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Version 1.0.0
This is a trio of specially named robes that only the player can wear, that use the player's name. The first set can be found on the Harbinger, alongside the armband, while the second and third can be crafted at level 15 and level 20 respectively. Neither have a skill requirement, so long as you have components and are the right level, you can craft them. As you can see, they're based on Jedi, Jedi Knight, and Jedi Master robes, but have a grey colour palette instead. They provide a slightly greater defence bonus than you'd get from typical robes, and also come with minor health and later Force regen as a little bonus. I wanted something useful but not overpowered. To install, extract the folder contained in the .zip, and run the TSLPatcher. -
View File Unique Exile robes This is a trio of specially named robes that only the player can wear, that use the player's name. The first set can be found on the Harbinger, alongside the armband, while the second and third can be crafted at level 15 and level 20 respectively. Neither have a skill requirement, so long as you have components and are the right level, you can craft them. As you can see, they're based on Jedi, Jedi Knight, and Jedi Master robes, but have a grey colour palette instead. They provide a slightly greater defence bonus than you'd get from typical robes, and also come with minor health and later Force regen as a little bonus. I wanted something useful but not overpowered. To install, extract the folder contained in the .zip, and run the TSLPatcher. Submitter Crimson Knight Submitted 11/22/2024 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes
Version 1.0.0
Five Twin Suns-esque Outfits For Female PCs Author: Empeor Devon E-mail: Lawlz, you think I want it to get flooded with spam? You can PM me at LucasForums with any comments/questions you might have. --------------- 1. Description --------------- This mod does several things. 1. Pretty much what the title says, five Twin Sun-esque outfits, now wearable by female PCs. (Caucasian ones only, though - no Asian or African-American textures are included. Sowwy!) The Twin Sun outfits replace the first five variations of the default clothing, though only for the main character. Wouldn't do to see half the refugees on Nar Shaddaa dressed like that, would it? The first clothing you'll be able to find throughout the game semi-often at the start, although the other four can't be had without cheating. The codes are: g_a_clothes02 g_a_clothes03 g_a_clothes04 g_a_clothes05 For all you anti-cheaters out there, the clothes provide no form of bonus or penalty to your PC's stats. Literally all it does is give a different appearance. 2. To make it possible to tell the different variants apart at the equipping menu, the clothes have had 'variant 2','variant 3', 'variant 4', etcetera added to their names. 3. In addition, since I think DS female PCs are ugly enough even when they're fully clothed, (and making DS textures for this would've taken more work! :P) the rotting corpse DS transitions have been removed and replaced with RotS-style Sith eyes. The DS dancer's outfit skin has been removed entirely and replaced with the LS/neutral one. Yay for scantily-clad dancers that aren't dying of cancer! 4. There is also a folder called 'alternate skin hue' that contains slightly more tan and less yellow versions of the skin on the clothes. If you're not using the head in most of the pics (the blue-eyed girl with blonde hair in a bun) you might think these textures better match the skin tone. Or maybe you won't. Either way it's there if you want it. --------------- 2. Instillation --------------- Use the TSLPatcher, and viola. Be sure to install in SWKotOR2 rather than Override. For manual install, extract all the files from ED_twin_sun_outfit to C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR2\Override. If you don't have an Override folder, make one. If you want to use the textures from the alternate skin hue folder, simply copy them into your override. When you get a message asking if you want to replace the already existing files, say yes. -------------------- 3. Bugs and Glitches -------------------- One problem I noticed during a test install of the mod was how at the startup screen the textures I modified were applied to the default female clothes model on the PCs. (Ie there was a weird mess of black and tan on them all.) When starting a game, however, I was able to equip the new clothes normally without any bug like I encountered at the startup screen. Since it has no adverse effect on the gameplay and only makes the character creation process somewhat weird to look at, I've seen no need to search for the cause