
MOD:Unofficial TSLRCM Tweak Pack

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Unofficial TSLRCM Tweak Pack

version 1.3

Author: Pavijan357

1. Description:

As you all know, SW-KOTOR 2 : The Sith Lords is a brilliant game. Unfortunately, at the time of release, it was definitely a flawed game, because it was published in unfinished state.

Then came the people behind TSLRCM project and did what seemed impossible. After years hard work by all people involved in it, final result is here: TSLRCM 1.8.5 . KOTOR 2 is closer to its finished state and Obsidian's vision than ever before.

So, what is this than actually for? Well, the way I see it, instead of the broken, dirty gem TSL was before, now with TSLRCM, it's the large shinning diamond, just a little rough on the few edges. This is made to polish it around a little...

It's seems to me that in their vision to restore as much cut content, TSLRCM crew got a little carried away and restored even things that seem that weren't left out because of short development time, but actually CUT from game, because authors had some other and better ideas, or simple they didn't thought that those fit in the game in general way.
Now, I don't claim to know what was Obsidian's original vision better than anybody else, especially TSLRCM guys, but there are some things that bothered me during the playthrough and which seamed jarring and out of place to me, so I have made this Tweak Pack for my personal usage, and also for everyone else who feels the same way about those particular things.

Of course, this is ultimately thing of personal preference, so I have made this pack modular so you can install only things that you want and leave others as they are (modular parts are installed with TSL Patcher), but have also provided all-in-one setup for those that want it all.


2. Component list:

This pack consists of five main components and three small extras:

Component 1 - Jorran the extortionist instead of Kaeve the thief

As you probably know, TSLRCM returned cut character of padawan Kaeve, whose laigreks stole the farming equipment from farmer Suulru on Dantoine, instead of scavenger Jorran who insisted that Suulru should give him extra money for his vaporator, which was the case in the published version of the game.

I like the general idea behind Kaeve, and voice-over done for her by Usagi was fine, but the main problem with her is that her dialogue seams, well... not well written in the first place, it feels incomplete and not well thought through. It seems to me that she was abandoned in earlier part of production and wholly discarded as an idea, and that's why Obsidian eventually recorded voice-over for Jorran's and Suulru's new lines instead of making some for Keave. Don't get me wrong, TSLRCM crew did a good job of restoring what was in the files, but it seems that there wasn't a lot of quality material to restore in the first place...

So this component returns whole Jorran/Suulru situation to what it was in published version of TSL and removes Keave from game altogether. This also returns lightsaber part to Jorran which he had originally, instead of Keave as in TSLRCM.

Component 2 - Saedhe's original head

If you played the game, you would remember Seadhe, Khoonda Militia investigator in Khoonda plains, Dantooine. In TSLRCM he is given cut unique head which was planned for him earlier, but my opinion, based on his voice in game, is that unique head was intentionally scrapped and in the published version he got that of an old black guy to fit better with that voice.
So install this component if you would like to see his originally assigned head again.

Component 3 - No Mandalore falling on Ravager bridge

In old TSLRCM versions, after you defeat Darth Nihilus and your party is leaving Ravager's command bridge, Mandalore inexplicably stood on some invisible mine and fell on the ground. This has been done to make excuse for starting Mandalore/Visas conversation. Version 1.8.3 replaced mine with much more sensible Dark Side backslash from the disappearing corpse of Nihilus, which actually looks fitting to a point, and could satisfy some people, but in case that you still want that whole part removed, like I do - this component is here.

There is also spliced part on first Mandalore/Visas conversation upon boarding Ravager ("I know what it meant for you to accompany me here...") that should also, like the post-fight conversation between them, be left for some other mod which restores Ravager part to its original concept (Mandalore and Visas go to Ravager alone, Exile joins them later) like Zbyl2's excellent "Ravager Rewrite" mod, which will, I hope, be eventually updated for TSLRCM compatibility if he finds time and still has some desire for modding after his work on M4-78EP.

So, this component removes spliced part on first Mandalore/Visas conversation and whole bridge collapse/second conversation situation after Nihilus fight, so you can wait nicely until some future version "Ravager Rewrite", or some other mod, restores those lines more fittingly.

Component 4 - Atton’s ending dialogue

After you defeat final boss, in TSLRCM you (depending on your choices) get a few final conversations with some of your crew mates. Atton is one of them, and his conversations (in both possible versions) are great and emotionally satisfying. But they seem written only for light-side character and don't fit at all for the cold-blooded bastard that you may have turned your Exile into!

Because of that, this component inserts extra requirements for this dialogs to happen: Exile must be light-side, neutral, or mildly dark-side with high influence with Atton (high requirement for influence is only for slightly dark-side chars to reflect the situation when player is not entirely insensitive to suffering of those close to him and he got along with Atton nicely). So if your Exile matches any of those requirements you will get the dialogue as it has been until now, and if he/she doesn't - you will not be bothered with it.

