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Everything posted by Quanon

  1. Version 1.0


    Quanons Lightsaber Pack ================================================================ IF YOU ARE EVER IN ANY DOUBT ABOUT INSTALLING ANY MODS, PLEASE REMEMBER TO ALWAYS BACKUP YOUR FILES BEFORE INSTALLATION, JUST IN CASE. WARNING: THIS INSTALLER MAY REPLACE ANY FILES OF THE SAME NAME THAT ARE ALREADY PRESENT IN YOUR OVERRIDE FOLDER! ================================================================ Description: This mod adds 4 new lightsaber hilts to the Kotor 1 game. ================================================================ Directions: Use the TSLpacther.exe to easely install this mod or for manual install copy the following files from tslpatchdata folder to your Override folder: Dialogue files: - dan14_jon.dlg - kas24_jolee_01.dlg - tar04_shaleena.dlg - tat17_01cust_01.dlg MDL and MDX files: - w_lghtsbr_065.mdl - w_lghtsbr_065.mdx - w_lghtsbr_066.mdl - w_lghtsbr_066.mdx - w_lghtsbr_067.mdl - w_lghtsbr_067.mdx - w_lghtsbr_068.mdl - w_lghtsbr_068.mdx NCS, script files: - q_saberpack01.ncs - q_saberpack02.ncs - q_saberpack03.ncs - q_saberpack04.ncs TGA and TXI files: - QSablillyTex.tga/ .txi - Var_Sab4Tex.tga/ .txi - Var_SabTex01.tga/ .txi - Var_SabTex003.tga/ .txi Icon TGA files: - iw_lghtsbr_065.tga - iw_lghtsbr_066.tga - iw_lghtsbr_067.tga - iw_lghtsbr_068.tga UTI and UTP files: - Q_evenstlghtsbr.uti - Q_lilylghtsbr.uti - Q_rightlghtsbr.uti - Q_sceptlghtsbr.uti - q_backpack.utp - q_chewcorpse.utp - q_lostpile.utp - q_rubblepack.utp ================================================================ USING CHEATS: When you're not planning to replay the game from the start or your further in and want to use the hilts just copy the UTI files, MDL and MDX files, TGA and TXI files to your override. Use the following cheats or KSE_333 to get the items: giveitem q_evenstlghtsbr giveitem q-righlghtsbr giveitem q_lilylghtsbr giveitem q_sceptlghtsbr ================================================================ SPOILER LOCATIONS: Talk to shaleena on Taris to find The Lily of Felucia in a backpack. Go out of the camp, through the gate, turn right. Next to big block of concrete you'll find the backpack. When finishing your Jedi training on Dantooine, you're free to explore it's plains. Not far out the doors of the academy, you'll meet Jon. Who's upset by the Mandalorians raiders killing his daughter. After that brief conversation, follow the left path to the old Rakata Ruins. On the way you'll encounter a pack of Kath Hounds, between some rocks. Defeat the beasts, look between the rocks for a 'chewed up' corpse of a poor Jedi. The Righteous Hand of Mercy is on the body. On Tatooine the dock officer approaches you when you first land on the planet. Look at the back of the docking area, left of the Ebon Hawk to find a pile of clothes. You just found the The Evenstar of the Blue Dawn. On Kashyyk when you first meet Jolee; follow him to his hut. After some chit chat with the old Jedi, follow the right branch/ path (south west on the map), just after where Jolee is located. Walk to the end, under the big branch/ root you'll find some rubble. It contains the Sceptre of Conthu. ================================================================ Credits: All made by Quanon. ================================================================ Disclaimer: By downloading and using this mod you agree that we will not be held responsible if anything goes wrong with your computer because of your use of our files. Use our mods and files at your own risk. ================================================================ Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic (KotOR I) and Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords (KotOR II) are copyright © LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment respectively. No copyright infringement is intended by me. My special thanks to everyone who's made a tool or program that helps out with modding KotOR, especially those found at http://www.starwarsknights.com/tools.php Questions? Contact any of us at Lucas Forums in this thread: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?p=2839164#post2839164
  2. Okay, another tiny update for today. Scripting and testing has finished. Everything works, yahoo! Though to give it a real polished finish, I'll be using the TSL patcher. Perhaps for such a simple mod it's not really required. But it's just that much easier for you guys, the users Plus I've got learn this stuff! Anyway, here's a peek at those 4 saberhilts:
  3. Another tiny update. The lightsaber hilt pack is almost ready to ship out I had to relearn on how to spawn objects into the game via dialogues. I've picked most dialogues that start automatically, though the hilts won't appear in the inventory magically. You'll have to look around the area a bit. Planets where one of the hilts can be found: -Taris -Dantooine -Tatooine I'll add a small spoiler section to the read-me file - also for compatibility issues - on which NPCs dialogues were edited. If all goes well, tonight ( my local time ) or tomorrow the mod will be up for download.