and fix it. ----------------- 4. Files included ----------------- appearance.2da g_a_clothes02.uti g_a_clothes03.uti g_a_clothes04.uti g_a_clothes05.uti g_a_clothes06.uti g_a_clothes07.uti g_a_clothes08.uti g_a_clothes09.uti N_PCB01.tga N_PCB02.tga N_PCB03.tga N_PCB04.tga N_PCB05.tga PFBLCD01.tga PFHC01AD1.tga PFHC01AD2.tga PFHC02AD1.tga PFHC02AD2.tga PFHC05d1.tga PFHC05d2.tga PFHC06D1.tga PFHC06D2.tga PFHC07d1.tga PFHC07d2.tga ---------- 5. Credits ---------- stoffe for TSLPatcher SithRevan for some tips on the former Shem for nurse-maiding me through getting the former to work Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool And, naturally, Obsidian for making a kickass game ------------- 6. Disclaimer ------------- Fan modifications such as this are made independently and without the support, approval, or acknowledgment of LucasArts, BioWare, and Obsidian. The risk that this file would harm your person, game, and computer was taken consentfully and with full knowledge of the previously mentioned risks by you. No claims have been made to deny the possibility of any damages by either the author, KotorFiles, LucasForums or the above mentioned companies, thus absolving them of any responsibility should said damages or any other grievances occur to you as a result of downloading this file. -
View File Five Twin Suns-esque Outfits For Female PCs Five Twin Suns-esque Outfits For Female PCs Author: Empeor Devon E-mail: Lawlz, you think I want it to get flooded with spam? You can PM me at LucasForums with any comments/questions you might have. --------------- 1. Description --------------- This mod does several things. 1. Pretty much what the title says, five Twin Sun-esque outfits, now wearable by female PCs. (Caucasian ones only, though - no Asian or African-American textures are included. Sowwy!) The Twin Sun outfits replace the first five variations of the default clothing, though only for the main character. Wouldn't do to see half the refugees on Nar Shaddaa dressed like that, would it? The first clothing you'll be able to find throughout the game semi-often at the start, although the other four can't be had without cheating. The codes are: g_a_clothes02 g_a_clothes03 g_a_clothes04 g_a_clothes05 For all you anti-cheaters out there, the clothes provide no form of bonus or penalty to your PC's stats. Literally all it does is give a different appearance. 2. To make it possible to tell the different variants apart at the equipping menu, the clothes have had 'variant 2','variant 3', 'variant 4', etcetera added to their names. 3. In addition, since I think DS female PCs are ugly enough even when they're fully clothed, (and making DS textures for this would've taken more work! :P) the rotting corpse DS transitions have been removed and replaced with RotS-style Sith eyes. The DS dancer's outfit skin has been removed entirely and replaced with the LS/neutral one. Yay for scantily-clad dancers that aren't dying of cancer! 4. There is also a folder called 'alternate skin hue' that contains slightly more tan and less yellow versions of the skin on the clothes. If you're not using the head in most of the pics (the blue-eyed girl with blonde hair in a bun) you might think these textures better match the skin tone. Or maybe you won't. Either way it's there if you want it. --------------- 2. Instillation --------------- Use the TSLPatcher, and viola. Be sure to install in SWKotOR2 rather than Override. For manual install, extract all the files from ED_twin_sun_outfit to C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR2\Override. If you don't have an Override folder, make one. If you want to use the textures from the alternate skin hue folder, simply copy them into your override. When you get a message asking if you want to replace the already existing files, say yes. -------------------- 3. Bugs and Glitches -------------------- One problem I noticed during a test install of the mod was how at the startup screen the textures I modified were applied to the default female clothes model on the PCs. (Ie there was a weird mess of black and tan on them all.) When starting a game, however, I was able to equip the new clothes normally without any bug like I encountered at the startup screen. Since it has no adverse effect on the gameplay and only makes the character creation process somewhat weird to look at, I've seen no need to search for the cause and fix it. ----------------- 4. Files included ----------------- appearance.2da g_a_clothes02.uti g_a_clothes03.uti g_a_clothes04.uti g_a_clothes05.uti g_a_clothes06.uti g_a_clothes07.uti g_a_clothes08.uti g_a_clothes09.uti N_PCB01.tga N_PCB02.tga N_PCB03.tga N_PCB04.tga N_PCB05.tga PFBLCD01.tga PFHC01AD1.tga PFHC01AD2.tga PFHC02AD1.tga PFHC02AD2.tga