Component 5 - Kreia-Atris dialogue tweak

During Kreia's visit to Atis on Telos, dialogue between those two is one of the more important ones in the whole game because it gives lots of exposition on Kreia's motivation. TSLRCM added a few restored lines of dialogue to that scene that do not seem to fit the story in it's final form.

Those are the lines that reference that Kreia was there during Exile's trial, and more important, that she was the one who asked for her/him to be exiled. Which doesn't fit at all, because she was presumed dead since Mandalorian Wars by the Jedi Order at that time, and because of that she couldn't have asked that of the Jedi Council when (as we see in dialogue between them near the end) they weren't even aware that she survived! This seems to be a remnant of some old plot version that was abandoned during the production.

Thus, this component removes that group of added lines from that dialogue (but keeps other ones that are not related to this issue).
Thanks to Markus Ramikin who has noticed this issue and informed me of it.

Component 6 - Tweak for Exile-Mandalore dialogue in Trayus academy

From the first time I saw it, I was not fond at all of the Player responses in the Exile-Mandalore conversation that happens in the Trays academy if you save your party. They consist of pairs of almost identical responses with just several words changed and do not seem like anything that would normally be found anywhere in the game and therefore they really stick out as "modded content".

This component of TSLRCM Tweak Pack will alter the player responses to something that (at least in my opinion) fits better with the rest of the dialogue found in the game. Mandalore's lines are not altered.

Extra components:

These small tweaks are separated as extras because they are not based on restorations or anything other than some thoughts of mine, or are probably insignificant to majority of players and made mostly for extra nit-picky crazies like myself.

Extra 1 - Trayus Sith Lords unified

This takes care of the small thing that caught my eye - that Sith Lords in the left part of Trayus Academy have their masks on, but those in the right part don't. This was probably done intentionally, possibly to provide more diversity, but what bothered me is that those without masks share the same head with Sith apprentices which are at few places found at the very same room (Yes, it bothers me,  I'm that kind of guy [:p] ).
So, this only gives those few Sith Lords in Trays Ac. the same masks that their "colleagues" in the other part have. Simply as that.

Extra 2 - Lower Awareness requirement for "Gand Warrior" quest

This lowers required Awareness skill level for solving the quest given by Suulustan in Jekk Jekk Tarr cantina, on Nar Shadaa, to 4 instead of 16. Why so low? Because I think that 16 is really too much for such a trivial quest, and by making it as low as 4 it can be solved even by players who didn't focus on developing their Exile's Awareness, simply by equipping a few of skill boosting items, and maybe also casting Valor if needed.


3. Installation:

To install this Tweak Pack, TSLRCM 1.8.3 or newer version, MUST be installed. It is made for TSLRCM and without it, it has no point.

1) If you're planning to install the complete installer version, just run its URCMTP.exe and follow instructions. It's advisable to do it IMMEDIATELY after TSLRCM installation. In that case if you plan to install some other mods after TSLRCM they won't be overwritten, and maximum compatibility is assured.

2) If you're planning to install any of modular parts just run U_TSLRCM_TP_IND.exe and follow instructions. You need to run U_TSLRCM_TP_IND.exe once for each component you have to install.
For Component 1 (Kaeve removal) BOTH parts must be installed for it to work properly.
Any component can be installed any time after TSLRCM installation.


4. Uninstallation
Copy appropriate files from the "backup" folder to their original places.


5. Mod Compatibility:
Any mod that is compatible with TSLRCM is compatible with this Tweak Pack.

For full compatibility with "Fixed Hologram Models and Admiralty Redux for TSLRCM" by DarthParametric and M4-78EP, use the the Individual component installer for this pack, and install it AFTER those mods.


Thanks to Fair Strides for creating and updating the TSL Patcher version of the installer.

Special thanks to Zbyl2, DarthStoney, VarsityPuppet, Hassat Hunter, and everybody else who was involved with TSLCRM during its long years of making, for all that they have given us...




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Absolutely amazing (^o^) I happen to agree with everything you have written here. Good for you and thank you for sharing. I wasn't keen on many of the changes the tslrcm took liberty with but I wasn't about to complain when I am of the belief that the tslrcm is perhaps the greatest achievement in video game modification history to date. With that being said KUDOS to you. Although the changes are minor in the overall tslrcm they are significant and lean on the immersion of the entire game. And as we all know, Star Wars Fans are a "SPECIAL" breed XD Congratulations once more for having the guts to do it. I look forward to playing it in the next few weeks when I start my tslrcm 1.8.2 m4-78ep run through in May

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Sorry for late reply, haven't been around computer a lot in recent time. Nice to see someone who agrees. Thank  you both for kind words. :)

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Hey everyone i was wandering has anyone else had the glitch of when visas is sent out to capture the exile after the cutscene ends you get teleported on to the ravager and there is nothing there? Is it only me who is having this problem??

