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About linsul

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    Jedi Initiate

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  1. linsul

    Quanons Saberhilt Pack

    oh forgot to mention, absolutely beautiful work, by far the best hilts i've seen for this game.
  2. View File No background pain screams in Korriban Sith Acadamy (audio file remover) Simple blank .wav, replacing the tortured screams echoing through the Sith Academy. I found them unpleasant. Submitter linsul Submitted 04/15/2019 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  3. linsul

    Quanons Saberhilt Pack

    For anyone who feels that the stats are absurd, just open the .uti files (q_scepterlghtsbr, for example) using Kotor Tool, which you probably already have. You can delete all the bonuses, save, replace, enjoy.
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Simple blank .wav, replacing the tortured screams echoing through the Sith Academy. I found them unpleasant.
  5. linsul

    KotOR 1 Restoration

    what is the thumbnail of Manaan? the one with the holograms? i've gone through the game with this mod and i haven't seen that..