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Found 7 results

  1. Version 1.0


    Vrook and Zhar fix A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 Release Date: 14.07.2016 Installation: Simply Copy and Paste or Drag and Drop ALL the files within the "For Override" into your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic override folder Uninstallation: Remove or Delete the files from your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic override folder Description: In Kotor you go to Dantooine and meet Master Vrook, Master Zhar, Master Vandar and Master Dorak four Jedi Council members who are in charge of the Jedi Enclave of Dantooine they seem to be Okay until you watch the Revelation cutscene on the Levithian were you clearly see Zhar wearing red and Vrook wearing blue where in the original game Zhar wore blue and Vrook wore red. This Always bothered me so Because I couldn't fix the cutscene itself I decided to give Zhar and Vrook there appropriate robes Known Bugs: this mod shouldn't have bugs but if their is Just PM me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: Is incompatible with anything that edits "dan13_vrook" or "dan13_zhar" though the only mod that edits that is the k1 enchantment pack Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod Thanks: Bioware for such an amazing game,Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool and everyone who downloads the mod. Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  2. Version 1.0


    A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 Release Date: 17.07.2016 Installation: Simply Copy and Paste or Drag and Drop ALL the files within the "For Override" into your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic override folder Uninstallation: Remove or Delete the files from your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic override folder Description: When you do your Jedi Training on Dantooine you get a Lightsaber crystal to build your first Lightsaber but if you actually look at the crystal you got whether its green, blue or yellow it will have the grey Opilia crystal icon so I what this mod does it makes the green, blue and yellow crystals actually have their appropriate green, blue and yellow icons. Known Bugs: this mod shouldn't have bugs but if their is Just PM me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: Is incompatible with anything that edits "dan13_bluecryst", "dan13_grncryst" or "dan13_goldcryst" though I don't know anything that edits those. Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod Thanks: Bioware for such an amazing game,Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool and everyone who downloads the mod. Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  3. The Blue Short Lightsaber's model in Qui Don Jorn's Sabers 4.0 Conversion Mod does not display the proper model. Instead, the default short lightsaber model is displayed with the colors and textures of the upgraded short lightsaber model. Interestingly, this glitch only occurs with the blue short sabers for some reason. Here is a list of mods that I am using with this one: 1. Balanced Pazaak: 2. Bastila Robe Replacement: 3. Bastila's Extra Dialog on Tatooine: 4. Bendak Bounty Non-Dark Side: 5. Canderous' Mandalorian Items(and the alternate textures): 6. Cassus Fett's Armor: 7. Custom Class Clothing: 8. Darth Bandon Head Reskin: 9. Darth Revan Texture for Star Forge Robes: 10. Davik's Upgradable Armor: 11. Deadeye Duncan on Manaan: 12. Diversified Jedi Captives on the Star Forge: 13. Diversified Wounded Republic Soldiers: 14. Female Dark Jedi Restoration 1.1: 15. Female Mandalorians: 16. High-Quality Skyboxes: 17. Green Grass for Dantooine: 18. Helena Shan Improvement: 19. High Quality Blasters 1.1: 20. High Quality Cockpit Skyboxes: 22. High Quality Starfields and Nebulas: 23. Higher Quality Bastila: 24. Invisible Headgear: 25. JC's Blaster Visual Effects for K1: 26. JC's Dense Aliens for K1: 27. JC's Republic Soldier Fix for K1: 28. JC's Slave Bastila for K1: 29. Jedi Robes Council Style: 30. Jolee in Unique Outfit Introduction: 31. Juhani Catlike Head: 32. Armor Skins from the K1 Enhancement Pack 33. Party Model Fixes and HD Bastila(anything involving Bastila I did not use): 34.K1 Underwear Pack: 35. Kill Marlena: 36. Korriban Academy Workbench: 37. Leviathan Differentiated Dialog: 38. Movie-Style Dark Side Transitions: 39. New Baca Blade and Wookiee Warblade: 40. No Cross-class Skills:\ 41. NPC Overhaul: 42. Party Clothing: 43. Remove Force-Alignment Restriction: 44. Remove Restrictions of Force Powers by Armor: 45. Revan's Flowing Cape and Belt Fix: 46. Revan's Hoodless, Maskless Robe for K1: 47. Scoundrel Clothes with Scout Legs: 48. Selven "Legends": 49. Shaleena Unique Apperance: 50. Sharina Fizark Restoration: 51. Shem's Character Reskin Pack: 52. Sherruk Sabers: 53. Sith Soldier Texture Restoration: 54. Spectral Ajunta Pall Canon Appearance: 55. Taris Undercity and Gammorean Stronghold Restoration: 56. Weapon Base Stats Re-Balance for K1: 57. Yuthura Sith Eyes:
