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Everything posted by RiftWalker112

  1. Hello! Years late in my case, but what kind of compression do the files use to work in the game? The PC voice is not loud enough compared to NPCs and companions and I've figured out how to equalize the voices but not how to save them in a format that KOTOR will actually use. Thanks! EDIT: Never mind, figured it out. It's "Signed 16-bit PMC". Let me know if you want the volume-corrected files to upload
  2. Thanks a lot! Out of curiosity, how should I go about acquiring more UV templates for other textures?
  3. Hey guys! Just having a bit of fun modding textures and I found Nihilus' texture files for his robes and mask, but modifying the texture file doesn't seem to be changing his sleeves and gloves... Could someone be a gem and tell me what part of the texture file maps to the hands and sleeves, please? Thanks!
  4. Is there any way to map the texture to a male PC mesh? Based on what I could tell the model is female for the hair, which means that his head is slanted compared to the male body (as female default body stance is with their weight on their back foot, so their shoulders are offset, while male default stance is more akin to a parade rest, and so their back is straight) and you can also tell as the mesh isn't quite angular enough around the jaw and eyebrows, meaning that up close his facial features are quite androgynous... Thanks
  5. SO I have a Revan Robes mod and would like to use the supermodel so that the skirt and cape don't clip with the feet. How would I go about doing that? (I'm new to modding, so if I can just repurpose stuff I'd rather do that)
  6. Hey! So I was just wondering whether you knew if your mod is compatible with "character star-up changes" (mod by jonathan7)?