PFHC05d1.tga PFHC05d2.tga PFHC06D1.tga PFHC06D2.tga PFHC07d1.tga PFHC07d2.tga ---------- 5. Credits ---------- stoffe for TSLPatcher SithRevan for some tips on the former Shem for nurse-maiding me through getting the former to work Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool And, naturally, Obsidian for making a kickass game ------------- 6. Disclaimer ------------- Fan modifications such as this are made independently and without the support, approval, or acknowledgment of LucasArts, BioWare, and Obsidian. The risk that this file would harm your person, game, and computer was taken consentfully and with full knowledge of the previously mentioned risks by you. No claims have been made to deny the possibility of any damages by either the author, KotorFiles, LucasForums or the above mentioned companies, thus absolving them of any responsibility should said damages or any other grievances occur to you as a result of downloading this file. Submitter Empeor Devon Submitted 02/26/2020 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes
Version 1.2
SITH FEMALE LEATHER OUTFIT __________________________ AUTOR: Riven_Fall (me) This outfit is converted from TSL to Kotor 1 - its based on Twin Suns Twi'lek sisters outfit, with custom texture. I think this outfit fits great for dark side female user, which want flexibility but also show her advantages and still look deadly. Its my first port from TSL to Kotor also my first retexture, so please be kind to me, and still there are some things i want to better in next version, but for now you can enjoy this great outfit in Kotor 1. INSTALATION: ____________ Copy all files from Override folder, into youre KotOR Override folder, i apologize i dont know how to work with TSL patcher yet.. i want make in another version, so you have to install manualy i apologize. Appearance.2da P_Assa.mdl P_Assa.mdx PASS01.tga ia_female_assasin.tga Female_Assasin.uti - All these files copy to youre Override folder. COMPABILITIES: ______________ Well, this mod should be compatible with everything, if you merge Appearance.2da which is key to get this outfit. Should be Compatible with K1R... if merged, i would welcome help to make work with TSL patcher... PERMISSIONS: ____________ You can use these files for youre own modifications , just please credit me =), and even i will be happy if it happend. I would love to see more of this variants from other creators. CREDITS: ________ Thanks, to Fred Tetra for KotorTool Thanks to Bioware,Lucasarts for this great game Thanks for MDLedit -
View File Sith Female Leather Assasin Outfit SITH FEMALE LEATHER OUTFIT __________________________ AUTOR: Riven_Fall (me) This outfit is converted from TSL to Kotor 1 - its based on Twin Suns Twi'lek sisters outfit, with custom texture. I think this outfit fits great for dark side female user, which want flexibility but also show her advantages and still look deadly. Its my first port from TSL to Kotor also my first retexture, so please be kind to me, and still there are some things i want to better in next version, but for now you can enjoy this great outfit in Kotor 1. INSTALATION: ____________ Copy all files from Override folder, into youre KotOR Override folder, i apologize i dont know how to work with TSL patcher yet.. i want make in another version, so you have to install manualy i apologize. Appearance.2da P_Assa.mdl P_Assa.mdx PASS01.tga ia_female_assasin.tga Female_Assasin.uti - All these files copy to youre Override folder. COMPABILITIES: ______________ Well, this mod should be compatible with everything, if you merge Appearance.2da which is key to get this outfit. Should be Compatible with K1R... if merged, i would welcome help to make work with TSL patcher... PERMISSIONS: ____________ You can use these files for youre own modifications , just please credit me =), and even i will be happy if it happend. I would love to see more of this variants from other creators. CREDITS: ________ Thanks, to Fred Tetra for KotorTool Thanks to Bioware,Lucasarts for this great game Thanks for MDLedit Submitter Riven_Fall Submitted 08/19/2022 Category Skins K1R Compatible No
View File Dark Jedi Outfits for K1 Adds all the robes the Dark Jedi wear as Disguises. --Installation-- Put all files into your override folder except the optional folder,read more there. --Usage-- Add via cheat codes --Codes-- giveitem darkjedirobe1 -Default Grey giveitem darkjedirobe2 -Female Grey giveitem darkjedirobe3 -Blue giveitem darkjedirobe4 -Red giveitem darkjedirobe5 -White Submitter DerangedVX9 Submitted 05/08/2022 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes
Version 1.0.0
