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About omi400000

  • Rank
    Jedi Initiate
  • Birthday 01/02/1997

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    Read books, comics, play games, walk, cook, garden, and learn history

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  1. omi400000

    Extended Ending

    The mod works with the PatySwap mod by By DarthTyren.
  2. Play the mod and it ran with no problem with the TSLRCM and M4-78.
  3. What is the most reasonable approach when dealing with both groups? Eliminate Serroco, Exchange, or both? Or keep both groups around?
  4. To any modders on this Reddit, I have a brilliant idea for a mod. Someone/group should make a mod where we Zayne Carrick appears in KOTOR 1 and 2 on different locations. He was a fan favorite in those KOTOR comics and I always wish we see him appear or least mention in those games; it's those cases where I wish the comic came out before the game. I want to know what happens