Kaidon Jorn

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Everything posted by Kaidon Jorn

  1. View File Default Hilt Replacement Megapack DEFAULT HILTS REPLACEMENT MEGAPACK 6.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This mod will replace the default lightsaber hilt models in KotOR 2:The Sith Lords. All color crystals use one model, a gold lightsaber is still included but is only obtainable in game with the .mod file in the Optional Gold Saber Game Placement Folder(Daraala's Store, Dantooine.) which should be placed in the MODULES folder. Otherwise you will need to cheat it in (u_l_colo_11, g_w_lghtsbr12, g_w_dblsbr012, and g_w_shortsbr12) - or use KSE. Also, my new blade color textures have been made optional. Place those in the override folder, if you wish. This version now syncs with TSLRCM 1.8.3 restored bronze saber files. TSLRCM 1.8.3 is however not required to use this mod. Run the patcher.exe to install the main part of the mod. -QDJ Submitter Kaidon Jorn Submitted 06/19/2014 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  2. Version 6.0


    DEFAULT HILTS REPLACEMENT MEGAPACK 6.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This mod will replace the default lightsaber hilt models in KotOR 2:The Sith Lords. All color crystals use one model, a gold lightsaber is still included but is only obtainable in game with the .mod file in the Optional Gold Saber Game Placement Folder(Daraala's Store, Dantooine.) which should be placed in the MODULES folder. Otherwise you will need to cheat it in (u_l_colo_11, g_w_lghtsbr12, g_w_dblsbr012, and g_w_shortsbr12) - or use KSE. Also, my new blade color textures have been made optional. Place those in the override folder, if you wish. This version now syncs with TSLRCM 1.8.3 restored bronze saber files. TSLRCM 1.8.3 is however not required to use this mod. Run the patcher.exe to install the main part of the mod. -QDJ
  3. oh yeah you will need to cheat them in, use KSE it's easier.
  4. Kaidon Jorn


    From the album: TOR screenies

  5. Contradicting yourself? What is the difference between modify and append in this context? HotOR changed the lightsaber quest entries to what I wanted them to read in player's quest log. How is that different?
  6. Well that would be because TSLPatcher is not designed to do that job. Thankfully TalkEd is.. Yeah, I knew I shoulda kept my mouth shut, now I have to relearn everything from like 4 years ago. Refer to "readme, really.pdf" in the tslpatcher folder, also I believe there is some documentation that the author of TSLPatcher put out somewhere on the web. Perhaps it was over on LF. Basically you set your append.tlk file to edit/replace the specific line of the dialog.tlk. IIRC. But it's been so long...
  7. Incorrect. I modified the dialog.tlk for the saber quest and restored the Dustil quest in the Korriban tomb with TSLpatcher. Just sayin'
  8. Yeah I'm actually upset by this news. I'm gonna request some things via pm ...aaand I think I'm going to finish my old SLM mod, it was what was going to end up replacing HotOR a couple of years ago
  9. Hey VP, something I forgot to mention is Atris' Prism was missing it's skin if you haven't already caught it. kthxbye.
  10. So you aren't seeing nomal color crystals in the normal saber...LOL, I know this problem but it's been so long I can't think of it right now.
  11. Hey, just a heads up. I made an Enlightened Sage in white and the txi is not correct. I'm getting black blade planes around the core. Also, my Revered Shadow hilt skin is missing. That Evasto's saber is cooool, had never seen that one before. K bye.
  12. Wow, very cool VP. Very cool. I'm digging it. You are making me want to come back to modding.
  13. Hey VP, here's perhaps a derpy question. Where do I set the installer to install to? Would it be C:/Program Files(x86)/LucasArts/KotOR2 as per usual? Cause what i just did was uninstall TSLRCM 1.8.2, remove most of my Override folder (left Deadmans Robes in), installed TSLRCM 1.8.3, reinstalled Deadmans robe mods, installed Duplisaber to path I said above, and then tried to use KSE to get a saber crystal and noticed that NO icons were showing up, like at all, not even for medpacks or anything. So...I'm reinstalling the entire game then RCM 1.8.3, then Duplisabers, then robe mods...sound good? Oh and if I wanted to use my default replacement hilts, I'd be overwriting your Tin Cans correct?
  14. Glad to see it, Mr.Puppet Will play with it soon.
  15. Morra-what? Who?? Morriband? what's that?? OH You mean KORRIBAN!?!?! Oh right, it's Korriban, not Morraband. Sorry. you got the name wrong.

    1. MrPhil


      Placation: you have just shown your soft meatbag belly and now Disney will eviscerate you with their plastic daggers. *sigh*

    2. HK-47


      Correction: Disney will not destroy Star Wars. It will be as it was before.


      Statement: The idea was started as a joke, and is now believed by the ignorant. Marvel is owned by Disney. And they have made movies that are unbelievably successful.


      Suggestion: It would be best that this be changed to a forum thread. It is getting too long for the status section.

    3. Kaidon Jorn
    4. Show next comments  63 more
  16. Heh..downloading my own mods a year and more after. Hilarious. New i3 w/ Nvidia 650GTX. Schweet.

  17. So it's not possible to change the forums color once you log in? ..or?

    1. Tyvokka


      Top left has a color chooser.



    2. Kaidon Jorn

      Kaidon Jorn

      Um, huh?..When I log in it turns to a white background with blue trim and theres no color picker in the top left. the header says IPS Community, but thats it.

    3. Mandalore


      Clear your cache - I had the same thing.

  18. Bioware has no ******* idea what they are doing

    1. Mandalore


      Yep - I have to download a ton of stuff as well. Personally, I stopped thinking of Bioware as the brilliant dev company it used to be as soon as EA conquered them.

    2. MrPhil


      That's why I just went back to Mass Effect to do a full playthrough with MEHEM, instead of staying at TOR. Besides, you guys are all hi-level, so it's not like I'm not on my own :P

    3. Mandalore


      I'm not too high a level - my Red Eclipse Smuggler is around level 15 (I think), and my Progenitor Bounty Hunter is 25.

    4. Show next comments  63 more
  19. Hey VP, don't hesitate to ask for specific skins you need to find. I can help.
  20. Jedi Covenant Server I got a whole family cooked up. Qel-Dor Jorn, Father of Qae-Don (deceased) and Qui-Don Jorn Level 55 Jedi Sage, Telekinetics spec Qui-Don Jorn, son of Qel-Dor, brother of Qae-Don (deceased) Level 55 Jedi Sage, Balance spec Ilson Jorn, nephew of Qui-Don, grandson of Qel-Dor, son of deceased Jedi Knight, Qae-Don Jorn. Level 55 Jedi Guardian, Vigilance spec Darth V'dori Z'jinn, sworn enemy of Master Qui-Don Jorn. Level 55 Sith Sorceror, Madness spec Lord Sutoka Z'jinn, brother of V'dori Z'jinn, Level 55 Sith Assassin, Deception spec and the sworn enemy of.... Thom-Ell Th'aed, ally of Qui-Don and Ilson Jorn Level 55 Jedi Shadow, Infiltration spec. Darth Zaelus Ku, sworn enemy of Ilson Jorn Level 55 Sith Juggernaut, Vengeance spec Satei Miato, former ally of Thom'ell Th'aed before turning fully to the darkside. Level 55 Jedi Sentinel, Watchman spec