  4. The Korriban mod is for K1, I find it fits better with the story that I have in mind, since the Sith are active on Korriban in K1. The Nar Shaddaa is for TSL. For the smaller item mods, I'll see to it that they get released for both games. Though the hilts and the Darth Bandon reskin will first be released for K1. It just goes a little easier to mod K1 in my experience than for TSL. So I've got my hilts working in the game. And I've already setup the placeables where the hilts will be found. I've been peeking at the scripts, but I'm a bit at a loss where I should let my spawning scripts fire. And how I should use the TSL patcher to include my scripts without breaking everybody's game of the folks that will use my mod... Any tips are welcome.
  5. Doh! It's funny though, I spelled Felucia correctly in the uti file of the lightsaber Thanks for those corrections
  6. Had some extra time today, so I was able to finish the third lightsaber hilt. The sceptre of Conthu I was actually able to rush this one; seeing what went wrong with UVWmap on the previous hilts; I could fix this one in less then an hour. Really enjoyed that feeling of easyeness So a quick preview from within the game of said hilt, not very visible in these shots, but the 'bling' effect and my alpha channel works really well on this hilt. Which made me even more happier
  7. Thanks for the nice replies so far Here's a tiny update on the saber pack I'm working on. Two of the hilts are done, lost time on correctiong the UVWmapping. I'm trying to give each hilt a nice, simple back story. So now I've got the Lilly of Feluchia and the Rightious Hand of Mercy finished, zany name right? Thought it fits with the lightside Jedi thing Now to start work on the last two hilts; I'll have to learn the TSL patcher thing, so there's no need to open the cheat console, I'll spread the hilts across the planets of the game. It'll be just a randome backpack or corpse where you'll find them. Perhaps a small datapad with more 'story' content. Think that's always a nice addition. A preview in gameshot! Dang, I always forget how tiny they look in the game
  8. Hey all! I decided to start a WIP thread on these boards as well. Think most folks know me from LF, Holowan labs. Though since its a lot more quiet on those boards, less modders these days; I'll start a thread here. To get more feedback and just some general talk and fun on the projects I'm working on. A list on what's in the pipe: - Nar Shaddaa: Crazy night project - Korriban Expanded - Darth Bandon, reskin + helmet - Lightsaber pack - Malachor skybox Top two are long running affairs; since I want both of these project to use my own modeled areas. Both are still being worked on, though very slowly. As sometimes problems really kill my enthusiasm. So I put it on hold and do something else Though today, I'm here to show some first real result for a new Malachor skybox. I've been torturing my PC, by doing experiments in Terragen 2.0, a over the top, landscape modelling software thing. But it's a hard to learn program, it takes ages to render stuff. And I never got the results I hoped for. So I set out to create a Malachor landscape in 3Ds Max instead. Again some experimenting, but not getting what I want. It all lacked details and my PC is just not powerful enough to do the landscape in one go. Doing some search'n and learn'n from tutorials across the intrenetz, I ended up with far more pleasing result. The plan is to render out various mountain peaks of Malachor in Max. Then put those together in Photoshop, where I'll add the clouds and atmosphere to bind it all together. Anyway, here's a first peak at little chunk of Malachor.
  9. Hmm, you know each model has a lot of those little green boxes, those helper objects. Floating about. Like mask hooks; which say where the game needs to put a mask to a players head; There's even a head hook. All sorts of that. Perhaps this is also about such an object; where the X Y Z is set to 0 0 0 and somehow this makes NWmax go 'bonkers'. I've had NWmax do crashes on all sorts of stuff. Though I can't recall anything like the above.
  10. Sounds like animations to me. And IIRC, all versions of MDLops don't tread animations very well; or not at all. Plus there are still some mystery 'nodes', little parts that the creators of MDLops didn't know what it was. The only thing I know is that MagnusII was working on the animation 'problem' for Kaurora. I guess he has some really good insight on how the whole MDL and MDX thing works. I'll have a look in my contacts on my Gmail, I should have MagnusII email address, I used it waaaaaaaay back in time to get in touch; or try PMing him on LF. Sometimes he replies, could take a while though. I do know he used the info from NeverWinter modding sites to get started on Kaurora; but the guy is a genius I can't help much, I'm just a creative type of guy, never had much interest in coding.
