straight back to fan-bashing again (and he goes deep in bashing). Then another 1m of "pro's" (all visual ones btw). And back to bashing. There's also a min or 2 where he lists his dislike (very similar to everyone else's like Canto Blight, it's message, porgs, Holdo). Which only takes so long since he needs to add a stab to all other Star Wars movies. Of course. And back to bashing! Odd. Just like I said and remembered. Yet got flamed by 2 people here for simply stating facts. Sorry. So we got 2m of actual arguments out of the 18m movie and 14m of bashing. Did you guys watch the same damn YouTube movie? Did you guys think bashing are great arguments? What the hell was supposed to convince me there this was a good movie. What made you guys think he offered even a SINGLE argument for the movie? Anyway, onto the next one... Comment Comeback. Haven't seen this one before. Well, not much to say here. The actual arguments about the movie he waves off as "I told them in my review" and then there's a lot of discussion about the ranty stuff. Oh, and Luke's death was great apparently... dying from literally nothing. Totally comparable to death due to lightsaber or lightning, suuuuuuure. There's literally nothing here argumenting the movie besides that Luke part... and... ugh. Comparing Luke's death to Han's and Darth Vader's. Really? Nothing vs. being killed vs. sacrifice? Aaaaanyway, onto 1Leonard's movie. I hope it contains actual arguments for more than 25% of it's duration this time. Oh... it's not 10 arguments FOR the movie. It's 10 arguments WE have being stupid. Really... really? Wasn't this my entire fucking point? People can't actually give reasons, they just need to trash the other guy? Sure, I'm going to continue watching, but this isn't looking good. Let's go over them too why don't we? It's apparently what we're supposed to do. 10. Snoke isn't anybody. This is apparently a good thing. She's more excited that a villain who can't intimidate a fly is there rather than Snoke. Oookay? Why we liked them is since he was the only even remotely threatening thing in the Order. Now... they're a joke. Yay! Subversion! We all want potentless enemies, right? OH GOD... The Emperor argument again. Yeah, cause it was totally not the second movie there with a well-established opposition (The Empire) compare to The First Order who just came out of nowhere 3 movies later when 2 movies ago we totally beat the Empire and brought peace to the galaxy. But totally the same thing, don't explain why we suddenly have a new Empire after our heroes won. That's good storytelling right? How can people not see this difference? 9. Kylo sucks as villain. Pretty much the exact same argument as 10, but let's roll with it. As apprentice he works fine. As main baddy, you need someone who can realistically be intimidating or lead an army. Kylo fails at both. He's a joke villain. That's the problem. Good for a secondary villain, not the primary. She poses what movies have scary villains. Why? Classics. Terminator (2), Alien(s), The Matrix, Star Wars, LOTR. Odd, ain't that? Moving on... Oh wait, we got HUX. Who's now a clown. TFA Hux, maybe. TLJ Hux, joke. And the knights of Ren! Did YOU see them this movie? Good job making your argument revolving things Rian just couldn't bother adding. 8. No story left, pointless since it's like "a day after TFA where nothing happens". Actually, both are entirely true. TFA left tons of threads for the story, all killed now. The ending left little interest or motivation for IX. It could be anything. Not exactly great for the end of a trilogy. Oh and apparently Rey beating a 15-year trained Jedi first battle was a good thing now. Uhuh. Kylo having no motivations is good. The enemy all crying is good. WHAT AM I HEARING? 7. Rey is nobody. Mary Sue confirmed. That's good now too. Wouldn't want actual backstories or logical reasons for power in this trilogy now would we. All we want is a reason for her to NOT train like LITERALLY EVERYONE ELSE. Or train. Note we got neither. 6. Luke the Mass-murderer; Apparently the only reason he tried it on Vader was since he couldn't defeat him in combat. He could Kylo so, OFF WITH HIS HEAD. *mind blows* What am I hearing. What IV, V and VI did you see that makes you think Luke is a sociopath? "Yeah, actually fighting wouldn't be what the good guy does. Killing in his sleep, yeah, that's good guy stuff" (paraphrasing but she literally said that). 5. Leia in space. Visually it looked bad, yes. Story-wise as well. Once again, you don't suddenly gain Force Powers. You train. Rey doesn't, that was a major complaint in TFA. Why would anyone think it would go over better in much higher quantities in TLJ? TRAINING. You need to Train to be a Jedi. Anakin, Luke and Kylo all trained for YEARS. Rey and Leia not a day. You see why that's an issue? 4. Everything is Holdo's fault. Yeah, it is. Why didn't she told the plan. Being a terrible leader. Wouldn't be AS bad if the movie also acknowledged her being a terrible leader. Yet, it does all in it's power to portray her right while she's not. There's the fault people put at it. Also "guy she just met"... with the Resistance being apparently like 100 people and she being a general... how is that possible? It's not. Only with bad storytelling. Also no, people didn't die when Poe "found out the plan" since he didn't. People died since he DIDN'T know the plan. Once he knew the plan he was like "that's a good plan", and that was it. 3. Ryan sets up his trilogy with broom boy. Sorry you missed the memo, but yeah... he totally did. Welcome to now knowing. 