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Status Updates posted by bendarby24

  1. my heart goes out to the USA and all the famalys who lost children in the shooting :(

    1. bendarby24


      other hear we got a good regulations but i still havens from ime to time but i dont think it ever happend in schools :/

    2. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      The Newtown shooter stole the gun from his mother. It's not like he was able to buy the gun from somewhere.

    3. ZM90


      I think law abiding citizens should be able to have guns but there needs to be background checks no matter where you get the gun from, a required gun safety course, and a test a person has to pass to make sure they are mentally sane in order to own a gun. The reason these things need to be in place is to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and the mentally insane.

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  2. hey, i ust wount to know for when M4-78 mod when i comes ot will it work with a save game just before korriban or have you edited other part of the game so i need to create a new game?

  3. Dragonborn DLC is alsome i rewived it 8/10 due to the fact you cant actally controll the dragon in the sence of movment or attack and all you can do it chose the target. But i know why they did this, it would be the bugist thing ever to do it and you would get a lot of people trying to fly through the meshes of mountians and discovering al location will take 5 minutes

    1. Kerk


      What about the story? Is it good or as usual?

    2. bendarby24


      yea i like it, it good but could have been longer in my oppion :/ but its intresting how i ties in with one of the oblivion relms

  4. i really wount start moding agein but i have so much work to do, at least i after 2 years at colage and 3 at university i can start making game perfecaly :) lionhead studies here i come!

  5. yay im 17 to day, so anybody on the roads better whatch out because i prideict im going to be a bad driver :/ i will be shouting i thought the A botton was exelarate :P

    1. hkmandalore47


      i thought the arrow key was to accelerate! xD


      and happy birthday!

    2. bendarby24
  6. Xbox live names please wount more freinds XD

  7. just relised after all this time i havent updated my profile, luckly i found my old avatar which i had before everybody acounts got deleated -_-

  8. im geting everybody i know to stop shoping at amzon and starbucks due to them not paying the uk tax and they starbucks alown owus more than 100 million pounds oO

  9. Happy birthday skyrim and less we forget - renemberance day 2012 :( to all those how have died for britan and across the world

  10. just renemberd 1 week ago it was my 5th year with deadly streams :D

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Happy anniversary!

    2. Hassat Hunter

      Hassat Hunter

      We've been at it that long? Damn...

  11. New skyrim dlc looks amazing

    1. Quauhtli
    2. Kerk


      Yep, but I suspect that dragon riding will be available only above Solstheim.

  12. just whatched skyfall and it really good

    1. milestails


      A James Bond film without martinis and Aston Martins is not a James Bond film. Even Sean Connery hates Heineken and BMWs.

    2. Darth Hayze

      Darth Hayze

      He's regenerated miles, he may be the same person, but like The Doctor, he changes slightly with each new skin.

    3. kyrie


      This is when Q starts working at MI-6 right?

  13. think i just perfected the best difficulty mod ever, it not a hard core mod and also not a rebalance mod, but yes if you put it on difficult you are going to spend mutch more time in combat trying to kill enemys and alsouse a lot more sheilds, stims and medpacks. i came out of paragas with 0 medpacks, 0 stims and 3 sheiilds but i also made a lot of med packs, stims and sheild along the way in paragas via workbench/ medlab

  14. fable the journey is actally i really good game, i have had a good time playing that game, defently the best knect game out there abd probably the best for years

    1. ZM90


      I don't think Kinect will last that much longer, maybe a couple of more years at the most seeing as how Microsoft and Sony will probably announce their next gen consoles next year or the year after since Nintendo beat them to the next gen punch.

    1. Cair


      Main duties include, but are not limited to cleaning toilet facilities, terminating of hosility, emptying bins, silently assasinating predeterminated targets, replenishing stock and cleaning changing room floors. Occasionally, wanton slaughter of innocent people may be requested.

  15. me and freinds made a indie music site which shows new and unheard good indie music and we are starting to go global with a couple of veiwers from america

  16. R.I.P Bob Darby 16 september 2012

  17. we could be living star wars before you now it ;)

    1. bendarby24


      lol, confused why it said i did a 7.45 when i did it at 10.00 pm. it american time not the UK

  18. thank god at last they put coldplay into the oympics, now we they just need to show iron miad then they will show the best of britan - love how im related to the drum off iron miaden - nicko (he my cusin) :)

  19. collage lecture was so boring, they found 5 million ways of useing the phrases x, y and x into every sentence

    1. Malkior


      Just wait until they start using z ...

      and various Greek symbols.

  20. OK guys i am coming back to moding I have decided and I wont to try some thing new, any suggestions?

    1. bendarby24


      but there some many thing i dont like ;) jokes, i will have a think about what i hate

    2. HK-47


      Suggestion: That you're weapons don't "sheath" (sabers/pistols don't go on the hips, rifles/swords don't go on the back) when not in use (like in HALO/TOR.

    3. bendarby24


      hummm good idea, i will defently add that to my list

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  21. fable the journey just went gold, i might be geting a internship at lionhead stuidoes

  22. fable the journy just whent gold, i might be geting a internship at lionhead stuidoes :)

    1. deckard92


      Is english your native language? I notice your spelling/grammar is near illegible, if not, I apologize.

    2. bendarby24


      im dislexic, dick^