  11. Wow, SS! That's a very faithful recreations of the official Bioware screenshots. A real shame the PC got stolen >:- / I lost my first area models due to a fried Graphic card in my Laptop... And I've got the same sentiment. Creating new areas, making them fun to play and look good is a very BIG task. Most folks don't know what goes into it and how tedious it can get to solve all the tiny bugs and other messes in your model. It is mostly just that part that can suck so hard you sort of rage quit on a project. I've restarted my Nar Shaddaa project 3 times now. Blasted lightmaps!!! I don't hold a grudge against Disbeliever. I tried to apologize to Disbeliever, but I guess I never got my message across to him. And perhaps he thought Holowan was a bit too much in favor to me ... since I'm a long time resident. *sigh* Oh, SS, the capital of light is still being worked on, though very very slowly. Whenever you feel like it; I'm just a PM away ;-)
  12. Hey, Sleheyron, oh boy. Where to start? Let's see... Ah, yes, way back in time on the LF boards that it all started. So I got the ball rolling together with MagnusII to create new area models. Well, to be honest; MagnusII did all the heavy lifting. I just tested Kaurora and told him how I did things in 3Ds Max to create my areas. Anyway, the whole modding community was thrilled with this breakthrough. So a few ambitious modders, SithRevan (R.I.P my friend), Darth Insidious and a few others got together. They looked at K1 and started to dig into the files of the game, to see what got scrapped by Bioware. It wasn't only Sleheyron that was left out in development. There was a whole bunch of small things left out or just altered. So, my fellow modders asked me to start and design Sleheyron, I had 3 or 4 screenshots from the real Sleheyron, Bioware showed at games show like E3. I jumped in and started to work. Though, like any big ambitious project, we didn't get far. Interest fizzled out and people had serious issues to deal with in real life. It died a quiet death... certainly after SithRevan took his own life, very sad day... That was the first attempt at Sleheyron. But a few years back and a newer group of modders on LF. I guess the buzz about creating new areas attracted a lot of newbies. SithSpecter and all, hahaha, good times! Disbeliever joined LF and for a long time we all worked on our own mods and stuff. Though Disbeliever found the older threads of Sleheyron, saw that I had worked on that. He asked me to team up. I agreed to help out and together we had some nice progress. Even MagnusII helped out to make a new breakthrough on the Lightmap business. And then, I crashed... See, in those days I suffered from depression - though I didn't know that then. But I had good moods and very bad moods; where I was dog tired. Everything started to feel just to heavy to carry on. Even modding, which before I enjoyed very much. Instead of being honest with Disbeliever and telling him I didn't have the energy to continue on the works; I just... well, I kept my mouth shut. And made it worse by putting more time in one of my own projects. In one of my good mood swings, I posted about my own project on LF. Disbeliever saw that and got furious. We exchanged a few PMs. But the damage was done.... Disbeliever thought of me as a liar and a cheat. Putting my own projects before the team effort. I understand his frustration and anger. I admit that what I've done was wrong... And I feel sorry for it. Though Disbeliever forgets one thing. I've teached him a ton of things about creating areas and models for the Kotor games. I was not just working on new models. I made a few short tutorials and things to help him out. That took time as well! And modding isn't my only interest. For Disbeliever modding was a very serious thing; that is what I got out of those last few PMs between us. I had a very different view to his. Plus the depression thing; I ended up in the hospital for 4 months if you have to know. It might sound cheap and an easy excuse, but I was a different person back then. That sums it up a bit. Pictures of the first Sleheyron project can be found here: http://s116.photobucket.com/user/slazzir/library/Sleheyron?sort=3&page=1 Pictures at the second attempt: http://s129.photobucket.com/user/Quanon/library/Sleheyron_2?sort=3&page=1 http://s129.photobucket.com/user/Quanon/library/3D?sort=3&page=16 You'll have to browse around a bit. The albums are a bit of cluttered mess
  13. Does it look like this: This is a 'fake' wireframe, mapped on to the model. A more precise mapping would give better results, but this was quick and dirty test run.
