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263 Jedi Grand Master

About Quanon

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    Jedi Master
  • Birthday 09/21/1985

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  1. Looks like getting new placeables into the game is harder then I thought?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Quanon


      I just have this very simple "plane" model, which acts as a screen.

      I've edited the .Git file and 2DA file. Made an UTP file + model.


      Once the area 301NAR, the landingpad area, loads, it either crashes or it loads but my placeable is nowhere to be found.

      I've used Fairstrides Tool, to get some good coords for my placeable, it should be visible but it's not.


      And I've no idea about the crashes... It's pretty randome, depending from whi...

    3. Sithspecter


      Why don't you try putting it in the area's layout file first to see if it's the model or the whole placeable setup that's the issue.

    4. DarthParametric


      I find scripting is far more useful for testing placeables. Save GIT editing for the release version.