
Quanons many projects.

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Ahum, yes, that is part my mod. I made that one skin/ outfit and also the lightsabers included in that mod. Thank you ;)

If you look on the bright side, I was stunned at how amazing mod was I forgot to read the readme  :D.

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If you look on the bright side, I was stunned at how amazing mod was I forgot to read the readme  :D.


Hahaha, no harm done. If I came out a bit harsh, sorry for that,  but I know what I created.

But in all fairness; RedRob did a larger part of that mod, my outfit wouldn't have looked that awesome without his help; so he should certainly get the main credits for it :D



Here's the work I've been doing on Carth's outfit:

It's mainly his jacket; and little test on the pants, to get some texture in there.














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Damn. Carth's original clothing look is a huge nostalgia piece for me, so I was a little apprehensive about how this would look. You have put all my fears to rest. This looks incredible.

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I've continued to work on both Carth and Bastilas slave outfit. Redrob has been so kind again, to share an updated body model for Carth. It fixes a few problems on the UVmap of the model. Which improves the overall look of the skin. Many thanks Redrob! Can't say that enough!


No pictures yet, but I do have something else...


Scrapyard Games!


Yes, this is still alive! For the newer folks here on the forums a little history:


Back in the day, when I first started to mod the Kotor games I teamed up with a fellow modder called GloveMaster. Like many new modders, we had a ton of crazy big ideas.

One of many was Scrapyard Games. The mod itself is by standards 'small', there's no great epic story to be told. Not like SilverEdge's masterpiece.


No, this mod was to be more 'fun', a bit of a laugh, to balance out the rather dark gloomy atmosphere  of The Sith Lords.

In it's most basic form, Scrapyard is an arena mod. The Scrapyard Station is run by a large crew of droids, which you also battle in the arena.


You get a ton of credits for winning fights, which then gives you access to new items to use on your adventure in the game.

Along side the arena there a few other new areas to explore, they are small, but packed with fun things to do.


But, time moved on, Scrapyard never got finished by me and GloveMaster. I packed it up and passed it to D-Stoney, IIRC.

It stayed in his hands for a while, then it got passed along again. Darth Insidious? It only got back to me, because Fair Strides and Sith Holocron convinced me to have another look at it myself. Both have been a great support. Fair Strides fixing up all the scripts and tons of files. Me, I updated my old areas with lightmaps and better walkmeshes. Which has been a slow affair.


Lucky for me Fair Strides and Sith Holocron have had the patience to deal with my tardiness and often kicked me awake to continue on.

It would never have gotten this far; without their help. Can't thank you enough gentlemen!


And so.... A small teaser.

A very cobbled together teaser :laughing:


I'm new to this video thing, so don't expect a masterpiece ;)



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@Fair Strides: Yes, that's a bit stupid on my part. But I'd like to make more work on the following vid for Scrapyard. It all looks and feels far too amateur to my liking. Perhaps I should setup a few cameras in the .mod files to activate, via script, and have those move through the scene. Should create far better images. I can then edit together. Lots to learn for me ^^
Next to that, today I worked on Bastila's Slave outfit. It's not going fast. I'm trying to alter it. But so far I'm not happy with it. Did a test in the game and it doesn't match the head very well. Can't believe how slow this is going :-/
I really like to release this, but it's not done and it would be below me to release something half baked. *sigh* really don't feel happy with this skin. I might go for something different... Need to do more thinking on this one.



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I don't know how close you want to stay for the vanilla design, so I don't know if any of these suggestions are useful, but who knows^^ Personally, I don't like the vanilla one so I wouldn't mind something quite different.


I would remove the gloves and maybe add some jewelry like armbands instead. But then again, the gloves don't actually look bad, I just don't really like them stylistically^^ Maybe you could also add some more detail to them, especially to the opening (whatever that part is called). Right now they look a little bland.


Also, I assume you tried to give her thigh high boots? And while I quite like those, I fear they're not going to work without model changes, so I suggest having them end at the knees instead and also add some more detail to those.


And then there are the metal panties... At least that's what I assume this material to be. I'd just change the rear part of those completely so that it no longer looks like metal.


Hopefully some of that can help you and if not, at least I tried :)

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I assume you tried to give her thigh high boots? And while I quite like those, I fear they're not going to work without model changes

That should be fairly easy to do, just duplicate the torso mesh, select the desired amount of leg polys, delete the rest, then extrude out a bit. Maybe add a bit of a gap where they join the legs. You should be able to do a quick skin wrap to the original torso mesh to get you a starter set of skin weights, then you can just manually clean them up. Once that is done, lop off the intersecting bits of lower legs. You'd then have to do a new unwrap to squeeze them into the existing boot texture space.

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PS: I'm not drunk :laughing:


@Kexikus: Well, I don't like the old vanilla skin either... The whole thing just doesn't work. I somehow wanted to start from the old skin, but that got me confused on design ideas. So this all looks rather thrown together. Really frustrating, putting in time, tweaking stuff and getting nowhere.


I'll start over, I've drawn up some quick layouts of things I think might work. But, it'll have to wait a bit.


