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JediArchivist last won the day on April 6 2020

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About JediArchivist

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    Jedi Knight
  • Birthday 06/23/1990

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    Star Wars, KOTOR, Computers, Technology, Cars, Photography

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  1. „The Twin Sun outfits replace the first five variations of the default clothing, though only for the main character. Wouldn't do to see half the refugees on Nar Shaddaa dressed like that, would it?„ Actually, it sounds lots of fun to see the refugees dressed like that! :giggle: Can someone please tell me what file I should copy and rename, and what to rename it to so that all variations of clothes are replaced by the Twin Suns outfits?
  2. „The Twin Sun outfits replace the first five variations of the default clothing, though only for the main character. Wouldn't do to see half the refugees on Nar Shaddaa dressed like that, would it?„ Actually, it sounds lots of fun to see the refugees dressed like that! :giggle: Can someone please tell me what file I should copy and rename, and what to rename it to so that all variations of female clothes are replaced by the Twin Suns outfits?
  3. Hello everyone! Can someone please help me with my Companion Cat mod? I just need someone to export my model and its respective texture as .MDL and .MDX files for both KOTOR I and II, as I have tried alot already but I either can't wrap my head around it (i have zero knowledge of Blender or any other 3D modeling tools) or there is a problem with my blender version or kotorblender plugin. I know the model is not rigged, and that it would take a tremendous amount of work to properly rig it, so I am not asking anyone to do anything like this! This is why I kindly ask You to just leave it unanimated, as is, just floating around over ground level! I would be very happy just with this result! I have attached the model .blend file and the accompanying texture below. I am kindly asking You to just export the model and texture as KOTOR I and II .MDL and .MDX files! Many thanks in advance and have a great weekend! @seedhartha cat.blend
  4. I downloaded it about 2 years ago when I first considered this project, and had it left sitting on an external HDD ever since, so I don't recall the website precisely, but I think it was this one: It is the only texture version I know of, but I believe it can be scaled to a higher resolution using an AI-assisted tool. I understand you can't make it walk like a cat, but can you at least make it "float" above ground level, I would be very happy to have it just like that! Many thanks in advance! @DarthParametric
  5. Yes, I downloaded it from a site hosting multiple free models and assets for Blender.
  6. Thanks for the reply! The model is animated, it has walk, run and death animations.
  7. Hello, I've been fiddling around in Blender, attempting to export a custom model as .mdl and .mdx files for a mod I've been working on. Unfortunately I have no knowledge in using Blender or any other 3D model editor! Could someone please properly rig and export my custom model and texture? Attaching .blend file and texture. Any help would be much appreciated, many thanks in advance! cat.blend
  8. I did what You recommended, now I can export the .mdl and .mdx files, but ran into another issue. If I open the file again in Blender, nothing shows at all (my model is absent). Also, when i try to use my model to replace another one from KOTOR nothing happpens, the regular model remains. cat.blend cat.mdl cat.mdx
  9. Thanks for the info, really helpful! I'll try it out and see what results I get...
  10. Can anyone please tell me what software tools I need (I have GIMP installed) and the exact steps needed in order to obtain this shiny PVC - like result as seen here: Many thanks in advance!
  11. KotorBlender won't export my .mdl file. When i click on Export/Kotor Model (.mdl) and click Export KotOR MDL nothing happens, no .mdl file is created in the source folder. I can import files just fine, but cannot export new files...
  12. How to install my mod in four easy steps: 1. Download the mod files from by clicking on the "Download This File" button. 2. You will get a .rar file where you chose to download the file (usually on your Desktop or in C:\Users\<username>\Downloads). 3. Unzip the RAR archive to your desktop. 4. Run the TSLPatcher.exe file and follow the directions within. After TSLPatcher is done installing the mod you should see the results in-game!