Sith Holocron

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Blog Comments posted by Sith Holocron

  1. On 7/8/2018 at 7:24 AM, JCarter426 said:

    Also, if you want to extend the scenes rather than just replacing the existing footage, there's the matter of the audio - new sound design for the ship sound effects and new music. I don't think SFX would be that much of a problem thanks to the Star Wars Soundboards, but the movie version uses music from Seven Years in Tibet, which I don't think would be allowed. Although, now that we have MMO music as an option, that might be covered too.

    I lean towards replacing the in-game BIKs completely rather than merely extending them.  As you pointed out, it enables to avoid the issues of assets you don't have access to and using any sound design and music that you wish to use.  Seeing as you would be making a higher resolution (and larger) movie, not reusing any of the original materials to artificially extend the preexisting video is actually a bonus.


    On 7/8/2018 at 7:24 AM, JCarter426 said:

    To be honest, I'm reluctant to release the film version because I only see the parts I could do better now. 

    I would cheer for new versions that make use of your current talents and the latest available tools.

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  2. Well, there was that nice landing shot that you guys made for Korriban . . . any chance you could expand those (outside the ship) scenes into full landing videos for Korriban in both K1 and K2?  I believe I may asked for these before and was shut down harshly.  (Edit: Not by you, mind you.)

  3.  . . . a few hours later


    What do you with folks that ragequit in such a dramatic fashion?  You smile and nod, and let them calm down on their own.  (Which I've done now.)


    There's another problem I would've had with the video even if I had figured out all of the above: the skyboxes.  The skyboxes used in the "Part 4" picture above are combination of my Coruscant skybox and Sharen Thrawn's Nar Shaddaa skybox.  I can't release that merged skybox without ST's permission so the video seems to be a moot point, huh?