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Hey everyone i was wandering has anyone else had the glitch of when visas is sent out to capture the exile after the cutscene ends you get teleported on to the ravager and there is nothing there? Is it only me who is having this problem??

That never happened to me. Maybe it's connected to some other mod...?

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Hey, I have one simple question: I have TSLRCM installed via Steam Workshop, do I have to install the mod into the override folder or into the TSLRCM workshop folder? Thanks in advance!

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Hey, I have one simple question: I have TSLRCM installed via Steam Workshop, do I have to install the mod into the override folder or into the TSLRCM workshop folder? Thanks in advance!


TSLRCM workshop folder. All mods should be installed there when using the workshop version.

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TSLRCM workshop folder. All mods should be installed there when using the workshop version.

Thank you very much, good to know!

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Is there anything that would need to be done for full compatibility with 1.8.5, Pavijan357?



I second this.  

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I second this.  


Done.  :D  

Updated files to TSLRCM 1.8.5 version and changed modular installer to new one improved by Fair Strides.

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I have mistakenly uploaded old version of M4-78EP compatibility patch in the package last night, but have corrected it right now.

Can admins please remove duplicated entries from "Previous versions" list (versions 1.2.1 from 23.aug.2015 and 1.2.1 and 1.2.2 from yesterday)? Thank you in advance.

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Deleted both from yesterday and the one back on the 23rd.  Reupload the correct version when you are ready.

Correct version of 1.2.2 (latest) is already uploaded, and in place. But there are still two versions of 1.2.1. from 2015. Older one should be removed.

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The only ones I see on the page are from the 24th or before. Upload one and I'll remove all of the older versions for you.

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I forgot to mention it, Pavijan. Because TSLPatcher patches the global.jrl file, there's nothing that needs to be done for compatibility with M4-78EP. Just the installer as it was sent should be fine.

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I forgot to mention it, Pavijan. Because TSLPatcher patches the global.jrl file, there's nothing that needs to be done for compatibility with M4-78EP. Just the installer as it was sent should be fine.

For your TSL Patcher (Individual component installer) version  yes,  patch isn't needed, but since I'm providing a complete .exe installer version also for those who want it, that still needs the patch because it is just copying the files. I will update the description to mention that.

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If you recruit Suulru and talk to him after the battle for Khoonda, he starts complaining again about his moisture vaporators even if you have already completed his quest. However, if you cancel the conversation and try speaking to him again, he simply responds that he'll be returning to his farm shortly, as he should. Can you please fix this?

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On 2/26/2018 at 3:05 PM, SalaciousCrumb said:

If you recruit Suulru and talk to him after the battle for Khoonda, he starts complaining again about his moisture vaporators even if you have already completed his quest. However, if you cancel the conversation and try speaking to him again, he simply responds that he'll be returning to his farm shortly, as he should. Can you please fix this?

Ok, I checked this, and it is indeed caused by reverting of Suulru's dialog.
Fix is uploaded in the new version in 1.2.4.

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For anyone getting error messages saying "URCMTP 1.3.rar is not RAR archive.  No files to extract" , I advise using a different RAR extractor.  As of January 18, 2021, the files are still good.  UniExtract did not work for me, but I was able to make this work with Win 7-Zip.

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On 1/18/2021 at 7:28 PM, MasterKriebel said:

For anyone getting error messages saying "URCMTP 1.3.rar is not RAR archive.  No files to extract" , I advise using a different RAR extractor.  As of January 18, 2021, the files are still good.  UniExtract did not work for me, but I was able to make this work with Win 7-Zip.

Thank you for that.

So, I have a bit of a concern. I saw that someone using this had had the "return Suulru's vaporator" quest fail to yield a saber as it should. Is this still a problem?

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On 1/19/2021 at 4:28 AM, MasterKriebel said:

For anyone getting error messages saying "URCMTP 1.3.rar is not RAR archive.  No files to extract" , I advise using a different RAR extractor.  As of January 18, 2021, the files are still good.  UniExtract did not work for me, but I was able to make this work with Win 7-Zip.

All archives that I attach are created with WInRAR, I did not expect that anyone would have problems extracting those.

In any case, thank you for supplying  the workaround for those that those that can not do so.

On 6/28/2021 at 2:34 AM, ZeldaTheSwordsman said:

Thank you for that.

So, I have a bit of a concern. I saw that someone using this had had the "return Suulru's vaporator" quest fail to yield a saber as it should. Is this still a problem?

Not since version 1.2.4. (uploaded last year).

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