  4. I am asking for help with creating a mod I am working on. I am trying to create a new crystal for my lightsaber. I want to edit the Blue Color Crystal. Since it does nothing but affect on the color of the blade I know I will have full control of the features so I can decide what I want my lightsaber to have. I cannot use any of the other crystals because they are already hard-wired with specific aspects. I have seen new mods with new lightsabers and crystals so I am hoping for help me with this. I have the attached a copy of the .uti file that I have customized for the new crystal as well as the script files I am using for my mod so you can see what I mean. Can you please tell me what .2da files I need to edit, if any, or anything else I need to do to make the new crystal become available in the game? I may have to edit the scripts so my characters will be given it in the mod? Can you please tell me how to do that? Thank you in advance.
  5. File Name: First Lightsaber Crystal fix File Submitter: N-DReW25 File Submitted: 17 Jul 2016 File Category: Mods K1R Compatible: Yes A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 Release Date: 17.07.2016 Installation: Simply Copy and Paste or Drag and Drop ALL the files within the "For Override" into your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic override folder Uninstallation: Remove or Delete the files from your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic override folder Description: When you do your Jedi Training on Dantooine you get a Lightsaber crystal to build your first Lightsaber but if you actually look at the crystal you got whether its green, blue or yellow it will have the grey Opilia crystal icon so I what this mod does it makes the green, blue and yellow crystals actually have their appropriate green, blue and yellow icons. Known Bugs: this mod shouldn't have bugs but if their is Just PM me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: Is incompatible with anything that edits "dan13_bluecryst", "dan13_grncryst" or "dan13_goldcryst" though I don't know anything that edits those. Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod Thanks: Bioware for such an amazing game,Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool and everyone who downloads the mod. Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Click here to download this file
  6. File Name: Vrook and Zhar fix File Submitter: N-DReW25 File Submitted: 15 Jul 2016 File Category: Mods K1R Compatible: Yes Vrook and Zhar fix A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 Release Date: 14.07.2016 Installation: Simply Copy and Paste or Drag and Drop ALL the files within the "For Override" into your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic override folder Uninstallation: Remove or Delete the files from your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic override folder Description: In Kotor you go to Dantooine and meet Master Vrook, Master Zhar, Master Vandar and Master Dorak four Jedi Council members who are in charge of the Jedi Enclave of Dantooine they seem to be Okay until you watch the Revelation cutscene on the Levithian were you clearly see Zhar wearing red and Vrook wearing blue where in the original game Zhar wore blue and Vrook wore red. This Always bothered me so Because I couldn't fix the cutscene itself I decided to give Zhar and Vrook there appropriate robes Known Bugs: this mod shouldn't have bugs but if their is Just PM me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: Is incompatible with anything that edits "dan13_vrook" or "dan13_zhar" though the only mod that edits that is the k1 enchantment pack Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod Thanks: Bioware for such an amazing game,Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool and everyone who downloads the mod. Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Click here to download this file
  7. When you first encounter Juhani in the grove, she wields a lightsaber with a red crystal. I don't think she would have bothered to change her color crystal after killing her master. Seems a bit odd no? There's no workbench out there. For 1.0, I propose changing her color crystal to blue since she is a Jedi Guardian. I guess it would be categorized as an Inconsistency Fix. My inspiration for this comes from evilhazardz's Juhani's Grove Saber Change mod. His readme: A simple mod that changes Juhani's weapon in the grove from a Red saber to a blue saber, as I thought it was quite out of place that she had suddenly decided to use a red lightsaber, as she wouldn't have time to get a red lightsaber on Dantooine, ala Anakin in episode 3 when he goes all evil on everyone, yet he still uses a blue lightsaber.