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Quanon last won the day on March 15

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263 Jedi Grand Master

About Quanon

  • Rank
    Jedi Master
  • Birthday 09/21/1985

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    To much to put in here!

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    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. VarsityPuppet


      Luke and Leia's wardrobe is very SWTOR, though not the Jedi class armor

    3. Quanon


      It was part of an art challenge. There where a few other nice looking art pieces, but I can't find the link back.

      But this one jumped out to me. Never played SWTOR, so I can't comment if the look matches or not.


    4. jc2


      I agree with your comment on Leia's clothes, but Luke's looks more idk, it looks like a hipster duster, than anything i came across in swtor. Yeah Quanon this is a neat piece of art, thanks for sharing it.