Adds all the robes the Dark Jedi wear as Disguises. --Installation-- Put all files into your override folder except the optional folder,read more there. --Usage-- Add via cheat codes --Codes-- giveitem darkjedirobe1 -Default Grey giveitem darkjedirobe2 -Female Grey giveitem darkjedirobe3 -Blue giveitem darkjedirobe4 -Red giveitem darkjedirobe5 -White -
Version 1.0.0
Bastila wearing Twin Suns outfit Bastila PC Head Contact: By Miles Edgeworth This mod adds Bastila's Head, to the selection of selectable heads. Thanks to Princess Artemis, Bastila has Dark Side Transitions. Please note, she won't reder correctly when you see her in the character creation screen, and her normal clothing will be a bit transparent in parts. File List: P_BastillaHD1.tga----------> One of the Textures. P_BastillaHD2.tga----------> One of the Textures. P_BastillaH.tga----------> One of the Textures. P_BastilaBB01.tga----------> One of the Textures. P_BastilaBBD01.tga----------> One of the Textures. p_bastillah.mdl----------> A Head Model. p_bastillah.mdx----------> A Head Model. PO_PBastila.tga----------> One of the Portraits. PO_PBastilaD1.tga----------> One of the Portraits. PO_PBastilaD2.tga----------> One of the Portraits. To install you must first install bastila pc and twin sun outfit mods with exes in their folders and then move the .2da files into your override. Then you are done. YOU MUST MAKE A NEW CHARACTER FOR THIS TO WORK ONE WITH A BASTILA HEAD. Credit goes to shem for the body and head mods, I just merged them and edited the .2da to make it possible. --------- Thanks to Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool, Jennifer Hale for bringing Bastila to life, stoffe for TSLPatcher, and Obsidian for making an (almost) perfect game. THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. -
View File Bastila wearing Twin Suns outfit Bastila wearing Twin Suns outfit Bastila PC Head Contact: By Miles Edgeworth This mod adds Bastila's Head, to the selection of selectable heads. Thanks to Princess Artemis, Bastila has Dark Side Transitions. Please note, she won't reder correctly when you see her in the character creation screen, and her normal clothing will be a bit transparent in parts. File List: P_BastillaHD1.tga----------> One of the Textures. P_BastillaHD2.tga----------> One of the Textures. P_BastillaH.tga----------> One of the Textures. P_BastilaBB01.tga----------> One of the Textures. P_BastilaBBD01.tga----------> One of the Textures. p_bastillah.mdl----------> A Head Model. p_bastillah.mdx----------> A Head Model. PO_PBastila.tga----------> One of the Portraits. PO_PBastilaD1.tga----------> One of the Portraits. PO_PBastilaD2.tga----------> One of the Portraits. To install you must first install bastila pc and twin sun outfit mods with exes in their folders and then move the .2da files into your override. Then you are done. YOU MUST MAKE A NEW CHARACTER FOR THIS TO WORK ONE WITH A BASTILA HEAD. Credit goes to shem for the body and head mods, I just merged them and edited the .2da to make it possible. --------- Thanks to Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool, Jennifer Hale for bringing Bastila to life, stoffe for TSLPatcher, and Obsidian for making an (almost) perfect game. THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter Miles Edgeworth Submitted 02/26/2020 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible No
Version 1.0
Visas' Dancer Outfit By Fair Strides Description: This is a small and simple mod that allows Visas Marr to wear the Dancer's Outfit you get on Nar Shaddaa when you dance for Vogga. It will also give you the opportunity to have Visas dance for Vogga just before you will acquire the outfit. Installation: Simply unpack the mod and run the TSLPatcher.exe to select an install option. To get Visas to actually dance for Vogga, you will have to run the install three times; once to allow her to wear the outfit, and two more times to install both parts of the dancing for Vogga sequence. A small warning about making Visas dance for Vogga: this mod is both compatible with TSLRCM and separate from it. In order to make this so, I've added unmodded versions of the levels I edit with this mod, but if you have TSLRCM installed, these unmodded versions won't be installed and they will give off a warning saying that the file already exists. This is harmless and perfectly okay. Uninstallation: Each folder inside the tslpatchdata folder has an info.rtf file that has uninstallation instructions for that particular install option. Permissions: You have my express permission to re-upload this mod wherever, but only on FOUR conditions: 1. You do not change anything whatsoever about it. 2. You do not upload it to the Steam Workshop. This mod and the way it is done is not designed for Steam Workshop's way of installing mods. Files actually need to be patched for this mod to work. 3. You give credit to me as the author of this mod and must leave the read-me included and intact. 4. You do not re-use the resources/files involved in compatibility with Varsity Puppet's "Visas Unmasked!" mod. If you wish to do so, you must contact Varsity Puppet at Lucasforums or Deadlystream, and he must say yes for you to use them! Credits: -loseryoda from the KotOR Sub-reddit for making the request in the first place, even if I have gone a little bit beyond what he was requesting... -Varsity Puppet for allowing me to use parts of his Visas Unmasked installer to make the compatibility option. -
