Drip Lord

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About Drip Lord

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    Jedi Initiate

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    This was really well made. I had a lot of fun using this mod to turn NPCs into Rakghouls lmao. Though, could you perhaps make this mod for KOTOR 2 at some point?
  1. View File Ludicrously Overpowered Stats This is my very first mod, and actually, quite a simple one at that. All this really does is give your player-character some extremely powerful stats at the start of the game. Perfect for those of us who are too lazy to do it properly. This will work with TSLRCM + M4-78EP, for those who are curious. Submitter Drip Lord Submitted 06/10/2021 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  2. Version 1.0


    This is my very first mod, and actually, quite a simple one at that. All this really does is give your player-character some extremely powerful stats at the start of the game. Perfect for those of us who are too lazy to do it properly. This will work with TSLRCM + M4-78EP, for those who are curious.
  3. Hey there, I know I'm extremely late to this thread, and it's probably better off dead now, but could you please possibly give me the Exar Kun hilt, if at all you're willing to indulge my request? I would genuinely appreciate it.