  14. File Name: Telos Citadel Station Skybox by Quanon File Submitter: Quanon File Submitted: 03 May 2013 File Category: Skins Telos Citadel Station Skybox ============================ MOD AUTHOR: Quanon ORIGINAL RELEASE: 03 MAY 2013 FOR WHAT GAME: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords Description: ---------------- Apologies for the late release on this. (I've had a busy week offline.) A long time ago . . . in a Mod Request not far away, I (Sith Holocron) requested a mod to improve the low resolution quality of the skybox as seen outside the windows of Telos' Citadel Station. I highlighted - to anyone that would listen - a few issues that I thought needed addressing. The buildings seen through those windows had a low resolution skin. The grid of pipework seen at the base of those buildings looked like a blurry mess. Someone listened. This mod created by the talented Quanon remedies all of that. Though the screenshot above doesn't show it, the skybox does have the red windows that would be seen later in the game as well. In addition to the TGAs and TXI, there are also PSD files for those of you that would like to fool around with the textures in Photoshop. There's also a TIF file that suits the same purpose. Installation: ---------------- For Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2 - Extract the TGA files and the TXI file into the Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic/Override folder. To Uninstall: ---------------- Take them out again. Known Bugs: ----------------- None known at this time. Legal Disclaimer: ------------------- All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc. Quanon owns none of the materials, and he's not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed as-is without alteration, unless by permission of Quanon. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either. Use it however you like, but if you're going to post it up somewhere, or make a derivative mod, or use it in another mod, please put a line in the readme, mentioning Quanon. Click here to download this file
  15. Version 1.0


    Telos Citadel Station Skybox ============================ MOD AUTHOR: Quanon ORIGINAL RELEASE: 03 MAY 2013 FOR WHAT GAME: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords Description: ---------------- Apologies for the late release on this. (I've had a busy week offline.) A long time ago . . . in a Mod Request not far away, I (Sith Holocron) requested a mod to improve the low resolution quality of the skybox as seen outside the windows of Telos' Citadel Station. I highlighted - to anyone that would listen - a few issues that I thought needed addressing. The buildings seen through those windows had a low resolution skin. The grid of pipework seen at the base of those buildings looked like a blurry mess. Someone listened. This mod created by the talented Quanon remedies all of that. Though the screenshot above doesn't show it, the skybox does have the red windows that would be seen later in the game as well. In addition to the TGAs and TXI, there are also PSD files for those of you that would like to fool around with the textures in Photoshop. There's also a TIF file that suits the same purpose. Installation: ---------------- For Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2 - Extract the TGA files and the TXI file into the Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic/Override folder. To Uninstall: ---------------- Take them out again. Known Bugs: ----------------- None known at this time. Legal Disclaimer: ------------------- All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc. Quanon owns none of the materials, and he's not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed as-is without alteration, unless by permission of Quanon. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either. Use it however you like, but if you're going to post it up somewhere, or make a derivative mod, or use it in another mod, please put a line in the readme, mentioning Quanon.
  16. Ah, yeah, still need to reply to that x-D

  17. Quanon

    Update on 1.8

    Hey, peeps. Quanon here, Sith Holocron asked me to drop a line on the Scrapyard project and where it stands. I guess I could give a quick rundown on the history of this mod. Since I was only heavly involved at the start of it. Back in the day me and Glovemaster where on SithRevans team: who's aim was to bring back cut content for K1. It was also the "pioneering" days of making full new 3D models for areas. Anyway; the whole K1 restoration thing died a quiete death. Me and Glovemaster stayed in contact, so one day I was messing about with my 3D; and in some chat sessions we decided to make an arena mod. A whole host of wild ideas and thoughts past by. Lots of the crazyness was dropped as always modding slows down, life interfears, I'm certain you all know how it goes... Anyway, me and GM kept working, models where finished, tweaks added. Gm started to do his scripting magic. It took him quiete awhile to get things working like he wanted. All in all, it was go/ stop thing. Glovemaster was occupied by college work. At some point Dstoney offered to help out. I had some PMs and chatting with GM, packed everything up we had on Scrapyard and passed it on to Dstoney. IIRC Dstoney was still hard at work on TSLRCM, so Scrapyard was more at the back. I did get some PMs on how things where going. SToney had to figure out what GMs scripts where all about. Stoney did make some good progress. But it was still a side project. TSLRCM was still the main thing for him. And IIRC it caused a burn out for Stoney ( modding wise ofcourse) After that Darth Insidious asked me about Scrapyard, what had happened to that. So I gave him the story above. Mentioned Dstoney was on it, but I hadn't heard from him in a good while. I'm certain DI and Stoney had some PMs about it. So DI more or less carried on what was already there... Thing is though I haven't worked on this for like 3years; I gave it to other modders and have no clue what they're doing with it x-D Or how finished it really is... Well that's a bit of the history for Scrapyard. I've you guys like I can dig about my HD and Photobucket for some screenshots.