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Status Replies posted by InSidious

  1. At last; camera get's blocked, no more clipping in my own made areas!

  2. Thought about writing up a blog post about Apeiron, but then I decided to not waste any more keystrokes on it and use them for Duplisaber instead.

  3. I finally released a mod but it wasn't any of my WIPs. I'm such a tease.

  4. Headed to the treadmill while I wait for Chapter 9 of KOTFE to download.

  5. All in favor of SH changing his avatar to something more easy on the eyes say EYE!

  6. All in favor of SH changing his avatar to something more easy on the eyes say EYE!

  7. Seeing as everyone is mentioning Cathalan, I gotta ask: Does anyone actually have the "Gold Edition" of the mod?

    1. InSidious


      I've only got the Standard Version, as far as I can tell.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  8. Thinking about doing a weekly post that features an obscure mod from the past that you might have missed on the modding sites. Anyone interested in such a series?

  9. That opening Mass Effect 2 cinematic gets me every time.

  10. Theedan yelfa ban inudan yelfa. Le-da chu-ka.

  11. Deadly Stream now has over 500 mods!!

  12. At last victory! A working walkmesh! Step by step build it up and now works like a charm!

  13. So, the recent tornado of Inyri Forge mods just reminded me of something: has anybody tried to contact T7nowhere recently?

  14. So, the recent tornado of Inyri Forge mods just reminded me of something: has anybody tried to contact T7nowhere recently?

  15. My wife and I have recently added a new member to our family. Little Susan is our first child, and at a week old, is just adorable. She's always hungry, so we don't get much sleep these days :)

  16. Can anyone script a mod two particular characters in TSL have a dramatic lightsaber fight? Need it for a project I'm working on.

  17. TSLRCM "Read Me First" thread updated. Don't forget to read the "Read Me Second" thread in the TSLRCM section too!

  18. TSLRCM "Read Me First" thread updated. Don't forget to read the "Read Me Second" thread in the TSLRCM section too!

  19. Does anyone know what the m21aa and m47aa.lyt files reference?

    1. InSidious


      Yeah - that's the temple rooftop at sunset, as I recall.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  20. Does anyone know what the m21aa and m47aa.lyt files reference?

    1. InSidious


      I'm on my phone, but isn't m21aa the czerka depot? M47aa sounds like a cut scene module - maybe the temple rooftop?

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  21. Anyone in touch with members of Team Bantha? I've questions about the first attempt on a M4-78 mod.

  22. Anyone in touch with members of Team Bantha? I've questions about the first attempt on a M4-78 mod.

  23. Mod review of Tomb of Azgath N'Dul and Curse of the Sith :)