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Everything posted by Rahak

  1. - the vulkar coward thing could maybe just be it replacing k1r_vulksur2.dlg, which looks like it should be okay - robes for sith students also includes a custom armour for uthar, so you should probably leave out uthar revisited - if i had to guess, i'd say bastila on korriban might cause problems with brotherhood of shadow - movie style dark side transitions includes options for inyri forge's male heads - brotherhood of shadow brings revan's items into the game, so i'm not sure you'd need the other pack - don't forget to grab http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/315-blaster-pistol-ehancement/, which is made to work with the other weapon mode/textures
  2. I hate to play devil's advocate, since i kinda hate Bioware, but SWTOR uses the Hero engine, not the WoW engine, not sure what you think engine means Resizeable horizontal and vertical toolbars of abilities isn't exactly a patented Blizzard invention MMOs require maintenance, customer service, and ongoing development, which isn't usually covered for their lifespan of years by initial box sales Unless you're talking about people talking dirty in General chat, it's no "Darker" or more "Mature" than the KOTOR games, maybe even less so I'm not convinced you actually played any storylines, since none of them are about you being redeemed or being the "Chosen one" There are group quests, 2-man heroics, 4-man flashpoints, 8-16 person warzones and operations, not to mention guilds, player crafting, and RP, how is it you avoided all player interaction? Yes, Bioware made a mockery of Revan and shat on Obsidian's characters I don't believe you know what grinding actually is ultimately i think you dislike it because it's an MMO and not KOTOR 3 i'd rather have the KOTOR 3 as well
  3. Will Svosh's collar fix override the one already in TSLRCM?