Hassat Hunter

1.8.3 preview?

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Great work Hassat, this is far superior to the "mine" in previous versions! Personally, I prefer the third movie out of all of them.

Now that you're working on a 1.8.3, could i ask if a few of these previously mentioned bugs will definitely be addressed in this version:


1) With M4-78EP installed, the soundsets for all of the enemies in the "Ravager - Command Deck" level (the Sith Soldier,  Sith Elite Trooper, Sith Commando, Sith Assault Trooper, Sith Grenadier, Male Sith Captain, Female Sith Lieutenant,  and Colonel Tobin) are messed up, so they play the sounds of droids when in combat and on death. Will they be assigned the correct souldsets in 1.8.3?

2) Would it be possible for the "Cyan Lightsaber Fix" to be included in 1.8.3. As far as i'm aware, this has not been fixed in TSLRCM. I know there's a mod that's been around for ages that fixes the issue, but it'd be nice to see this small, but well known bug, fixed in 1.8.3.

3) You previously mentioned here (http://deadlystream.com/forum/topic/1445-bugs-and-minor-inconveniences-with-tslrcm-18/page-25?do=findComment&comment=20646) that Attons dialogue regarding the death of the Onderon soldier, encountered on Citadel Station during the Sith attack, could be fixed. Currently upon the soldiers death, Atton will say "What... what just happened? One minute, we were just talking ... and then ... I just lost control". He'll say this regardless of whether the Sith actually killed the soldier, or Atton himself killed him. Could it be fixed so that this dialogue only plays when the soldier has died due to the hostile actions of either the player or party member?

Thanks again Hassat for continuing to support the TSLRCM mod!

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And suddenly Pazaak turned Nar Shaddaa rules, even if I specifically said not to. Some exiles just refuse to co-operate.



The actual true pazaak cutscene intended for 1.8.3. Probably will be included, not sure...

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And suddenly Pazaak turned Nar Shaddaa rules, even if I specifically said not to. Some exiles just refuse to co-operate.



The actual true pazaak cutscene intended for 1.8.3. Probably will be included, not sure...


That pazaak scene looks awesome! I remember reading the commentary in the dialogue file describing that scene and wishing it looked like that in-game.

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That's awesome! A great tie-in to Atton's redemption.

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What could it mean? 0_o



The Serraco will actually attack the exchange now?

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YES. I always thought that needed more of a cutscene. Hassat, you rock.

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Taking a leaf out of Obi's book? Sure!

Apparently... that's not quite working, so no fade-out, sorry...

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I like the new updated one too.  Put it in 1.8.3.  The Nar-Shadda-from-Goto's-yacht background update wasn't a restoration either, but it made more sense than leaving it as it was.

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Hassat Hunter,


would you be so kind as to provide us with a 1.8.3 change log like you did before for the other versions you've been working on?


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If anyone can do me a favor, if you're near the Telos Underground base...


Can you check after activating the reactor what the Tank Droid does. Just go to the control center, he can't detect you there. Then see if he does patrol properly, or not...



Nvm, forgot I got an untampered 1.8.2 installation around too, and tested it with that one. His patrol worked just fine, when I thought the .MOD had ruined it. So I spend time trying to resolve and test a non-issue. Yay me :blush:

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i would like the see a remade female body if is possible so the robes won't glitch  on females, and an option for grass amount if it is possible.

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Ah, I had hoped this would have been released by now, but I guess you guys earned well deserved a break. If this community has taught me anything, it is to wait and be quiet. ;)

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We haven't heard anything about 1.8.3 for quite some time.

Could you give us a small update, HH? Are things proceeding as well as you guys hoped?

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If I may suggest that the PC, Canderous and Visas all be a bit closer to Nihilus when his body does its thing. It would look a but more natural, maybe even have Canderous be closer to it than Visas or something. What else are you considering including in 1.8.3?

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Question -  with Kotor Save Editor, you can see "Yima's Suspicion" quest on the list, but it never appears in the game. Yima's a TSF Lieutenant Grenn mentions right after the whole Batu Rem incident. I assume it's like the Holocron and Genoharadan, there's not enough material to attempt restoration, rather than it being overlooked, right?

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All there is are those entries, and a few voice-lines, referencing to an area that doesn't even exist as a map.



Correction, a .dlg file, not voiceovers. You can check it for yourself, 201yima.

Also 2 scripts, and the global is still in the files. But you'd have to make up a new map, several new NPC's, a new questline and of course voice Yima (including overwriting the old lines). Too much for a restoration mod.

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