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Will you wait to TOR to be free-to-play before trying it?

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Will wait to play this game until stable and epic private/free to play servers are available?


On the same hand, how many of you are potentially going to wait for it to eventually (even if 'eventually' means a few years) for Bioware to officially make it "free to play" before you play it?

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If it ever goes "Free-to-play" I'll likely give it a go. It looks awsome, but I don't do subscriptions.

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I'll pay for expansions, maybe the game itself, but I'm not paying monthly just to play it. Pay for premium service, not just to play the game. Waiting for F2P.

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I'm the same way. Monthly fees are awful.


Though, from what I've seen, I'm not hugely impressed with the game anyway...

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I'm the same way. Monthly fees are awful.


Though, from what I've seen, I'm not hugely impressed with the game anyway...


Right? When I first saw the CG trailers, I was like "wow, this could be great" but then I saw the actual gameplay.. and it's not nearly as impressive as I thought it would be. It's why I never pre-order games based off of CG trailers anymore.. learned my lesson about that years ago.


I can understand the reason for monthly fees.. server upkeep and all of that but there are tons of "free to play" MMOs out there that do great despite the need to not pay every month.

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I do not play MMO's, even free ones. So, I'll pass.



If Old Republic was like Phantasy Star Online, I might have. Since PSO allowed you to play offline instead of going online.

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the only reason i want to play this game is because they said it is KotOR 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, etc.

that being said i will not ever pay a monthly fee to play a single player game, because i don't want to play with strangers and all my friends are console gamers :(

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the only reason i want to play this game is because they said it is KotOR 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, etc.

that being said i will not ever pay a monthly fee to play a single player game, because i don't want to play with strangers and all my friends are console gamers :(


I never truly saw the reason for monthly fees for that very reason. It's not a 'social network' like facebook and it's not a 'dating site'.. it's a video game which will cost what? 60 dollars (American) on release? How does it make sense to charge 10 dollars more every month that the person plays that game.. it's why I don't play WoW despite the 'hype' for it. Could be the best game ever but the monthly fees ruin any appeal it might have.

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How many of you, off the record...will wait to play this game until stable and epic private/free to play servers are available?


How can it be off the record if they reply? I would think putting their answer on a public forum would be on the record, don't you? ;)

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How can it be off the record if they reply? I would think putting their answer on a public forum would be on the record, don't you? ;)


Bah! Details! I like to think of "off the record" as "it can't be used against you if you say anything incriminating". I watch too much Law & Order and I hear that "off the record" line so much that sometimes I forget that they're in private and things on the internet are public.


So basically, if you work for Bioware and saw anything you didn't like here here.. *jedi mind trick* you didn't see anything.

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I most definitly plan on pay the fees to me the game looks and plays amazing enough to be worth it. I mean I made a bunch of schoolgirl-esk noises when i played the beta so...

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No game is worth 120$ per year, and especially not this one.


Yes, opinions are like ..what? That's right!

And actually it's &179.88 per year. Unless you do free to play that is.

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..and thats fine too, alot of the KotOR fans will come to play it finally and hopefully balance the economy some more, so that works for me.

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i just wont to play it for the story line to see where they whent after K2 and form what i seen it has some insight about the reasons for K2 and K1. But im not willing to pay £80 a year :/ just to find out, if i was that desprete i could whatch them on youtube.

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i just wont to play it for the story line to see where they whent after K2 and form what i seen it has some insight about the reasons for K2 and K1. But im not willing to pay £80 a year :/ just to find out, if i was that desprete i could whatch them on youtube.


Then you should probably just watch the Youtube videos. Save yourself the money. But then you couldn't dance with Mr. Mullet :D



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Quick question: are F2P characters going to get lower amounts of XP than normal players? I heard some people talking about it, but I can't find anything on TOR's site now, so hoping it was just a rumor or someone was just wrong...


It would suck if I had to do even more boring killing to level up.

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i just wont to play it for the story line to see where they whent after K2 and form what i seen it has some insight about the reasons for K2 and K1. But im not willing to pay £80 a year :/ just to find out, if i was that desprete i could whatch them on youtube.

You don't have to? It's free for the storylines, lol.


Quick question: are F2P characters going to get lower amounts of XP than normal players? I heard some people talking about it, but I can't find anything on TOR's site now, so hoping it was just a rumor or someone was just wrong...


It would suck if I had to do even more boring killing to level up.



Yes, but honestly it's a nonissue if you complete the side quests and main quests. Honestly it's probably tuned better than being subscribed, I'm always overleveled.

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I can't believe that I can't hide my headslot and can't unify my gear's colors. It's not a game breaking issue but it sure is irritating. Hope they remove this and the restriction on my companions' look soon.

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Haven't had time to create my character, but will in a few days - I'll be on Red Eclipse, most likely under the name Darutin Orvika (one of my more widely-used identities when I need to be recognised, but not as Mandalore).

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lucky for me, i already had 5 characters prior to the f2p (i was never subscribed, so they were all lvl 15). however what really irritates me (besides the one crew skill rule and limited chat) is that, f2p players are only allowed to have 2 quickbars of action buttons. my level 23 (or 22, i cant remember atm) has filled up both quickbars, and thats after i took the quick travel ability out. thats just stupid, because ur supposed to get 4, i mean even on free trial you get 4! what am i gonna do about all the new abilites i get in the future???

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