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Status Updates posted by bendarby24

  1. my heart goes out to the USA and all the famalys who lost children in the shooting :(

    1. bendarby24


      other hear we got a good regulations but i still havens from ime to time but i dont think it ever happend in schools :/

    2. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      The Newtown shooter stole the gun from his mother. It's not like he was able to buy the gun from somewhere.

    3. ZM90


      I think law abiding citizens should be able to have guns but there needs to be background checks no matter where you get the gun from, a required gun safety course, and a test a person has to pass to make sure they are mentally sane in order to own a gun. The reason these things need to be in place is to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and the mentally insane.

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  2. new dlc for skyrim coming out for xbox in september the 3rd. it cost 800 micrsoft point so it a cheap, small dlc which alows you to build houses, adopt kids and get your own siwerd and bard

    1. hkmandalore47


      damn thats cool. unfortunately, i have 0 mc points, so i dont even have dawnguard xD

  3. not good just checked 2 see if this bug i having been geting is because of mopds and it seems my k2 disk and normal files are cruipted and it will not play atris battel scene, does anybody knoqw where to get k2 really cheep because i have no money

  4. Obsidian wants to make kotor 3 and still think of ideas for the game

    1. HK-47


      Opinion: They should go for it. Now that LA isn't breathing fire and stupidity, they can make a game that will be awesome. And use the frostbite engine. I want to break things in KotOR.

  5. Ok guy I think this is it, I'm going to leave with vary few visits back to this site. I have been with the kotor moding community for 8 years now and don't worry Deadly stream is always going to be my favorite. I have made and seen a lot of friends leave over my years from the creator of web site him self stream or know as doctor to friends like Mandalore. But I have decided to final give up Kotor up, with most of my mods files been lost on dead web sites and being on my old computer...

    1. bendarby24


      Going to university soon and I think my time is over maybe in a couple of years I might come back to do one last play through with all the new mods

    2. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Let's not say goodbye then. Let's put it like . . . "See you around in a while!"

    3. VarsityPuppet


      One does not simply LEAVE the KOTOR community...


      Unless you're Dashus... or Darth Balor... or Doc Valentine...

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  6. OK guys i am coming back to moding I have decided and I wont to try some thing new, any suggestions?

    1. bendarby24


      but there some many thing i dont like ;) jokes, i will have a think about what i hate

    2. HK-47


      Suggestion: That you're weapons don't "sheath" (sabers/pistols don't go on the hips, rifles/swords don't go on the back) when not in use (like in HALO/TOR.

    3. bendarby24


      hummm good idea, i will defently add that to my list

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  7. ok the game where better than expected when they said the opening cermony would contain NHS workers, school children and volenters workers all of briten was like we are going to be so inbarist but it wasent that bad - loved wonderwall last night

  8. OMG this is why i hate the BMP party, so glad they banned this from TV

  9. R.I.P Bob Darby 16 september 2012

  10. R.I.P the 6 soldiers who died for there countrie

  11. REALY want a new game, but i should'nt just before exam mounth :(

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      If you think of the new game as a reward for doing well on your exams, perhaps the wait won't seem as bad.

    2. Darth_Sapiens


      do it. studying is for chumps. you know if you dont it'll rustle your jimmies eternally.


    1. Kerk


      "downguard"? haha. I wish they made a DLC that would improve AI in the game, cause as of now it's really dumb.

    2. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Was it worth the wait?

    3. bendarby24


      yes it good and lots of content. playing as a vampire lord is a littel bit glitchy but still amazing

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  13. such an old song, been singing since i was 5 years old and now im 17 and im still singing it, but englands never going to win in my life time :(

  14. thank god at last they put coldplay into the oympics, now we they just need to show iron miad then they will show the best of britan - love how im related to the drum off iron miaden - nicko (he my cusin) :)

  15. that all good then bread v ;) your swoop racing upgrade mod look really good so far, im looking forward to that comeing out in the near future :)

  16. there are dll files in my swkotor2 direct; these files are binkw32.dll and Mss32.dll

  17. think i just perfected the best difficulty mod ever, it not a hard core mod and also not a rebalance mod, but yes if you put it on difficult you are going to spend mutch more time in combat trying to kill enemys and alsouse a lot more sheilds, stims and medpacks. i came out of paragas with 0 medpacks, 0 stims and 3 sheiilds but i also made a lot of med packs, stims and sheild along the way in paragas via workbench/ medlab

  18. this is allsome - Knights of the Old Republic 2 lead designer Chris Avellone has praised, to Eurogamer, the efforts of voluntary The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM) team.[...]

    1. hkmandalore47


      wow thats big! congratulations to the team!

    2. newbiemodder


      Thanks for the info. Just read it. Congrats to TSLRCM team on well deserved praise!!

  19. urrg! Get my geography results tomozz for the januray exam

  20. we could be living star wars before you now it ;)

    1. bendarby24


      lol, confused why it said i did a 7.45 when i did it at 10.00 pm. it american time not the UK