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Found 7 results

  1. Version 1.4


    Knights Of The Old Republic II: [THE SITH LORDS] ================================================ Author: MetaBee Name: More Powerful Sith Lords v1.4 Note: TSLRCM 1.8.5 is Recommended for this Mod! If you want to use this Mod without TSLRCM - Then refer to the ReadMeInstall.txt that comes with this mod. Description: This Mod is intended to enhance the Sith Lords... Traya, Sion & Nihilus to be tougher opponents. The mod increases their Attributes, Feats, Force Powers & Bonuses. It also gives tweaks to their Class & Level - Making them true Sith. Their is Four options available [ Moderate ] [ Hard ] [ Impossible ] [ Doomed ] Warning!!: Impossible and Doomed are not for the feint of heart. Seriously its Rough! lol, Good Luck! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Compatible: This Mod Is TSLRCM 1.8.5 Compatible. Should be compatible with most Mods. Incompatible: With any mod that alters the same files inside the override folder. Example: n_darthsion_002.utc -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation: Please refer to the ReadMeInstall.txt that comes with this Mod for more information. Uninstall: For more information refer to the ReadMeInstall.txt provided in the Mod. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bugs: None that i know of. Let me know if you find something. Permission: I give full permission for anyone that wants to update this mod. Credits: Deadlystream Modders & Tools Needed
  2. 2,926 downloads

    A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away... Not SO long ago, Don Kain asked me to edit Sion model to look like his TFU skin. I added flaps and bolts to the model, modeled pauldron. He was going to make the actual skin for it (I almost didn't worked on the textures), but his mod was never released. After that, Drewton asked my permission to use this model in his Sion reskin. I allowed that, but his mod too was not released. So I release this model as a modder's resource. Use it as you like, just give credit to me. Known issues: It's possible, that his flaps will not be animated in some cutscenes. I never really tested, so it's up to you to find out. This mod is not suppored by LucasArts, BioWare, Obsidian and ME. I don't plan to work on this model anymore, so don't contact me if something is wrong. I release it 'as is', use at your own risk. gMax scene is included so you can fix everything yourself. If you can't - I don't care.
  3. View File More Powerful Sith Lords Knights Of The Old Republic II: [THE SITH LORDS] ================================================ Author: MetaBee Name: More Powerful Sith Lords v1.4 Note: TSLRCM 1.8.5 is Recommended for this Mod! If you want to use this Mod without TSLRCM - Then refer to the ReadMeInstall.txt that comes with this mod. Description: This Mod is intended to enhance the Sith Lords... Traya, Sion & Nihilus to be tougher opponents. The mod increases their Attributes, Feats, Force Powers & Bonuses. It also gives tweaks to their Class & Level - Making them true Sith. Their is Four options available [ Moderate ] [ Hard ] [ Impossible ] [ Doomed ] Warning!!: Impossible and Doomed are not for the feint of heart. Seriously its Rough! lol, Good Luck! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Compatible: This Mod Is TSLRCM 1.8.5 Compatible. Should be compatible with most Mods. Incompatible: With any mod that alters the same files inside the override folder. Example: n_darthsion_002.utc -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation: Please refer to the ReadMeInstall.txt that comes with this Mod for more information. Uninstall: For more information refer to the ReadMeInstall.txt provided in the Mod. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bugs: None that i know of. Let me know if you find something. Permission: I give full permission for anyone that wants to update this mod. Credits: Deadlystream Modders & Tools Needed Submitter MetaBee Submitted 04/13/2019 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  4. Hello, I have visited Deadly Stream for years but just now I registered. Does anyone know how to fix the problem with the Holowan Duplisaber Mod turning Sion's lightsaber to green? I've tried installing Hi Poly Cans (as I had read in Reddit). But it also turns Sion's hilt into an standard one Please help, I don't think the solution is difficult but I don't know anything about modding.
  5. Aiko

    Stuck on Malachor V

    I'm stuck in the fight between Atton and Sion.. As soon one of them drops to 0 health, the cutscene "And i get the fool.. etc" plays again and after that they are invincible.. i can just keep fighting.. nobody dies. I doubt texture mods can cause any issues so apart from them i'm only using TSLRCM, SWTOR HK Droids and the Alternative Romance for Revan Mod. Using Version 1.8.4 of TSLRCM and whatever version there is on nexus of the other 2 mods. Manual install.. no steam workshop eventhough i play the Steam version of this game. Hope somebody has a solution. 1) During the game, when did the problem begin to occur? Fight on Malachor V between Atton and Sion. Defeated Sion, then i got the cutscene again and we were invincible. 2) Did you install the latest version of the mod? (1.8.4 and 1.2 respectively) We only provide assistance for the most current version of those mods. YES 3) What version of the game do you have? (Steam, GOG, 4CD, KotOR Collection?) What region is the game designed for if it's the 4 CD version? STEAM 4) Did you update your game as required by your game's region? (4-CD version ONLY) 5) Did you install this over the previous version(s), or did you perform a fresh installation as required by the TSLRCM's read-me file? Fresh Install 6) What other mods have you installed? Please give an accurate list and provide links to each of these mods - even if they are found on this site. (We don't actually know them all!.) Alternate Revan Romance: HK Droids SWTOR-Style: Fire and Ice HD: High Quality Ravager Backdrop: Hi-Res Beam Effects: 7) Can you be more specific about the error? At what point did it happen? As mentioned above. Fight between Atton and Sion on Malachor. My Atton is NO Jedi. As soon one of them i defeated, the cutscene plays again ("I get the fool.. etc").. and both are invincible.. then they just die until eternity. 8) Have you tried re-downloading/re-installing the mod? No. 9) Have you tried using a different save game? No. Would rather not.. (i should save more often) 10) Have you tried starting a new game? And play the whole game again? No. 11) What Operating System do you use? (List Virtual Machines as well if you are using them.) Windows 10 Home. 12) Can you confirm that you see the TSLRCM logo on the the main menu screen? Yes. 13) What language is your game set for? English. 14) Which language of TSLRCM are you using? English.
  6. Ninko

    Darth Sion

    From the album: KotOR and TSL

    Just a photo from ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Original Link Does not work, could not find better source.. Just thought you guys might just want to see an old photo!
  7. View File Modders Resource: TFU-style Darth Sion model A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away... Not SO long ago, Don Kain asked me to edit Sion model to look like his TFU skin. I added flaps and bolts to the model, modeled pauldron. He was going to make the actual skin for it (I almost didn't worked on the textures), but his mod was never released. After that, Drewton asked my permission to use this model in his Sion reskin. I allowed that, but his mod too was not released. So I release this model as a modder's resource. Use it as you like, just give credit to me. Known issues: It's possible, that his flaps will not be animated in some cutscenes. I never really tested, so it's up to you to find out. This mod is not suppored by LucasArts, BioWare, Obsidian and ME. I don't plan to work on this model anymore, so don't contact me if something is wrong. I release it 'as is', use at your own risk. gMax scene is included so you can fix everything yourself. If you can't - I don't care. Submitter DeadMan Submitted 06/16/2012 Category Skins TSLRCM Compatible Yes