Could someone please help me locate and extract the Twin Suns clothes model from K2, in order for me to make it into a wearable / equippable armor / robe model for all female PC's, both for K2 and ported to work with K1? Here is what this mod would imply: - Locating and extracting the Twin Sun's clothes model from K2 (I looked for it in the NPC models files with KotorTool with no success, unable to locate the specific file! 😔 ) - Converting the model into a wearable armor / robe for all female PC's aboard the Ebon Hawk. It could be called Dancer Outfit 2, Disco Outfit, etc. There would be a K1 version of them and a K2 version. - Placing them (4-5 outfits, to fit all female PC's in the crew) into the game (both K1 amd K2), in a container, etc. in order to make them availlable to the player from the beggining of the game, preferably in one of the Containers in the Ebon Hawk! Imagine how cool your female Revan / Exile and Mira, Bastila, Mission or an unhooded Handmaiden would look dressed like that! 😏 Many thanks in advance for who can help me with this, I tried with no success to do it myself so far... As reference, this is what the Twin Suns look like. I would prefer the outfit of the one on the right:
Could someone please help me extract the Twin Suns clothes model from K2 and make it into a wearable / equippable armor / robe model for all female PC's, both for K2 and ported to work with K1? It could be called Dancer Outfit 2, Disco Outfit, etc. It would also need an entry to make them availlable to the player from the beggining of the game, preferably in one of the Containers in the Ebon Hawk! Many thanks in advance for who can help me with this, I tried with no success to do it myself so far... As reference, this is what the Twin Suns look like. I would prefer the outfit of the one on the right:
Hello everyone, just wanted to know if anyone still has this mod:
Visas' Dancer Outfit and Dance View File Visas' Dancer Outfit By Fair Strides Description: This is a small and simple mod that allows Visas Marr to wear the Dancer's Outfit you get on Nar Shaddaa when you dance for Vogga. It will also give you the opportunity to have Visas dance for Vogga just before you will acquire the outfit. Installation: Simply unpack the mod and run the TSLPatcher.exe to select an install option. To get Visas to actually dance for Vogga, you will have to run the install three times; once to allow her to wear the outfit, and two more times to install both parts of the dancing for Vogga sequence. A small warning about making Visas dance for Vogga: this mod is both compatible with TSLRCM and separate from it. In order to make this so, I've added unmodded versions of the levels I edit with this mod, but if you have TSLRCM installed, these unmodded versions won't be installed and they will give off a warning saying that the file already exists. This is harmless and perfectly okay. Uninstallation: Each folder inside the tslpatchdata folder has an info.rtf file that has uninstallation instructions for that particular install option. Permissions: You have my express permission to re-upload this mod wherever, but only on FOUR conditions: 1. You do not change anything whatsoever about it. 2. You do not upload it to the Steam Workshop. This mod and the way it is done is not designed for Steam Workshop's way of installing mods. Files actually need to be patched for this mod to work. 3. You give credit to me as the author of this mod and must leave the read-me included and intact. 4. You do not re-use the resources/files involved in compatibility with Varsity Puppet's "Visas Unmasked!" mod. If you wish to do so, you must contact Varsity Puppet at Lucasforums or Deadlystream, and he must say yes for you to use them! Credits: -loseryoda from the KotOR Sub-reddit for making the request in the first place, even if I have gone a little bit beyond what he was requesting... -Varsity Puppet for allowing me to use parts of his Visas Unmasked installer to make the compatibility option. Submitter Fair Strides Submitted 12/13/2015 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible
- marr
- visas marr
- (and 5 more)