@DP: Would that require to redo the weighting, yes? Not sure if I want to go in and slice up the model... I'm slow as hell already, getting side tracked. It's a trap for me o_O


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Lovely, but I can't decide if I prefer a big, fluffy brown Wookiee or a big, fluffy gay Wookiee.


And if you don't like Bastila's vanilla slave outfit, remaster RedRob's one.

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As ever, a "problem" with editing Bastila's underwear model is the seams involved with the waistband of her original underwear. They're so high-cut as to limit your options and a reskin without taking care of them via modelling makes them stand out. :(

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@DP: Would that require to redo the weighting, yes? Not sure if I want to go in and slice up the model... I'm slow as hell already, getting side tracked. It's a trap for me o_O

On the body? No. Deleting polys doesn't destroy the weights of the remaining polys. It's only when you add polys that things get screwed up. Here, try this:






I did a skin wrap and did a quick test with some animations. Seems like maybe the weights at the back of the knees could use a tweak, but seems ok otherwise.

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On the body? No. Deleting polys doesn't destroy the weights of the remaining polys. It's only when you add polys that things get screwed up. Here, try this:






I did a skin wrap and did a quick test with some animations. Seems like maybe the weights at the back of the knees could use a tweak, but seems ok otherwise.


Wow, thanks a ton. I never dabbled much in character modelling. Been a long time. So slicing up models is a better method.

Hmm, should get more into this stuff. I did work with the skin weighting stuff before. As I was posing the models for a few renders, some of them had troubled spots. Which need minor fixes.


From a first look on your model, it's pretty clean from the start; just the top part looks like it needs some work, will look into this :)

Thanks again!

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The one problem here could be the fact that the slave outfit uses the same model as her normal underwear, right?


And I don't really see Bastila wearing thigh high boots to her underwear xD

But if it's possible to use different models for those, this could work really well.

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Mod of the Year 2017. I think Carth could look more like Suicide Squad Joker :D

We should skip Mod of the Year and award it Mod of the Decade. I can't imagine anything better than that coming along.

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PS: I'm not drunk :laughing:


@Kexikus: Well, I don't like the old vanilla skin either... The whole thing just doesn't work. I somehow wanted to start from the old skin, but that got me confused on design ideas. So this all looks rather thrown together. Really frustrating, putting in time, tweaking stuff and getting nowhere.


I'll start over, I've drawn up some quick layouts of things I think might work. But, it'll have to wait a bit.


@DP: Would that require to redo the weighting, yes? Not sure if I want to go in and slice up the model... I'm slow as hell already, getting side tracked. It's a trap for me o_O


Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter on a Pogo Stick.

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The one problem here could be the fact that the slave outfit uses the same model as her normal underwear, right?


The solution is just an appearance.2da and UTC edit away.


As ever, a "problem" with editing Bastila's underwear model is the seams involved with the waistband of her original underwear. They're so high-cut as to limit your options and a reskin without taking care of them via modelling makes them stand out. :(

Shouldn't be an issue in this instance if Quanon uses the boots, as the body model will need to be modified anyway, undergoing some minor leg surgery. Might as well tweak the underpants verts while at it. It seems like it is primarily just two rows of verts that need scaling in a bit.


Edit: Made an alternative version of the boots that are bit less like gumboots:






If you wanted to get fancy, you could try for something like this - https://i.imgur.com/42Zz8bC.jpg (although that might need a further modified mesh to get some actual depth in the cutout section).

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I'm finishing up work on Carth. Bastila is on the back burner. Just no good inspiration or ideas that I feel work for her slave outfit.

So I'll let it rest. I also spotted a very obvious seam on Bastila's underwear model, on the shoulders. Need to get rid of it.

Which is why I got Zaalbar done first and out!

Making more room and at least getting the feeling stuff gets done :D

On that note; I've did the final touches on Carth's regular clothes today.


I can now focus on his underwear model.

Next week should be easier for me to find some time to do some modding work.


Anyway: here's a look at Carth, took him around the galaxy for a few snap shots:
















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Back for a tiny update on Carth. I've been working on the underwear, just the jumpsuit/ pajama part.

Just fiddling with what sort of fabric texture I want to get it in there and a little more tight fit around the "beef" that's beneath it, if the ladies get that treatment why not the gents! :P

I haven't touched the skin parts, arms and legs just yet. I might do a bare torso look as well, though that just takes a bit more work to get it right. And it also involves more tweaking to get it to match the face.


But it's going a long nicely. Carth should be out in the early new year.

It's an early WIP shot, so things can change. The orange is still a bit bright, but that might be my setup in 3Ds Max.








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You are truly an artist! I wouldn't torture myself on the Slave outfit of Bastila's if I were you. She has it for five seconds then it's gone! Besides, you did an amazing job with her regular clothes.  

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Today, I put in some work for a request I got. 

It's a reskin for one of the female player heads.


Here's a little sneak peak at what it looks like so far.

I tweaked her eyes; played around with the size. Somewhere I must have shifted them.

The character looks like she's been smoking pot. It looks rather hilarious. Certainly when Trask comes and wakes you up.


I wish I could chance his dialogue: "Are you high as a kite? have you been smoking? The galaxy is going up in flames.... etc" :laughing:










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