2. The B-plot was pointless since it didn't work. You forgot boring, preachy, had horrible characters, and contributed nothing to the end-result. Notice how Cloud City failed but nobody has an issue with that. Since it did "failure" right. Not just failure for the sake of failure. And you say "they learn from this failure". Since they don't, you kinda contradict your own reasoning for it having a reason to exist. If it paid off, it wouldn't be pointless now would it. And there would be less complains. But it's not, hence concerns. Also 3/4th the failures list every movies have. Since you added "the bad guys plan got thwarted = failure" in there. Such a never seen before concept. Not to mention you literally bring up your 4th point here. You can't complain about this whole thing screwing up Holdo yet ignore the whole thing didn't happen if Holdo just said the darn plan. 1. "The film challenges you"... WHAT? What does that even MEAN? Oh, it means "subversions". Yeah, those were bad. A subversion can work (KOTOR), but adding 20 kinda delutes their purpose. Subverting a subvertion (Leia dies! Oh she doesn't!) even more so. All the end result leads to is you just get completely uninterested in the content since literally everything gets retconned, sometimes even minutes later anyway. Where's the tension then? If you can't add in decent tension, don't expect me to keep attention. Which they probably hoped for anyway with the many plotholes added in there you're supposed to not register. But thanks guys. When I said the people who apparently are Pro-TLJ on YouTube cannot for the life of them actually defend the movie with the movie, just by attacking those who didn't like it and their arguments... you sought out 3 examples proving exactly that. I was kinda expecting this, because as I said that's all I see on YouTube, but you were fairly insistant you could find something different for me. That didn't happen though. And for some lighthearted fun, 2 songs. First is Anti-TLJ so beware of that if you dislike that. The other one is good for everyone! 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Haveayap 127 Posted March 1, 2018 What is this heresy? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 571 Posted March 7, 2018 Seems we could have gotten a more fleshed out Phasma and a scene on the ship far exceeding what we got. Sadly, Rian said it can't be so, and we got what we got. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarthVarkor 384 Posted March 11, 2018 Seems we could have gotten a more fleshed out Phasma and a scene on the ship far exceeding what we got. Sadly, Rian said it can't be so, and we got what we got. I do like this alternative end to Phasma, it also gives Finn a chance to be a more serious character and less of the film's comic relief. HOWEVER, it reinforces a huge plot hole from TFA: If Phasma's armor can deflect laser blasts, why did she lower the shields on Starkiller Base? They wouldn't have hurt her. I re-watched the scene and Han DOES have his blaster aimed under her helmet at first, so sure, I buy that, but, when she's actually sat down and disabling the shields, Finn is stood a foot or two away aiming it AT her helmet. I don't know if that's just me being being nit-picky, but still. I can see why Rian Johnson chose the version of her death we got, as it doesn't reinforce the plot hole as obviously, but it was still in his film we learnt Phasma's armor and deflect blasts to begin with, so I see at as more of a fault with TLJ than TFA. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Roth9 14 Posted March 17, 2018 I just looked up YouTube and had a look at this clip stating 'WHY THE LAST JEDI IS ACTUALLY BRILLIANT', I couldn't continue watching on when the uploader says that TLJ was different from TFA as in, it wasn't another rehash of the OT... Yes, people can be this stupid. In ANH Obi-Wan presented to Luke, Anakin's Lightsaber. Later on in the PT, it is shown how Obi-Wan came into possession of said weapon. In ESB, Luke looses the weapon as it falls into the belly of a Gas giant.. BESPIN. In ROTJ, Luke builds a replacement Lightsaber. CONTINUITY In ST, "Where did you get that?", "A good question, for another time."... ??????????????????????????????? I was thinking about the skywalker lightsaber some time ago and this come to my mind: Anakin loses his lightsaber in some moments in the clone wars series, at least two if I am not mistaken. So, the lightsaber in TFA and TLJ could have been one of these that Anakin lost, is more plausible than recovering the one lost in Bespin. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stoney 1,511 Posted April 5, 2018 I was thinking about the skywalker lightsaber some time ago and this come to my mind: Anakin loses his lightsaber in some moments in the clone wars series, at least two if I am not mistaken. So, the lightsaber in TFA and TLJ could have been one of these that Anakin lost, is more plausible than recovering the one lost in Bespin. I only remember one time he lost saber and it was cut in half so it wouldn't be that one. Don't think we will ever know how it came to be found since Disney seem hell bent on destroying anything to do with the original films and they have succeeded quite well. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites